Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain but nations throughout the world


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain, but nations throughout the world
Never have we in the UK seen such swift ‘justice’ enacted as we have with Tommy Robinson’s arrest and imprisonment all within a mere five hours.

Some may argue that he broke the conditions of his parole from a previous time when he videoed outside of a courthouse, but even if this were true, the speed at which they silenced him was head spinningly shocking.


The global awakening is happening and the only ones to be left behind are the satanic, cult worshipping leftist liberal morons around the world See them all as Trump haters. Those who choose to vote to give up their freedom for communism but are so dumbed down they think what they live now is communism.

Weak minds are easily fooled by those who glorify a huge Gov that thinks for them, breathes for them, tells them what is safe, what isn't......... They don't even realize that is going on. ( Gov. thinking for them that is).
This is why legalization of drugs is vital. An addicted mind needs a government to think for them.
Hes a petty criminal who is now behind bars. For the good of society. He is now believed to be crying for his Mam.
It is disturbing—but not the least bit surprising—how eager those on the left wrong are in this matter to take the side of a gang of child rapists, and a corrupt government determined to protect them and cover up for their crimes.

Just more proof of what I have been saying, that modern LIbEralism is a mental- and moral disease.
Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain, but nations throughout the world
Never have we in the UK seen such swift ‘justice’ enacted as we have with Tommy Robinson’s arrest and imprisonment all within a mere five hours.

Some may argue that he broke the conditions of his parole from a previous time when he videoed outside of a courthouse, but even if this were true, the speed at which they silenced him was head spinningly shocking.


The global awakening is happening and the only ones to be left behind are the satanic, cult worshipping leftist liberal morons around the world See them all as Trump haters. Those who choose to vote to give up their freedom for communism but are so dumbed down they think what they live now is communism.

Weak minds are easily fooled by those who glorify a huge Gov that thinks for them, breathes for them, tells them what is safe, what isn't......... They don't even realize that is going on. ( Gov. thinking for them that is).
Why don't his cultists ever use his real name?
Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain, but nations throughout the world
Never have we in the UK seen such swift ‘justice’ enacted as we have with Tommy Robinson’s arrest and imprisonment all within a mere five hours.

Some may argue that he broke the conditions of his parole from a previous time when he videoed outside of a courthouse, but even if this were true, the speed at which they silenced him was head spinningly shocking.


The global awakening is happening and the only ones to be left behind are the satanic, cult worshipping leftist liberal morons around the world See them all as Trump haters. Those who choose to vote to give up their freedom for communism but are so dumbed down they think what they live now is communism.

Weak minds are easily fooled by those who glorify a huge Gov that thinks for them, breathes for them, tells them what is safe, what isn't......... They don't even realize that is going on. ( Gov. thinking for them that is).
The large numbers of peaceful protesters over his incarceration and foreign politicians peacefully calling for his release, will do nothing. Nothing will change without an actual revolution.
Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain, but nations throughout the world
Never have we in the UK seen such swift ‘justice’ enacted as we have with Tommy Robinson’s arrest and imprisonment all within a mere five hours.

Some may argue that he broke the conditions of his parole from a previous time when he videoed outside of a courthouse, but even if this were true, the speed at which they silenced him was head spinningly shocking.


The global awakening is happening and the only ones to be left behind are the satanic, cult worshipping leftist liberal morons around the world See them all as Trump haters. Those who choose to vote to give up their freedom for communism but are so dumbed down they think what they live now is communism.

Weak minds are easily fooled by those who glorify a huge Gov that thinks for them, breathes for them, tells them what is safe, what isn't......... They don't even realize that is going on. ( Gov. thinking for them that is).


So they put him in a MAX. Prison this is a death threat to Tommy where 73% are Muslim . They are moving him to the Max. prison. This again is his death sentence.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter
WHEN MORONS don't get the truth

Britain Has Fallen: Journalist Jailed for Covering Child Sex Trafficking Trial

[URL='']Via The Daily Bell

It is a crime to report on certain events in Great Britain. But one defiant journalist ignored the court imposed gag orders and reported anyway on three connected sex abuse trials involving dozens of defendants.

