Too much Saber rattling & Too much hate from the left

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We need to slow this Rollercoaster down before it leaves the tracks. We're seeing a nice uptick on Wallstreet and the January jobs report was positive. Its far too soon to see if this translates to main street. It's only been two weeks and I feel like BOTH sides are trying to do too much too fast.

We don't need to put ourselves into a box where we feel obligated to goto war with Iran & the left needs to calm the fuck down before they create an explosive point of no return.
The leaders of the radical left, like Soros, have no intention of stopping. Soros won't let go of his dream of one world government. He has funded most, if not all, of the protests and riots. Too many leftwing extremists intend to get rid of Trump. Some openly talk about assassination. Some are preparing for a blood revolution, claiming it's the only way.

Some might calm down once they realize they have been misled by extremists who have gotten people riled over non-issues. When women are wearing vagina costumes and screaming about equal rights, as if Trump or anyone else intends to take the away, it's clear that they aren't upset about any specific thing and are just worked up over imagined issues. No, Trump isn't going to grab them or make abortion illegal. On the other hand, free birth control, free tampons, and free abortion are not rights. So much fury over trashy guy talk over a decade ago but never any outrage over serious mistreatment of women. Kennedy killed a woman and went back to a party, yet the left adored him. Muslims don't believe in women's rights or equality but the left defends them. Selective outrage or brainwashing?

BLM and their followers continue with the hateful rhetoric and want cops gone. They refuse to acknowledge the real problem with black poverty and crime, which is liberal policies that have kept minorities down and dependent. Asking police to ignore the crimes and leave them alone won't make the residents in the inner cities safer. And over 50 years of the welfare state has proven that the left will not lift them from poverty. Those protesting the justified shootings by police and falsely claiming racism are ignoring the real danger. They are far more likely to be shot by others in their neighborhood than by police. They are the ones who truly need cops but have been convinced to hate them by race baiters and fake news.

Those protesting the election are just crazy. They have no legitimate gripe but are out there expressing their displeasure and hatred. They are like the drunk idiots who start fights with fans of opposing teams when they lose the big game.

Riots and crazy protests have been the norm for quite a few years now. It's the "in" thing to find any excuse to protest, turn it into a riot and then start looting, burning and attacking people.

The Occupy Wall Street protests had no clear message. It was about class warfare and envy.

George Soros not only funded the protests but hired thugs to bus around the country to start violent riots.

Now, some must be hooked on the violence because it begins at the drop of a hat. It's gone from destroying property and stealing to physical attacks and calling for a civil war.

The radicals are the minority despite fake news making it look like it's way more.
And President Trump won't be slowing down either, not in his nature.

We're going to have to hope that logical Dem's take back their party.
And President Trump won't be slowing down either, not in his nature.

We're going to have to hope that logical Dem's take back their party.

Its sad to think that only a couple of million out of the population had the numbers to swing the election for this idiot. He is not a presidents bootlace. And he doesn't mind an executive order either. He's not waiting for the house to get together. Stuff that. Gimme that pad of exec. orders. I will blow the shit out of some one.
The cronies he has placed around him will eventually be his downfall. That woman the other day who got sacked because she opposed the tyrant in chief. The man is a narcissistic bully and verging on a fascist.

The list of ratbag things he has already done do nothing to enhance his moto of making America great again.
Your opinion.

I'm fucking thrilled they voted for him, I was prepared to leave the country if Hillary was elected. Now I get to stay because there's hope that America still stands for the values I believe in.
The leaders of the radical left, like Soros, have no intention of stopping. Soros won't let go of his dream of one world government. He has funded most, if not all, of the protests and riots. Too many leftwing extremists intend to get rid of Trump. Some openly talk about assassination. Some are preparing for a blood revolution, claiming it's the only way.

Some might calm down once they realize they have been misled by extremists who have gotten people riled over non-issues. When women are wearing vagina costumes and screaming about equal rights, as if Trump or anyone else intends to take the away, it's clear that they aren't upset about any specific thing and are just worked up over imagined issues. No, Trump isn't going to grab them or make abortion illegal. On the other hand, free birth control, free tampons, and free abortion are not rights. So much fury over trashy guy talk over a decade ago but never any outrage over serious mistreatment of women. Kennedy killed a woman and went back to a party, yet the left adored him. Muslims don't believe in women's rights or equality but the left defends them. Selective outrage or brainwashing?

BLM and their followers continue with the hateful rhetoric and want cops gone. They refuse to acknowledge the real problem with black poverty and crime, which is liberal policies that have kept minorities down and dependent. Asking police to ignore the crimes and leave them alone won't make the residents in the inner cities safer. And over 50 years of the welfare state has proven that the left will not lift them from poverty. Those protesting the justified shootings by police and falsely claiming racism are ignoring the real danger. They are far more likely to be shot by others in their neighborhood than by police. They are the ones who truly need cops but have been convinced to hate them by race baiters and fake news.

Those protesting the election are just crazy. They have no legitimate gripe but are out there expressing their displeasure and hatred. They are like the drunk idiots who start fights with fans of opposing teams when they lose the big game.

Riots and crazy protests have been the norm for quite a few years now. It's the "in" thing to find any excuse to protest, turn it into a riot and then start looting, burning and attacking people.

The Occupy Wall Street protests had no clear message. It was about class warfare and envy.

George Soros not only funded the protests but hired thugs to bus around the country to start violent riots.

Now, some must be hooked on the violence because it begins at the drop of a hat. It's gone from destroying property and stealing to physical attacks and calling for a civil war.

The radicals are the minority despite fake news making it look like it's way more.
. I think America and Trump should issue an order to capture Soro's as a war criminal who has made war with the United States from within by way of proxies. He should be sought after to be arrested, and then tried, and imprisoned. If these things are true what you say, then he is an enemy of this country and should be sought after as the enemy. George Soros, the enemy of America.

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