To what degree is it appropriate for a sitting president to deprecate a SCOTUS decision?

Maybe because they lied about their intent

The Supreme Court is not above reproach.
They are judged by all Americans and will be judged by History
Well that's new from you commiecrats.....I love how the roles reveresed and you guys are squealing like stuck pigs. Killing babies is really important to you, how important? See what CA abortion law is, my guess you can kill the baby one day before the due date and they are fine with it.....fucking sickos.
Biden was np0otr harsh enough. What we have is 6 righty wing Nazis who are aiding Republicans into turning this into a dictatorship. The Supreme Court is the enemy of the people.

The fact is that the SCOTUS has ignored the Constitution.

There is no such thing as a unborn child. A fetus is not a child.
What is a child? And what is a fetus?
Maxine Waters at a protest: "To Hell with the Supreme Court!" Fomenting violence again and nothing happening to her.

In the same D.C. mob where abortion enthusiasts are handing out Supreme Court justices’ home addresses, Maxine Waters and other Democrats are soliciting law-breaking and courting mob violence on Friday.

"Maxine Waters and Al Green among members of Congress who've shown up outside the Supreme Court to denounce the end of Roe. "Women are going to control their bodies, no matter how they try and stop us," Waters says. "The hell with the Supreme Court, we will defy them."

"This isn’t even in hiding anymore. It’s just out in plain sight defiance of the law and invitation to take the law into the mob’s own hands."


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They lied

They specifically stated Roe v Wade was the law of the land and that they supported the precedence

If they thought Roe was UnConstitutional, they should have stated so when they were confirmed

Instead……They lied
Should never have been asked. Litmus tests for the court are wrong.
If that was the case, why didn’t they say so at their confirmation instead of lying to Congress?
Because they should never advertise how they will vote on any given case. Each one is unique, but apparently democrats can't figure that out.
The TRUMPCourt will not only be denigrated by Biden, but by history.

Their partisan support of Republican dogma will be condemned by history
Maybe in the history books written in crayon from the mental clinics.
Biden was np0otr harsh enough. What we have is 6 righty wing Nazis who are aiding Republicans into turning this into a dictatorship. The Supreme Court is the enemy of the people.

The fact is that the SCOTUS has ignored the Constitution.

There is no such thing as a unborn child. A fetus is not a child.
A zygote is a life. And an embryo is a baby in an early stage of life.
Biden was pretty harsh this afternoon as his condemned the conservative justices and called it a “sad day for the country*” and the ruling a “tragic error.” He even went so far as to claim that the justices “took away a Constitutional right” when of course there is no constitutional right to an abortion and was the crux of what the SCOTUS determined.

Is it not undermining a co-equal branch of the government for a president to say that the SCOTUS has violated the Constitution?

* It‘s not a sad day for million of yet unborn children.

It wasn’t just him. Pelosi made some more direct comments singling out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. With threats from pro choice protesters going on how is this acceptable? It’s not, It’s completely irresponsible. If something happens to either justice the old cow needs to be removed from office.

Because they should never advertise how they will vote on any given case. Each one is unique, but apparently democrats can't figure that out.
RW pulled that Democrat talking point out his ass.
Biden was pretty harsh this afternoon as his condemned the conservative justices and called it a “sad day for the country*” and the ruling a “tragic error.” He even went so far as to claim that the justices “took away a Constitutional right” when of course there is no constitutional right to an abortion and was the crux of what the SCOTUS determined.

Is it not undermining a co-equal branch of the government for a president to say that the SCOTUS has violated the Constitution?

* It‘s not a sad day for million of yet unborn children.

A politically activist court unbothered by precedent should be vilified and changed.
Good for President Biden.
Biden was around when the court made the decision in 1973. it's come full circle. Truthfully this is a compromise of the abortion issue. On TV commentators were saying that there are medications that can be mailed to people to abort and that is about 60% of abortions.
The people that crafted the Constitution had just successfully and completely rebelled against their government.
I love it when libs pretend that they don’t understand that the 2d Amendment was inserted (as part of the Bill of Rights) in order to secure ratification of the whole Constitution. The framers understood full well that we have a mistrust of an overreaching and too-powerful government. They understood that the people reserved a right to fight against any such tyranny.
A politically activist court unbothered by precedent should be vilified and changed.
What automatically makes the first ruling correct and the one overturning it not? The first one was in violation of the Constitution and the decision has been rightfully returned to the states.
She was laughing at you poor benighted cultists who needed help with that.
No. She couldn’t admit that the definition of woman is damn clear. And why? Because she didn’t want to give any ammo to some conservative mocking this “trans rights” thing. Hyper PC horseshit governs leftard “thinking.”

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