Told Ya!

We get only 2 valid choices here. One male 70 year old with apparent Asperger's syndrome, and another ? A female Pathological liar. Both have questionable ethics, and they are our ONLY choices? WHOOPEE!
Why do you say trump has aspergers? He is the most emotional candidate ever.
He lives in a world of his own. No verbal or intellectual restraints, lack of empathy, same repetitive messages, and so on.
Lack of empathy?
Enlighten us how close is the Obama/Clinton/Kerry approach to getting Russia out of the Crimea?

Russia is hurting financially They can't afford more war.

Sanctions have effect.

And nobody dies.
Russian is hurting according to who? According to the Obama administration the sanctions against Cuba weren't working which is why he ended them so why would they be any more effective with Russia? Russia has what it wants for now if anyone thinks they can't take more if they decide to is being naive.
Russian is hurting according to who? According to the Obama administration the sanctions against Cuba weren't working

They were working in the sense that Cuba was broke. You didn't see Cuba launching any wars, did you?

They didn't work for regime change. But then, nobody is expecting them to work for regime change in Russia.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.

That's one theory and probably true. IIRC, under the guise of Ukraine joining NATO, which Russia was very much against. We've been "working in the region" for decades and who knows what we were really up to.

My point was more that it is really odd that it's Trump's fault for being a candy ass with Putin when he's certainly not the one who screwed the Ukraine royally. In reality, Trump was firing people on his reality show when Ukraine got the shaft.
Russian is hurting according to who? According to the Obama administration the sanctions against Cuba weren't working

They were working in the sense that Cuba was broke. You didn't see Cuba launching any wars, did you?

They didn't work for regime change. But then, nobody is expecting them to work for regime change in Russia.
Hate to break this to you but the only way you will get Russia out of the Crimea and the other parts of Ukraine where they have troops is by regime change and if sanction don't as you say work for regime change then we are wasting our time using them against Russia.

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.

That's one theory and probably true. IIRC, under the guise of Ukraine joining NATO, which Russia was very much against. We've been "working in the region" for decades and who knows what we were really up to.

My point was more that it is really odd that it's Trump's fault for being a candy ass with Putin when he's certainly not the one who screwed the Ukraine royally. In reality, Trump was firing people on his reality show when Ukraine got the shaft.
I see your point and agree. And I agree with Trump on this issue but, strategically speaking, this is a losing strategy for him. Only his lemmings are going to follow him off the cliff on this issue, he is going to further alienate the rest of America.

Have to wonder if he wants to win.
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Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.

That's one theory and probably true. IIRC, under the guise of Ukraine joining NATO, which Russia was very much against. We've been "working in the region" for decades and who knows what we were really up to.

My point was more that it is really odd that it's Trump's fault for being a candy ass with Putin when he's certainly not the one who screwed the Ukraine royally. In reality, Trump was firing people on his reality show when Ukraine got the shaft.
I see your point and agree. And I agree with Trump on this issue but, strategically speaking, this is a losing strategy for him. Only his lemmings are going to follow him off the cliff on this issue, he is going to further alienate the rest of America.

I agree. It is a no-win situation at this point. Both candidates seem to be trying to get people to NOT vote for him/her. Both have huge unfavorability numbers. If ever there is a chance for a 3rd party candidate, it is this election. I suspect voter turnout will be shockingly low.
I have a very difficult time believing he could find Ukraine on a map. I also have a very difficult time believing he knows anything about the politics of the region.

I have a difficult time believing that Barron is Donald's son. I think Ivanka was a little bit of a wild child and these guys pulled the old school internal adoption.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.
Thank you, Pravda reader and Putin fellow traveler, but you are full of shit.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Sanctions don't work. Was that not the view of Obama in reestablishing relations with Cuba? Yet we still find human rights remains to be an issue of concern there, even while Obama works to ease travel and commerce in that country.

Whether one is pro-Trump or anti-Trump I fail to see how what goes on between Russia and the Ukraine is any of our concern. Many people in this country are sick and tired of our soldiers getting killed or returning home damaged due to fighting everyone else's wars for them.
I thought we had promised to defend Ukraine in some deal or other?

We were supposed to defend them from Russian aggression. That was the deal we made when we convinced them to give up their nukes and join the nonproliferation agreement. Ukraine would have never given up their nukes, therefore their defense, if we had not promised to protect them.

Rather than honor our agreement, we decided we are kinda war weary. We slapped a few sanctions on Russia to make it look like we haven't totally forgotten our promise. In reality, we pretty much told Ukraine we got what we wanted from them, so they are on their own.

It has been over 2 years, I believe, and the administration is satisfied that we have done all we are willing to do about Russia annexing Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

Now, apparently it is very bad that Trump isn't willing to fight Russia for Crimea on Ukraine's behalf, even though the current administration threw Ukraine under the bus and showed the world we wont honor our pacts.

IIRC, this was after Hillary's term as SoS. Her husband made the promise to Ukraine and Obama broke it ... but Trump is the bad guy for not being tough on Putin, rofl.
You forgot the part where the US destabilized Ukraine and installed a neofascist government that threatened the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Putin is a humanitarian for rescuing them from the fate other less fortunate people received in Odessa and other regions.
Thank you, Pravda reader and Putin fellow traveler, but you are full of shit.
Don't take my word for it pussy, listen to the president explain how Putin's actions in Ukraine were not part of a grand strategy but instead were reactions to Washington's provocations.

I wonder if any of you ignorant statist war mongers have considered what those people want?
I have friends there, do you?
Quit trying to run every bodies fucking lives. gawddamn
And OP, quit with your fucking fear mongering. Piss drinking rube
I work with Ukrainians, dumb fuck. They are scared shitless Trump is going to allow Putin to take all of their country.

They shouldn't be too worried.

"The Russian language is the most common first language in the Donbass and Crimea regions of Ukraine, and the predominant language in large cities in the East and South of the country. The usage and status of the language (currently Ukrainian is the only state language of Ukraine) is an object of political disputes within Ukrainian society. Nevertheless, Russian is a widely used language in Ukraine in pop culture and informal and business communications."

I'm sorry, but did you just posit that Ukrainians shouldn't be worried about Russia invading and taking over their country because they speak the same language?
I wonder if any of you ignorant statist war mongers have considered what those people want?
I have friends there, do you?
Quit trying to run every bodies fucking lives. gawddamn
And OP, quit with your fucking fear mongering. Piss drinking rube
In political science, statism is the belief that the state should control either economic or social policy, or both, to some degree. Statism is effectively the opposite of anarchism.
Are you an anarchist? Why all this "statist" flinging?
I will keep my fingers crossed for your friends. We should not be running their lives. If they don't want to be part of the USSR, though, I think we are obliged to help them through some treaty or other. USSR doesn't have a right to come in and take over independent countries.
The tards scoffed when I explained why Putin wants Trump to be President.

So here's Trump today: Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Donald Trump Appears to Back Russia's Annexation of Ukraine's Crimea

The question came from Mareike Aden, a German reporter, who asked him whether a President Trump would recognize Crimea as Russian and lift sanctions on Moscow imposed after its 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory. The candidate’s reply: “Yes. We would be looking at that.”

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

I recall when Libtards fell in love with USSR PM Gorbachev. They praised him as the world's greatest leader. Now Libs hate Russia. My how times have changed.
We get only 2 valid choices here. One male 70 year old with apparent Asperger's syndrome, and another ? A female Pathological liar. Both have questionable ethics, and they are our ONLY choices? WHOOPEE!
Why do you say trump has aspergers? .....

Because she has no idea what Asperger's Syndrome is. She just thought it would sound cool.

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