Tips If A Hurricane Is Coming At You

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Got This is an email thios weekend

I hope people follow these simple steps

Here are the rules for the 2007 Hurricane season, if any storms form this year:

1. We can estimate pretty well where a hurricane is going to hit about a week in advance of landfall, and we can estimate EXTREMELY well where it's going to hit about a day in advance. If it's heading your way, get out of town.

2. Watch the freakin news. In 2005 there was some guy walking around Orlando during the storm, confused why none of the businesses were open, because he had no idea there was a huricane coming. Don't wait until the last minute when cops are driving through the streets telling everyone to get out - you'll be stuck in traffic and run out of gas.

3. It is not the responsibility of the US Government to rescue you, cloth you, feed you, find you a place to live, or write you a check/give you a debit card. Take some personal responsibility. Buy some insurance.

4. Don't be one of those jackasses who thinks that because your house is built to withstand a category 5 hurricane, and it's only a category 3, you'll be OK. You could still flood, have no access to roads or supplies, be in the path of a tornado spawned by the hurricane, or have a power line snap and fly up your ass. Get the F out, seriously. If the hotels are full, either rent an RV or drive further.

5. Don't top off your gas tank if you're still above half a tank. Just keep going, the further away from the impact area you get, the more likely the gas stations will be open and still have plenty of fuel.

6. Don't buy 20 packs of D batteries if you only own two flashlights. A single four-pack is enough.

7. Don't go to the store and fill your cart with gallon jugs of bottled water. You don't need it. Just start saving your existing water jugs (or wash out milk cartons and use them) and if you think you're going to need them, fill them from your sink before the storm hits.

8. If you have relatives on the other side of the state or somewhere within reasonable driving distance who have the space to accomodate you, make preparations with them in advance and leave early if you have to. If nothing happens, no harm no foul - you got to spend time with your family, still have a house to go back to, and didn't have to throw any money away on a hotel. If something does happen, you're out of the path of the storm and glad you didn't have to find a hotel to live in for the next couple of months like all of those other idiots who didn't get out in time.

9. This one should go without saying, but here it goes anyway ... if you live below sea level, just freakin leave. Your state and local governments don't care about you, and the Federal government isn't organized enough to pick up their slack. Don't be retarded and point fingers and place blame ... YOU LIVE BELOW SEA LEVEL, JACKASS! NOTHING GOOD IS GOING TO COME OF THAT.

10. If there is a military surplus store in your area, it wouldn't hurt to have a couple of MRE's. You don't have to buy a months worth of food, but at least a couple of days. They store for years so if you don't use them this year, you're already prepared for next year. They're lighter than cans, don't have to be cooked, and give you enough energy and calories to do what you need to do without getting tired.

11. Unless you're in a Jeep or other lifted 4x4 vehicle, don't drive through moving water. Six inches of moving water can slide a car down the road.

12. Check your SPARE TIRE and JACK - this is one that no one ever thinks about. You never know what kind of debris you might run over, and if your spare tire is no good or you don't have a jack, you're screwed. AAA isn't going to come get you. It's also a good idea to have an onboard air compressor.

13. Just don't be a dumbass, use some common sense, and you'll be fine. Things can be replaced.
Thanks RSR. Living in Florida, this is highly important!

You are welcome

If a Cat 5 storm is heading for you, do not be like the idiots in NO and wait for the government to get you the hell out of there

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