Todays Democrat


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Far-left Denver City Democrat Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca stated from her government Twitter account on Monday that she stands in “solidarity” with someone who posted a graphic stating that if they became infected with the coronavirus, they wanted to attend as many Trump rallies as possible in an apparent effort to infect supporters of President Donald Trump.

CdeBaca, who has advocated for communism in the past, responded to a tweet that featured a graphic that stated: “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.” Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters
Do we need the China approach.....if youre a lib board em up in their house
Charge them with terrorism for using a bioweapon, and ship their ass to Gitmo....
Fruits of perpetual hate mongering...….sooner or later its going to blow
Candi Cde (Communist Dyke eejit) Bacca has a good idea. The part where she gets infected with the coronavirus, anyway.
Only a moron Leftist lunatic would walk around with the last name "Cde Bacca" and not officially change it.

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