Time to rename our Confederate Forts


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
We need to ask......What have these men done to deserve such an honor?

AP HIll, Braxton Bragg, George Pickett, John Bell Hood......why should they be honored?


We need to ask......What have these men done to deserve such an honor?

AP HIll, Braxton Bragg, George Pickett, John Bell Hood......why should they be honored?

Why don't libs want to reconcile with the Confederates? The War of Northern Aggression was more than 150 years ago.

I just don't see the point of picking at old scabs.

We are the United states, not the Divided states. Let's show it.

Even Obama, even Slick Willy, didn't think that this was a good idea, to continue internal conflict.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
We need to ask......What have these men done to deserve such an honor?

AP HIll, Braxton Bragg, George Pickett, John Bell Hood......why should they be honored?

No, it's time for sniveling little liberoidal special snowflakes to STFU, and use the opportunity to learn some history from someone other than the un-Murcan hyper-douchebag Howard Zinn.
I believe they are part of history. Whether we like it or not, it is part of our heritage. That would like like Germany renaming Auschwitz and the other Concentration camps. It is part of their history. We may not agree to what happened there. But nonetheless...

Camp Mengele?
I see opportunity here to help with the runaway federal debt and suggest these and all other military bases be renamed through corporate sponsorships as done with sports facilities. I'm sure it wouldn't solve all the controversy as Fort Benning let's say becomes Fort Chick-Fil-A. But what the heck, there'll always be somebody with a bug up their nose about something.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement

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