Time to mask up again

That's it. You need a respirator.

What liberals thought a piece of cloth made out of grandma's leftover curtain material was EVER going to do was anyone's guess
even respirators only work for maybe an hour, not eight that someone with a job would need.
there is that if afraid
Opposite end of the spectrum. I’m not vaxxed, and I won’t wear a mask, so most people don’t want me around. It’s nice realizing how close we can now come to being able to live a contact-free life thanks to delivery services and the like.
putting you at risk even if you are fully vaccinated.
Hey...mister... if this is accurate, WHY would you take the vaccine? It doesn't remove your risk and it doesn't allow you to live any differently than you did BEFORE taking the jab. That's a serious question, BTW. Explain how the vaccines are creating immunity if fully vaxxed people are still getting the virus.
We're being told that "if you get the virus after vaccination then you'll likely get a gentler case and have less risk of death. Sounds good, but 95% of the people who contract it while unvaccinated already HAVE THAT OUTCOME.
My biggest concern is that this virus is an endocrine system virus and that the coming birth defects and sterilization are going to be devastating. (And not just human either)
Just imagine the day that the Feds finally admit they were wrong. Millions might die or be sterilized and all the hell they'll get is a half-assed apology from some paste-eating fool in DC.
Facemasks don't protect the wearer...they protect others from the wearer.

They don't protect anyone from any virus.

It's disturbing to see how many of my fellow Americans are so damn stupid that they so easily believe this absurd lie.

The #CoronaHoax2020 virus has a maximum size of about 0.2 of a micron.

A good N95 mask has gaps about 50 microns in size. The vast majority of the masks that gullible idiots are wearing under the delusion that they offer any protection against viruses have bigger gaps than the N95 masks have.

Like nearly everything else about the #CoronaHoax, this has nothing whatsoever to do with actually protecting anyone's health or safety.

It's about intimidation, fear, and control.

The COVID-19 virus acts in a similar way to the rhinoviruses (cold viruses) and influenza viruses, in that they all create "variants" as a way of protecting themselves. Because of this, the COVID-19 virus will continue to be with us and mutating. Once individuals have had the main vaccines and had boosters, they should be able to NOT wear masks, as the whole purpose of a vaccine is to protect the persons that received it AND allow them to return to their normal lives (without masks). If the left is going to continue mandating that even those that have complied with having the vaccine and a booster, then there is no point in getting the vaccine, just wear a mask for the rest of mankinds/womankinds existence.
The COVID-19 virus acts in a similar way to the rhinoviruses (cold viruses) and influenza viruses, in that they all create "variants" as a way of protecting themselves. Because of this, the COVID-19 virus will continue to be with us and mutating. Once individuals have had the main vaccines and had boosters, they should be able to NOT wear masks, as the whole purpose of a vaccine is to protect the persons that received it AND allow them to return to their normal lives (without masks). If the left is going to continue mandating that even those that have complied with having the vaccine and a booster, then there is no point in getting the vaccine, just wear a mask for the rest of mankinds/womankinds existence.
Not exactly true.
No vaccine works perfectly and some work better than others.
To date, the Moderna vaccine is the best one with the best results.
Pfizer 83%
AstraZeneca 74%
J&J 20%
Antibody cocktail 40%

I might be off a bit on some of these numbers above as I'm doing it from memory. But over time neutralizing titters reduce the effectiveness of these vaccines.

Moderna's stayed at 90% at 6 months.

But they also have 2 multi-valent variant booster vaccine candidates that are focused on the South African and Brazilian variants. NIH is in process of finishing their tests now after Moderna finished their own stage 2 tests.
Taiwan and UAE and Japan are already scheduled to receive the variant vaccines. (In addition to the original one)

The original ones were really small injections to begin with (100 ug)and the variant vaccine booster is half of their size. (50 ug)

These are smaller than the morphine doses given to soldiers during Vietnam.
But of course everyone would waste them or do stupid stuff with them like inject their pets...

The breakthrough infections were well predicted. Eventually we will get on top of this. We of course are going to be extremely cautious about any illness...it's going to be considered as evil as child molestation if you go to work sick in the future. Everyone will hate you. (Not might or maybe...but definitely...and if it's Covid... you just became the one who exposed them all over again...might as well quit and try to get a different job where no one knows what happened at your last job)
if the vaccine works, how are they putting you at risk?
The vaccine worked REALLY well in keeping people from getting the alpha strain.

It’s still good against the Delta variant but only to 40%. That’s good but not great.

And for most people (not in their 80s and 90s) it prevents severe infection and death… illustrated by the fact that well over 90% of those in hospitals with Covid are unvaccinated
The vaccine worked REALLY well I’m keeping people from getting the alpha strain.

It’s still good against the Delta variant but only to 40%. That’s good but not great.

And for most people (not in their 80s and 90s) it prevents severe infection and death… illustrated by the fact that well over 90% of those in hospitals with Covid are unvaccinated


It's pretty much a no brainer with not quite half of the population fully vaccinated. Figure that, on average, at least one half of the people in any business you go into are not vaccinated, putting you at risk even if you are fully vaccinated. And, it's very much a political thing for most of the unvaccinated as the vast majority of them are Republicans and Trump Cult members seriously influenced by the far right wing media.

So, let them exercise and enjoy their God given freedom to catch the virus, clog up hospitals and doctor's offices and, yes, even die. It's their right.

But infecting the rest of us is not their right, and for me, a mask in public, indoors is now essential.

I never stopped wearing a mask in public even though I've been vaccinated since the end of March.
You wearing A mask doesn't protect you (never was intended to)...it protects others from you.
But with the new Delta Variant masks are fairly worthless.

It depends on the mask you wear.

The N95, Surgical Masks and the FFP1 Mask will protect people from the virus.

Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 8.43.52 AM.png
It depends on the mask you wear.

The N95, Surgical Masks and the FFP1 Mask will protect people from the virus.

View attachment 528153

I call bullshit.

I've already proven that an N95 mask has no plausible chance of protecting anyone from a virus. The gaps between the fibers that comprise it are literally hundreds of times larger than the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. You have to be unimaginably stupid to think that a 0.2-micron virus will be in any way impeded by a mask with 50-micron gaps. And I am not talking any normal level of stupid. I am talking an extreme, almost unachievable Dana7360 level of stupid.

I call bullshit.

I've already proven that an N95 mask has no plausible chance of protecting anyone from a virus. The gaps between the fibers that comprise it are literally hundreds of times larger than the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. You have to be unimaginably stupid to think that a 0.2-micron virus will be in any way impeded by a mask with 50-micron gaps. And I am not talking any normal level of stupid. I am talking an extreme, almost unachievable Dana7360 level of stupid.

View attachment 528181
Idiot. You act like it's one thin layer of fibers. It's not.

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