Today may be The Day for California!

I see...the more wrong you are, the more jerkwad you get. Good to know.

My marriage IS "recognized" in CA. My partner of 17 years and I, now my spouse of 4, get to file joint taxes as a legally married couple in the State of CA. We have a marriage license issued by the State of CA in the county where we live. It is valid and recognized in the State of matter how many times you use the "faggot" label. (which is likely just projection and self loathing on your part)
The more wrong?
Will maybe California should amend their own constitution.
Te;; me how does a mayor authorize gay marriage license when the state Constitution says other wise? we go. You're confused over the timeline. You are confusing the Gavin Newsom marriages with the actual legal marriages that occurred in 2008.

Perhaps you should learn more about the issue before spouting off and seeming even more ignorant than you already do. This should help...

Timeline: Proposition 8. The battle over gay marriage in California

I already posted a link with the timeline in it for him. I guess he too has a reading problem.
Lol have fun being legally married bode. It's not as great as they make it sound. Lol

That's situational. I happen to be VERY happily married and have found it "as great as they make it sound." It would be even greater if I didn't have to worry about my partner in the even of my untimely demise. It would be fantastic if I knew she would be taken care of with my pension and SS if something were to happen to me.

It's really great for our kids to be able to say we are married too.
The more wrong?
Will maybe California should amend their own constitution.
Te;; me how does a mayor authorize gay marriage license when the state Constitution says other wise? we go. You're confused over the timeline. You are confusing the Gavin Newsom marriages with the actual legal marriages that occurred in 2008.

Perhaps you should learn more about the issue before spouting off and seeming even more ignorant than you already do. This should help...

Timeline: Proposition 8. The battle over gay marriage in California

I already posted a link with the timeline in it for him. I guess he too has a reading problem.

I think it's more that the facts don't fit with his twisted world view so they are ignored.
I see.....our marriages affect you so very very personally that you start saying rude things to people. How very sad to be you, in that your "marriage" would be so weak that you lash out at people across the country who want their civil rights upheld.

Sorry you don't have a marriage. Wish you would stop insulting those who do have one as if you did.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it. Those unintended consequences keep rearing their heads, but folks keep wanting government involved in their personal decisions and bedrooms.

Go figure......
Sorry you don't have a marriage. Wish you would stop insulting those who do have one as if you did.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.

no you're not married well maybe in a couple of states but leave those states and see how much your marriage is recognized.

Thus, your advocation for the third world-like, backwards states.
Sorry you don't have a marriage. Wish you would stop insulting those who do have one as if you did.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it.

Fighting for our rights via lawsuits and legislation and elections is "begging for it"? Who knew. I guess women were "begging for it". I guess blacks were "begging for it".
If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it.

Fighting for our rights via lawsuits and legislation and elections is "begging for it"? Who knew. I guess women were "begging for it". I guess blacks were "begging for it".
I'm not the one asking the government to get involved in MY bedroom (nor yours). Nor am I asking the government to get involved in MY healthcare choices (or yours).

I find government clusterfucks ensue, so I never ask for it.

The race and sexist card failed, Butch. :thup:
Sorry you don't have a marriage. Wish you would stop insulting those who do have one as if you did.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it. Those unintended consequences keep rearing their heads, but folks keep wanting government involved in their personal decisions and bedrooms.

Go figure......

Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it.

Fighting for our rights via lawsuits and legislation and elections is "begging for it"? Who knew. I guess women were "begging for it". I guess blacks were "begging for it".
I'm not the one asking the government to get involved in MY bedroom (nor yours). Nor am I asking the government to get involved in MY healthcare choices (or yours).

I find government clusterfucks ensue, so I never ask for it.

The race and sexist card failed, Butch. :thup:

So you've never been legally married I take it?
If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

Bod and I are married to our respective partners. There is no difference between our marriage and yours other than our partners are of the same gender. Everything else is exactly the same. The gender of our partners should not (and soon will not) determine equal treatment under the law.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it. Those unintended consequences keep rearing their heads, but folks keep wanting government involved in their personal decisions and bedrooms.

Go figure......

Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise.

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it.

Fighting for our rights via lawsuits and legislation and elections is "begging for it"? Who knew. I guess women were "begging for it". I guess blacks were "begging for it".
I'm not the one asking the government to get involved in MY bedroom (nor yours).
How odd...neither are we. We want the government as much in or out of our bedrooms as everyone else.

