Top 10 Ways Black People Keep Racism Alive


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is :auiqs.jpg:

Because the white racists here do all the described actions.

Top 10 Ways Black People Keep Racism Alive, According to Wypipo

Michael Harriot
5/02/18 9:45am

As one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of wypipology, I am constantly searching for ways to translate my studies into real-world applications. Fortunately, there are hundreds of white people who generously take time out of their day to accuse me of being the real racist.

These scholars keep in constant contact with me to point out how I actually keep racism alive by talking about racism.

Because I am always open to sharing the wisdom of white America, I wanted to combine the practices that whites often describe as “race-baiting” into one top 10 countdown for those who are interested in keeping racism alive.

10. Play the Victim
One of the biggest reasons racism exists is that black people love playing the victim. It has been one of the favorite Negro pastimes ever since Africans locked themselves in chains, stowed away on American cruise ships and crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

Apparently, we are so in love with this dangerous activity, we are willing to subject our bodies to bullets and police batons just to participate in our own victimhood. We have passed it down through generations by naming our children whatever the fuck we want, in hopes that employers will continue the practice of throwing their résumés in the trash.

None of this is white people’s fault. It is black people’s fault because, by pointing out systemic inequalities like wage discrimination, school funding and disparities in the criminal-justice system, we waste valuable time not working twice as hard as our white counterparts to get half as much.

9. Engage in Identity Politics
When black people vote for black candidates, they are playing right into the hands of identity politics. Despite the fact that Donald Trump’s white voters were motivated by race, female voters are encouraged to vote for female candidates, Catholics voted for John F. Kennedy, Mormons voted for Mitt Romney, and politicians openly invoke their Christian identity to appeal to evangelical voters, the moniker of “identity politics” applies only to black voters.

A majority of white people have never voted for a black presidential candidate. Yet it is black people who keep racism alive because white is not considered a political identity. It is a birthright.

6. Be a Reverse Racist
One of the newest techniques in the field of racism technology is oppressing white people. Despite the fact that white people control every branch of the federal government, the financial industry, the entertainment industry, corporate America and the production of white tears, most white people feel that they are discriminated against.

Recently, white people have been forced to endure the harmful effects of only working jobs for which they are qualified and having their grades and test scores determine where they attend college. Meanwhile, blacks benefit from affirmative action mandates that allow them to apply for jobs for which they are qualified and to be accepted into colleges based on their grades and test scores.

How racist.

3. Don’t Blame Black People
It is possible to breathe life into racism without even talking to white people. For instance, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, combined with U.S. population estimates, in any given year, 95 percent of black people don’t commit a crime. In black neighborhoods, the number of anti-violence marches, education initiatives and crime-prevention groups far outweigh the number of Black Lives Matter marches.

Yet black people don’t want to talk about black-on-black crime. Why? Maybe it’s because white people never see these efforts, since media outlets don’t deem them newsworthy. Maybe it’s because, contrary to stereotypes, there is such a small percentage of black criminals. And maybe white people don’t know about these examples because there is no reason to talk to white people about black issues.

Nah, it’s gotta be because we’d rather keep racism alive by blaming whites.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.
Just like those on the other end of the issue, the Left's biggest sin is not looking in the mirror.

"My side doesn't do anything wrong. It's all on the other side".

Peas in a pod. Kindred spirits. And that's why we still have so far to go.

No, it's not the same.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do. Because this is the race and racism section and I do have the right to post about racism in this section. So when you and every other white mf like you can provide a post I have made that has stated how blacks are superior to whites just by virtue of my being black then your punk ass can call me a fucking racist. Your opinion that tries to assume things not said isn't going to cut it. And your ignorance that allows you the inability to understand that the term white racist describes only a specific part of the white race and that the only people here making it about all white people are you mental retard racists. Now find one post where I have described all whites as racists and/or stated my racial superiority to you because you're white and post it!
Last edited:
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
Yeah.....that sounds racist, also.
I don't think IM2 is nearly as smart as he claims to be. That's just my opinion.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
That was just too easy.

Just imagine if your mission had been to find a post of his that wasn't racist, instead?

You would be searching for weeks!
It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
Yeah.....that sounds racist, also.
I don't think IM2 is nearly as smart as he claims to be. That's just my opinion.