Police arrested Tommy Robinson outside the courthouse while he filmed using Facebook live. The courts had already delivered a suspended sentence to him for covering the second trial. Now they say he has breached the conditions of that suspended sentence and will be spending 13 months in prison.

In the space of the next few hours, a judge tried, convicted, and sentenced him to 13 months in jail — and also issued a gag order, demanding a total news blackout on the case in the British news media. Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was immediately taken to Hull Prison.

What This is NOT About

Robinson is known for starting the English Defense League. The idea is to protect Great Britain from Muslim extremists.

But this is not about Robinson’s politics. You don’t have to support his message in order to be horrified that a man is being silenced by the British justice system.

It is extremely important to protect “offensive speech” because the term is entirely subjective. Remember it wasn’t so long ago that people found it offensive that black and white people should be able to attend the same schools. When governments have the power to define crimes subjectively, they can punish anyone they want.

In the first case, Robinson–whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon–was held in contempt of court with a suspended three-month sentence for filming on the court premises. The judge admitted that whether one is allowed to film certain court procedures comes down to where a comma is placed in the law.

The judge broadly interpreted the law to ban recording of anything court related. He told Robinson to refrain from recording or his sentence would be imposed and increased.

But another interesting thing about the first court procedure is that the judge took issue with the title placed under the video that Robinson took. It said, “Tommy Robinson in Canterbury exposing
Muslim child rapists, Police help them escape.”

If you read the list of the defendants in the child human trafficking case, you will find that all 29 have names typically associated with Muslims and people from predominantly Muslim areas of the middle east. The judge helped to shield the defendants from being recorded by Robinson by allowing them to be escorted out of court by police via an alternative route.

What it is Really About

The judge claimed:

This contempt hearing is not about free speech. This is not about the freedom of the press. This is not about legitimate journalism; this is not about political correctness; this is not about whether one political

They arent "updates" its bullshit fake news for cretins like yourself.

Show me the link to a reputable source that names the prison and the religious breakdown of its population.

It would be great if the story were true but its just bolllox.


Maybe u should get that hijab out of your fkn eyes and look real hard for the MULTIPLE LINKS that are right in front of your face.

Viture signaling an idiots best friend.

They arent "updates" its bullshit fake news for cretins like yourself.

Show me the link to a reputable source that names the prison and the religious breakdown of its population.

It would be great if the story were true but its just bolllox.


Maybe u should get that hijab out of your fkn eyes and look real hard for the MULTIPLE LINKS that are right in front of your face.

Viture signaling an idiots best friend.
I can see that you are triggered. Probably becuse you have been caught posting shit again. Why not try and verify the fantsy you published ? Or do you accept its a load of bollox ?

They arent "updates" its bullshit fake news for cretins like yourself.

Show me the link to a reputable source that names the prison and the religious breakdown of its population.

It would be great if the story were true but its just bolllox.


Maybe u should get that hijab out of your fkn eyes and look real hard for the MULTIPLE LINKS that are right in front of your face.

Viture signaling an idiots best friend.
I can see that you are triggered. Probably becuse you have been caught posting shit again. Why not try and verify the fantsy you published ? Or do you accept its a load of bollox ?
They arent "updates" its bullshit fake news for cretins like yourself.

Show me the link to a reputable source that names the prison and the religious breakdown of its population.

It would be great if the story were true but its just bolllox.


Maybe u should get that hijab out of your fkn eyes and look real hard for the MULTIPLE LINKS that are right in front of your face.

Viture signaling an idiots best friend.
I can see that you are triggered. Probably becuse you have been caught posting shit again. Why not try and verify the fantsy you published ? Or do you accept its a load of bollox ?
Now,what about that link ?

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