Nor am I asking the government to get involved in MY healthcare choices (or yours).
...this is about same-sex marriage remember....DO try to stay on topic.

I find government clusterfucks ensue, so I never ask for it.

So...civil marriage is a government clusterfuck?

The race and sexist card failed, Butch. :thup:

Oh look....don't have a valid argument so you insult. Well, not that I didn't see THAT one coming. :lol::lol::lol:
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it. Those unintended consequences keep rearing their heads, but folks keep wanting government involved in their personal decisions and bedrooms.

Go figure......

Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise. is and has been for over 200 years. Tell us, what have YOU actively done to get government out of the marriage business altogether?

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.
Actually, there IS a difference between his and yours. If he moves to one of the many states who do not recognize same-sex marriages, that state considers him married. Not the case for you.

Too bad the government has gotten involved in everyone's bedrooms, but the LGBTs keep begging for it. Those unintended consequences keep rearing their heads, but folks keep wanting government involved in their personal decisions and bedrooms.

Go figure......

Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise.

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.

I'm fairly certain that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever can perform a ceremony without the legal marriage certificate....they just don't often get asked to do so. I wonder why?
Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise. is and has been for over 200 years. Tell us, what have YOU actively done to get government out of the marriage business altogether?

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.
And, because it IS involved in our bedrooms....which you and I agree it should not be..... it should remain that way.

That's pretty funny.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise. is and has been for over 200 years. Tell us, what have YOU actively done to get government out of the marriage business altogether?

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.
And, because it IS involved in our bedrooms....which you and I agree it should not be..... it should remain that way.

That's pretty funny.

Are you now or have you ever been legally married?
Obviously I wasn't talking about on a legal level or the differences would be a lot greater than just reciprocity between states.

How is the "government in your bedroom" if you get a legal marriage? Tax breaks, survivor benefits and hospital visitation aren't "in my bedroom". How does a legal marriage involve the government in my personal decisions and my bedroom. Please be specific.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise.

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.

I'm fairly certain that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever can perform a ceremony without the legal marriage certificate....they just don't often get asked to do so. I wonder why?

I'd really like to see the Movement to Get Government out of Marriage and if postes like Si Modo are card-carrying members of that organization...and what petitioning, lobbying, etc. that group is doing to REALLY get government out of Marriage.
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise. is and has been for over 200 years. Tell us, what have YOU actively done to get government out of the marriage business altogether?

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.
And, because it IS involved in our bedrooms....which you and I agree it should not be..... it should remain that way.

That's pretty funny.

How is government involved in our bedrooms....share.
The race and sexist card failed, Butch. :thup:

Oh look....don't have a valid argument so you insult. Well, not that I didn't see THAT one coming. :lol::lol::lol:
It's what I do when I see a failing poster pull the lame cards, Butch.

Bitter lesbians get so boring with their dishonesty after a while. But, dayum...slamming them in court for it is awesome. :thup:
The race and sexist card failed, Butch. :thup:

Oh look....don't have a valid argument so you insult. Well, not that I didn't see THAT one coming. :lol::lol::lol:
It's what I do when I see a failing poster pull the lame cards, Butch.

Bitter lesbians get so boring with their dishonesty after a while. But, dayum...slamming them in court for it is awesome. :thup:

I'm not the bitter sounding one, my friend. You are name-calling. Classic bitterness. You may not like what Seawytch and I are presenting. To resort to bitter name-calling (btw, nice projection there) just shows your lack of a valid argument.

Again, what have YOU actively done to get government out of the marriage business?
The government should never be in the marriage business...hetero or otherwise.

But, it is. Ever wonder how it is that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever becomes an agent of the state whenever they perform a religious ceremony? I've never been OK with that.

Just for starters on the topic of government in bedrooms..........

"Marriage" is nothing but a contract between two persons and THAT'S how it should have been and should be.

I'm fairly certain that a priest/rabbi/pastor/whatever can perform a ceremony without the legal marriage certificate....they just don't often get asked to do so. I wonder why?

I'd really like to see the Movement to Get Government out of Marriage and if postes like Si Modo are card-carrying members of that organization...and what petitioning, lobbying, etc. that group is doing to REALLY get government out of Marriage.

They aren't doing shit except bitching about it on gay marriage threads. They didn't give a shit about "getting government out of the marriage business" until the queers starting asking for equal access to it. I've also noticed that the overwhelming majority of these folks are themselves legally married. (notice how she won't answer that question).

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