
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
U.S. Senate: Impeachment

Seems many in the Senate are up for election next year, perhaps the reason for the sabotage tactics they are using.
I NOTICE they are adamantly trying to demonize, Bully, and get Nunes out of the picture even though he didn't do anything wrong as it was not regarding the Russian investigation, soon nothing but Dems will be politicizing & controlling the investigation procedures, yeah that's not suspicious.
Yet not one Surveilance denier
is being recused for conflicting interest, false charges on the Russia issues, illegal witholding of classified info, knowledge of illegal surveillance and abuses of power and not bringing up charges, lying under oath, leaking info, treason, & coup attempt.

Schumer loves NY so much that he supported the Politicians (Clintons) who took pay to play money from the Country responsible for 911 and may have done an unthinkable favor for that money, that being Bill mysteriously letting Bin Laden slip away during 1998 before NY became that same pay to plays victim.
Way to go Chuck, hope the voters recognize they mean less then your support of blood money.
"Drain the Swamp"
Wheeling and dealing
Sen. Chuck Schumer the senate minority leader met with Vladimir Putin at the opening of a Russian gas station in Chelsea in 2003.
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I do not believe that Schumer has managed---intellectually---to keep up with
the reality of the very dark aspects of the Clinton machinations-----he is too
damned "democrat" faithful
I don't think he knows what reality is anymore.
They trapped themselves in their own narrative and got stuck in it.
When they are up for re-election(some as early as next year) they will have to face the same standards in criticsm as they put out on opponents.
Their false charges for sake of politics & abuse of power will not sit well.
Worse the abuse of power regarding surveilance feared would happen, promised would never happen, did happen then lied about and covered up=kiss their corrupt careers goodbye unless afilliation pride is truly stronger then common sense and decency as I've been saying all along in relation to religious affiliation. ;-)
I don't think he knows what reality is anymore.
They trapped themselves in their own narrative and got stuck in it.
When they are up for re-election(some as early as next year) they will have to face the same standards in criticsm as they put out on opponents.
Their false charges for sake of politics & abuse of power will not sit well.
Worse the abuse of power regarding surveilance feared would happen, promised would never happen, did happen then lied about and covered up=kiss their corrupt careers goodbye unless afilliation pride is truly stronger then common sense and decency as I've been saying all along in relation to religious affiliation. ;-)

my sense is-----he is burnt out
That smirk of his is not burn out, it's arrogance & a show of mischievous revenge.
That smirk of his is not burn out, it's arrogance & a show of mischievous revenge.

ok----he got irritable and cynical in his senescence. He reminds me of a film---
with George Burns and Walter Matthau----"Grumpy Old Men"
sheeeesh-----I googled----the schmuck is only 66 years old----SHEEEEEESH!!!!!!
Politics ages you and makes you cynical real fast.
The people of NY or some judge should sentence him to live in the midst of a
Death Wish 3 type neighborhood for 2-4 months till he gets it.
Not fixing underlining issues & letting things get worse till things fall off a cliff, because of political pride is no better then the gang mentality he helps create in his inner cities of his state.

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