Time to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices

Seriously? Okay, Brown, Miranda, Obergefell. Need I go on? Are you really going to tell us you don't applaud these that overturned at least parts of previous decisions?
Only Brown reversed a previous ruling and that was 70 years ago

The TRUMPCourt reversed three this week
Only Brown reversed a previous ruling and that was 70 years ago

The TRUMPCourt reversed three this week
Irrelevant because the others overturned at least part of previous rulings. Now, tell us, do you applaud Brown or not? Remember, you're wailing because the SC reversed itself and keep yammering about precedent, and reasons. So, are you going to be consistent and criticize the Court for Brown or admit that you only criticize the court for reversing itself when you disagree with it?
We did

Obama won
That was six years ago, Winger! Obama was the rise of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Now the voters have had all that time to see for themselves what the difference is between having liberals in control of things and conservatives in control. Overwhelmingly the country thinks we're on the wrong track and they've totally lost faith in Joe Biden's ability to lead. They've lost faith in the very pillars of the far left's agenda. They know you were wrong to try and defund the Police. They know your policies on immigration have caused a full blown crisis at the border. They know that your "Green Deal" policies have created rampant inflation. They don't like how you used the Covid pandemic to shut down the nation and they're worried you'll try to do it again.

You're about to lose your asses in November and it's well deserved.
That was six years ago, Winger! Obama was the rise of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Now the voters have had all that time to see for themselves what the difference is between having liberals in control of things and conservatives in control. Overwhelmingly the country thinks we're on the wrong track and they've totally lost faith in Joe Biden's ability to lead. They've lost faith in the very pillars of the far left's agenda. They know you were wrong to try and defund the Police. They know your policies on immigration have caused a full blown crisis at the border. They know that your "Green Deal" policies have created rampant inflation. They don't like how you used the Covid pandemic to shut down the nation and they're worried you'll try to do it again.

You're about to lose your asses in November and it's well deserved.

And the TRUMPCourt would not have conducted their ravages this week if Obama was allowed to fill a vacancy in his last year
I was willing to take a wait and see position on the TRUMPCourt

They said they would honor Judicial precedence and not legislate from the Bench.
I expected a Conservative court but a court that would not run roughshod over individual rights

Completely discarding Roe v Wade, eroding Miranda protections, restricting states from regulating gun possession all run contrary to the Will of We the People.

Democrats have six months to abandon the Senate Filibuster and legally change the number of Supreme Court Justices
You leftists can't get what you want through support of the people so, you tried to place leftists judges to create laws from the bench. Now the supreme Court no longer is controlled by the left you want to change the court. Fuck you. Start a war see how you like them apples
You leftists can't get what you want through support of the people so, you tried to place leftists judges to create laws from the bench. Now the supreme Court no longer is controlled by the left you want to change the court. Fuck you. Start a war see how you like them apples
The Supreme Court hasn't been controlled by the left since 1969.

And the TRUMPCourt would not have conducted their ravages this week if Obama was allowed to fill a vacancy in his last year
With all due respect, Winger...if the job that Merrick Garland is doing as Attorney General is any indication of what kind of Supreme Court Judge he would have been...then the country dodged a bullet when he didn't get confirmed!
I was willing to take a wait and see position on the TRUMPCourt

They said they would honor Judicial precedence and not legislate from the Bench.
I expected a Conservative court but a court that would not run roughshod over individual rights

Completely discarding Roe v Wade, eroding Miranda protections, restricting states from regulating gun possession all run contrary to the Will of We the People.

Democrats have six months to abandon the Senate Filibuster and legally change the number of Supreme Court Justices

"Elections have consequences"-the great obummer.

Yet you want to change the rules when you lose.

Typical progressive. Can't win, so cheat.
"Elections have consequences"-the great obummer.

Yet you want to change the rules when you lose.

Typical progressive. Can't win, so cheat.
Obama was the popularly elected President

He was denied the right to select a Supreme Court Justice
The Court needs to be fixed
You need to be "fixed". Like a dog.
Says every 3rd world dictator!!! Glad the left finally openly admits they embrace and endorse tyranny.

Rig the courts like they rig elections… you would make Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot proud.

Much better solution is appoint Justices for set terms. Say 10 yr terms. With terms set so that every 2 years 2 justice come up for reappoint (with one year being 1 justice). 2 appointments max. If a Justice steps down, is impeached or dies, then the new person only finishes out the previous term.

Much better solution… but then again your party is the party of tyranny!
That would require an amendment.
I was willing to take a wait and see position on the TRUMPCourt

They said they would honor Judicial precedence and not legislate from the Bench.
I expected a Conservative court but a court that would not run roughshod over individual rights

Completely discarding Roe v Wade, eroding Miranda protections, restricting states from regulating gun possession all run contrary to the Will of We the People.

Democrats have six months to abandon the Senate Filibuster and legally change the number of Supreme Court Justices

I think they need to completely change how justices are appointed. They're political appointees and they tend to be too political. Shock horror.
I was willing to take a wait and see position on the TRUMPCourt

They said they would honor Judicial precedence and not legislate from the Bench.
I expected a Conservative court but a court that would not run roughshod over individual rights

Completely discarding Roe v Wade, eroding Miranda protections, restricting states from regulating gun possession all run contrary to the Will of We the People.

Democrats have six months to abandon the Senate Filibuster and legally change the number of Supreme Court Justices
Play that game and watch the United States turn into two or three separate nations.

I was willing to take a wait and see position on the TRUMPCourt

They said they would honor Judicial precedence and not legislate from the Bench.
I expected a Conservative court but a court that would not run roughshod over individual rights

Completely discarding Roe v Wade, eroding Miranda protections, restricting states from regulating gun possession all run contrary to the Will of We the People.

Democrats have six months to abandon the Senate Filibuster and legally change the number of Supreme Court Justices
You lack the votes with Manchin in the way, so you can forget it…
You lack the votes with Manchin in the way, so you can forget it…

We will see if Manchin has a breaking point

He was not happy that Justices lied to him to get his vote

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