Nope. White is not a racial slur. South Africa is not a white nation, and I was talking about the consequences to whites because of apartheid. Iwas responding to a white racist who was complaining about a white genocide that's not happening while and apparently you have chosen to "forget" what whites have done in south Africa.

Nice try.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
Yeah.....that sounds racist, also.
I don't think IM2 is nearly as smart as he claims to be. That's just my opinion.

Nope. White is not a racial slur. South Africa is not a white nation, and I was talking about the consequences to whites because of apartheid. Iwas responding to a white racist who was complaining about a white genocide that's not happening while and apparently you have chosen to "forget" what whites have done in south Africa.

Nice try.

What have blacks done to detroit? What if I said it's about motherfucking time white people moved in and kicked their black asses? Am I racist yet?
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Yep. And what was that said in response to?

Was it not made to a racist comment directed to me? Do you think you have the integrity to post the entire comment?
Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Here's a good one:

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
Yeah.....that sounds racist, also.
I don't think IM2 is nearly as smart as he claims to be. That's just my opinion.

Nope. White is not a racial slur. South Africa is not a white nation, and I was talking about the consequences to whites because of apartheid. Iwas responding to a white racist who was complaining about a white genocide that's not happening while and apparently you have chosen to "forget" what whites have done in south Africa.

Nice try.

What have blacks done to detroit? What if I said it's about motherfucking time white people moved in and kicked their black asses? Am I racist yet?

If you were to actually study Detroit you couldn't make that comment. On top of that there is no sane comparison between Detroit and what whites did in south Africa.

You guys are extremely stupid people.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do. Because this is the race and racism section and I do have the right to post about racism in this section. So when you and every other white mf like you can provide a post I have made that has stated how blacks are superior to whites just by virtue of my being black then your punk ass can call me a fucking racist. Your opinion that tries to assume things not said isn't going to cut it. And your ignorance that allows you the inability to understand that the term white racist describes only a specific part of the white race and that the only people here making it about all white people are you mental retard racists. Now find one post where I have described all whites as racists and/or stated my racial superiority to you because you're white and post it!
:auiqs.jpg: Before you embellished your post, this IS what you posted..."Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do."
Now you're quantifying what YOU think the definition of racism and racist is after you were shown you're own racist remarks.
It's doesn't work that way. You are the same thing that you are calling others. Embrace it, and then we can move on.
The list didn't include:

Flood internet discussion groups with racist dunces like IM2 who whine like babies about white racism while engaging in 100 times the amount of such, themselves.

It's pathetic how you racist whine because we point out your racism. USMB is full of racists and not one is named IM2. You can't post one example and when called on it you all make the same tired comment hoping that your gaslighting will make me be quiet.
IM2...I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of yourself.
I don't want you to remain quiet, I want you to continue with your tripe.
I want you to expose just who you are....a Black racist. carry on

Post an example of my racism. That's all you need to do.
Remember this, IM2, "toilet crust saltines"?

Yep. And what was that said in response to?

Was it not made to a racist comment directed to me? Do you think you have the integrity to post the entire comment?
Dude, your words are racist......If I had called you something as vile as that, it wouldn't have made any difference what was before it
or what was after it. I didn't read anything before or after, your words ...not mine....were racist. Those words speak for themselves.
I guess it's okay to say racist things if a racist said something, and that somehow cancels out YOUR racism?
Now....I challenge IM2 to find a racist post of mine.
He won't be able to do it.

You haven't found a racist post of mine. You have found my responses to racism directed to me that you called racist. Which is what white racists do. Furthermore you have not attacked the whites here for their racism which shows that you have similar beliefs.

I'm getting called a black racist for posting in opposition to white racism in a section designed to talk about race and racism. Meanwhile whites can post up as much racism as they want.

Funny how that happens.
Now....I challenge IM2 to find a racist post of mine.
He won't be able to do it.

You haven't found a racist post of mine. You have found my responses to racism directed to me that you called racist. Which is what white racists do. Furthermore you have not attacked the whites here for their racism which shows that you have similar beliefs.

I'm getting called a black racist for posting in opposition to white racism in a section designed to talk about race and racism. Meanwhile whites can post up as much racism as they want.

Funny how that happens.
I take it with all of that deflection BS you couldn't find any of mine....AND nothing that could even be misquoted to sound like racism.
And, yes, you have given plenty of ammunition with your racism.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Have a nice day, IM2

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