todays democrats ...a masochist cult .

this is what it means to be a democrat ...a white democrat in America. View attachment 347267

Maybe if it cleared their guilt and they'd never have to apologize for being white then it might be worth it. Maybe a chip implant that says their debt is paid... When reparation taxes hit, they're exempt. Any black person who sees them would have to have a chip reader and know that they're part of the good whites...

What is there guilt? Who in the majority of American citizenry today owns slaves? Who in America does subjugate the black man? Who controls the Blue Plantation Cities and States? Who has promised black people and the poor a utopia and has reneged on every promise? Who created the Ghetto's in Blue cities, created Jim Crow Laws and show animus to Christians, Jews Whites and Blacks?
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats spurred on for over 100 years by the actions of Democrats like Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson.
and now the dear leaders of the left are submitting to the cult ! 1591656780314.png

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