Told Ya!

The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!
who cares? we don't want the fucken wogs in the West. they only become feminist lesbians when westernised anyway. Let him have the bastards.
You aren't in the west.
I said the West, not the west.
You aren't in The West.
You Progs reek of desperation.

You are just too retarded. You do realize Putin is an ex-KGB thug, dontcha retard?

I'm old school Reagan Cold Warrior, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

I am not kidding when I say you single-digit IQ pseudo-cons are just like the 70s hippies. Always whining and complaining and hoping for the worst outcomes for America and sucking off Russian leaders.
Nobody believes you. But what exactly is obama or Hillary going to do about Crimea? Seems they consider themselves as Russian anyway.

Hillary gave Vlad a reset button, remember?
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?
Fuck Ukraine. It's none of our business.

If you want WWIII vote Cankles.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!
You mean Obamas backing....
We get only 2 valid choices here. One male 70 year old with apparent Asperger's syndrome, and another ? A female Pathological liar. Both have questionable ethics, and they are our ONLY choices? WHOOPEE!
We get only 2 valid choices here. One male 70 year old with apparent Asperger's syndrome, and another ? A female Pathological liar. Both have questionable ethics, and they are our ONLY choices? WHOOPEE!
Why do you say trump has aspergers? He is the most emotional candidate ever.
You Progs reek of desperation.

You are just too retarded. You do realize Putin is an ex-KGB thug, dontcha retard?

I'm old school Reagan Cold Warrior, you fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.

I am not kidding when I say you single-digit IQ pseudo-cons are just like the 70s hippies. Always whining and complaining and hoping for the worst outcomes for America and sucking off Russian leaders.

I thought you were an Eisenhower Republican?

Did Russian annex the Crimea after St Hillary the Inevitable was no longer SecState
Trump says he'd let Russia off the hook for invading Crimea.

Obama and Clinton won't.

Trump is Putin's patsy. And everyone knows it.

And if you support Trump, you're Putin's patsy, and everyone knows it. Otherwise why would you want to reward Russia for taking Crimea?
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
Enlighten us how close is the Obama/Clinton/Kerry approach to getting Russia out of the Crimea? How about the other parts of Ukraine where they have troops? This is in no way a defense of Trump but the team of Obama/Clinton and now Obama/Kerry sure as hell hasn't made any progress on that front.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Wow, G, can't believe you thought he was serious.....He was mocking the press....since they won't ever do shit against democrats.
I think Trump will very shortly get a call from them.... with hands full of money for the service.

Hillary is an idiot for providing free military service all over the world.
Trump says he'd let Russia off the hook for invading Crimea.

Obama and Clinton won't.

Trump is Putin's patsy. And everyone knows it.

And if you support Trump, you're Putin's patsy, and everyone knows it. Otherwise why would you want to reward Russia for taking Crimea?

Trump rendered Obama powerless to handle this situation these past few years
We get only 2 valid choices here. One male 70 year old with apparent Asperger's syndrome, and another ? A female Pathological liar. Both have questionable ethics, and they are our ONLY choices? WHOOPEE!
Why do you say trump has aspergers? He is the most emotional candidate ever.
He lives in a world of his own. No verbal or intellectual restraints, lack of empathy, same repetitive messages, and so on.

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