Time to Investigate Obama

She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her.
Desperation again, moron. She was never "fine" but if it gives you comfort, keep telling yourself that.

Of course she was fine you idiot. Thats why she was outraged when Comey made the announcement the same week of the election. It helped give people on the fence a reason to vote for your carnival barker Drumpf.
Well gee, I guess it wasn't the Russians then, huh? :lol:
What does the Russians have to do with the fact Comey did a number on her? What kind of retard are you? :laugh:
Because you idiots have been saying it was the Russians fault that she lost. Seems like it was EVERYBODY'S fault except hers. You pussies need to make up your mind who you're gonna blame.
She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her.
Desperation again, moron. She was never "fine" but if it gives you comfort, keep telling yourself that.

Of course she was fine you idiot. Thats why she was outraged when Comey made the announcement the same week of the election. It helped give people on the fence a reason to vote for your carnival barker Drumpf.
Well gee, I guess it wasn't the Russians then, huh? :lol:
What does the Russians have to do with the fact Comey did a number on her? What kind of retard are you? :laugh:
Because you idiots have been saying it was the Russians fault that she lost. Seems like it was EVERYBODY'S fault except hers. You pussies need to make up your mind who you're gonna blame.
I never said that. I'm sure the Russians had an effect but that's not the point of the conversation. You claimed Comey was on the side of the Dems. I know youre stupid but you should be able to concentrate on the point.

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