..............to defend the US Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.......


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Thanks for yet another butthurt thread from a guy who supported the losing party.....Your phantoms are recognized but laughed at.
The crazy ones are the ones talking like they're ready to kill people over politics.
Thanks you yet another butthurt thread from a guy who supported the losing party.....Your phantoms are recognized but laughed at.

You should take these people seriously. Their language is starting to get disturbing.
I see.. Your guns are safe along with your God of choice....Freedom of speech is always questionable.

I just mean rather than laugh at them maybe you should take their threatening language seriously. The left at this point almost seems to be daring them to do something through mockery and generally just not taking them seriously.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Well, yes and no.

What has been done to rectify the lawlessness we see in government over the years? Both parties have their never ending massive conspiracy theories. Yet no one is ever held accountable. Neither side demands accountability.

So the GOP is really just as guilty, if not more so.

"Lock her up!" was the motto Trump ran on, but I knew it was all a lie. I think Trump is just hoping that so long as he plays the game, that is not holding the lawless accountable like Hillary and Quid Pro Quo Beijing Biden, they will leave him alone once he leaves office.

We shall see.
Protect and defend the constitution that the Empty Suits in the District of Criminals swear, in the affirmative, to do- the caveat is, "to the best of my ability"- their ability, is, at best, to defend their tyranny perpetrated under the color of law with more laws- there are so may federal laws they can't be counted and it is estimated every adult in the US breaks at least 3/day- can you say enemies, foreign and domestic? Domestically we have, officially, the war on drugs, and the war on poverty and so many laws they can't be counted making everyone, legally, a criminal- unofficially we have the war on education and finances of the majority of voters- protected and defended- though neither is a power or authority granted, which, their education assured them that was not the case, apparently-
Protect and defend the constitution that the Empty Suits in the District of Criminals swear, in the affirmative, to do- the caveat is, "to the best of my ability"- their ability, is, at best, to defend their tyranny perpetrated under the color of law with more laws- there are so may federal laws they can't be counted and it is estimated every adult in the US breaks at least 3/day- can you say enemies, foreign and domestic? Domestically we have, officially, the war on drugs, and the war on poverty and so many laws they can't be counted making everyone, legally, a criminal- unofficially we have the war on education and finances of the majority of voters- protected and defended- though neither is a power or authority granted, which, their education assured them that was not the case, apparently-
The goal I think is to cast such a web of laws abroad that everyone eventually breaks them. Then, if the state wishes to lock someone up, all they have to do is investigate them, much like what they did to Trump to get rid of him. Just start looking at anything and everything and everyone around them till you hit pay dirt

Remember, they got Capone for tax evasion. It's all about targeting those in society those in power want to dispose of.

But those in power are bullet proof

I don't think "those in power are bullet proof". We'll see as I've been patiently waiting for the payday the lord told me was coming almost twenty years ago. Payday wasn't talking about money but justice where each receives their just reward be it good or bad ones.
Thanks for yet another butthurt thread from a guy who supported the losing party.....Your phantoms are recognized but laughed at.
Just another delusional Socialist Socio
Thanks for yet another butthurt thread from a guy who supported the losing party.....Your phantoms are recognized but laughed at.
Just another delusional sociopath.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Are you posting from your nursing home room?
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Are you posting from your nursing home room?
Look up the Term Democracy. You are a perfect example of why ending the Draft was a stupid idea. I do more in a Day than you do in a month.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Yet, even though our military leaders took the same oath to defend our Constitution against our enemies, including domestic ones, they continue to just sit back and do nothing regarding the Communist takeover. I remember seeing the photo of an Air Force Academy graduate holding his hat to see written inside: Communism will win." That had me worried that the clown may have just been the tip of the iceberg in the military., especially as our public schools have become Marxist breeding grounds. So the reason the military just continues to sit back and let things deteriorate, is because the top brass may be compromised Communist sympathizers.
The only thing that may have to occur is an armed insurrection to take the nation back to its Constitutional Republic roots.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Stupid fucking jarhead go fuck your self. Go start your war there dumb fuck we are all shaking in our boots. Mean while ya wanna tear up the streets over a fat dumb fuck that doesn't give a shit about you. Fat ass Trump is the seditious one. Fuck you talks for birches lets see your worse dumb fuck.
Fought my War in Vietnam and lived to talk about. You would shit the bed if you had to serve in the Armed Forces or like many of your lot couldn't pass the physical any way.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!

How are they 'violating the 1st amendment of our constitution'?
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!

How are they 'violating the 1st amendment of our constitution'?
By attempting to change our Constitutional Republic Governed by the Rule of Law to Socialism and morphing into Communism. People want to come to the USA from Communist a Socialist Countries. You are delusional to think other wise.
I took my Oath on 2/25/1966 as a US Marine. I lived up to that oath. Our Democrats have failed carry out theirOaths of Office.
Our form of Government is a Constitutional Republic Governed By The Rule of Law. We are not a Democracy.
Domestic enemies are both wackos to the extreme both and Right and the Left. A revolution changes the form of Government, Social Order and the type of economy. The extreme wackos on the left's motto is to do just that. They are continuing to violate the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. These Dems are domestic enemies!
Thank you for your service and Semper Fi! I was a couple years behind you Plt. 2207 10/14/68 MCRD, RVN, 1971. I agree with your domestic enemy comment.

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