Time to attack iran

Rhoad Kill your paranoia is really quite desterbing. Get help......Sometimes a "Black helicopter is just a black helicopter.

Whe the USA has been in bed with almost EVERY dictator in the past century have is it we are so surprised when the rest of the world questions our motives and wants to kill us?

Wow and you tell Rhod to kill his paranoia! LOL you worthless hypocrite! :cuckoo:
I believe Bolton and his neocon friends need to take a day (or several days) and walk through a few cemeteries. Start with Arlingon, go on to Gettysburg and the one I've found most insightful is Point Loma at Fort Rosecrans in San Diego.
At Pt. Loma their are several rows of gravesights overlooking San Diego Bay with the names of Marines KIA on Saipan on the same day; Boton and his neocon chicken hawk buddies ought to read their headstones and note their ages at the time of their death.
If Bolton wants war let him pick up a weapon and place himself in harms way.
Until we as a nation quit trying to prop up BRUTAL dictators for our OWN SELFISH needs we will continue to face attacks both here and abroad. We need to be the leader in DIPLOMACY not in going half way across the world and shock and awe our way to peace in a region that has been at war for TWO MILLENIA!

It would be nice if a few adult thinkers walked into this forum, right now I don't see any besides myself.
Still hanging on to your deluded psychotic sense of self importance RhodesStupid :cuckoo: :lol:

LOL, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is! :eek:
it certainly was fun to rant in this thread, but i am still of the opinion that no one should attack iran.

I agree! Attacking Iran would be ill-advised. Face it Iran is developing nukes and will have them! No attack by Israel (short of a nuclear attack) is going to prevent them from eventually obtaining them!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America and "The Great Persian Empire Goes Up in Smoke!" Try to use an old cold war MADD strategy!

Remember regardless of popular belief Iran has few allies in the Muslim/Arab world! No Al Qaeda, barely Iraq, only half of Lebanon, not Saudia Arabia, not Egypt, not Jordan, Not Turkey, not the UAE, not Uzbekistan, not Pakistan, not Morocco, not Algeria etc. If Iran didn't have oil, she would be shunned by everyone, but the black crack has some appeal!

I digress. I think MADD would work. As crazy as the Mullahs are in Iran, they are not as suicidal as we make them appear. I really think they only use the plight of the Palestinian people as a politic weapon to get support from the Arab and Jew hating world. I don't think they give a rats-ass about the Palestinians! If Iran nukes Israel, which would be Israel's end, Israel will unleash its entire nuclear arsenal on Iran (that could be 100s of nukes). They might all decide to nuke Mecca, Medina, Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq! Probably with their arsenal they could! With Israeli's supposed arsenal I bet they could take them all out!
I believe Bolton and his neocon friends need to take a day (or several days) and walk through a few cemeteries. Start with Arlingon, go on to Gettysburg and the one I've found most insightful is Point Loma at Fort Rosecrans in San Diego.
At Pt. Loma their are several rows of gravesights overlooking San Diego Bay with the names of Marines KIA on Saipan on the same day; Boton and his neocon chicken hawk buddies ought to read their headstones and note their ages at the time of their death.
If Bolton wants war let him pick up a weapon and place himself in harms way.

No rather you in you hypocrite infested SF shithole, need to go to place like Arlington and pay your respect to brave men and women who died protecting the freedom of cowards like you!
it certainly was fun to rant in this thread, but i am still of the opinion that no one should attack iran.

I agree! Attacking Iran would be ill-advised. Face it Iran is developing nukes and will have them! No attack by Israel (short of a nuclear attack) is going to prevent them from eventually obtaining them!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America and "The Great Persian Empire Goes Up in Smoke!" Try to use an old cold war MADD strategy!

Remember regardless of popular belief Iran has few allies in the Muslim/Arab world! No Al Qaeda, barely Iraq, only half of Lebanon, not Saudia Arabia, not Egypt, not Jordan, Not Turkey, not the UAE, not Uzbekistan, not Pakistan, not Morocco, not Algeria etc. If Iran didn't have oil, she would be shunned by everyone, but the black crack has some appeal!

I digress. I think MADD would work. As crazy as the Mullahs are in Iran, they are not as suicidal as we make them appear. I really think they only use the plight of the Palestinian people as a politic weapon to get support from the Arab and Jew hating world. I don't think they give a rats-ass about the Palestinians! If Iran nukes Israel, which would be Israel's end, Israel will unleash its entire nuclear arsenal on Iran (that could be 100s of nukes). They might all decide to nuke Mecca, Medina, Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq! Probably with their arsenal they could! With Israeli's supposed arsenal I bet they could take them all out!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

Wrong answer. Israel has made thier own bed. If the USA gets hit we turn the offending country into little glass beads. If Israel gets hit ...that's thier problem.
Iran can fight back therefor America will not risk an invasion. There's a good chance America would lose.

Remember the War of 1812 !
"RhodesScholar"- I said first that Iran's government is trash. I know how neoconservatives ignore what they don't wanna hear and put in bold things that aren't even said, so you haven't done anything to change the stereotype. Ahmadinejad's job is a lot like Obama's, doesn't have much power but everyone on all sides thinks his speeches and rhetoric are a big deal. The Supreme ruling body runs Iran not Ahmadinejad or any other elected post in Iran.
Its true that the Khameni (sp?) is in charge of the military, air force and has the final calls on everything. His OK is needed for the nuclear program to continue. HOWEVER, the Iranian President is not powerless he is the 2nd most powerful person in Iran and his views directly reflect that of Khameni. He is Khameni's mouth piece and lap dog. See in the liberal world, threats shouldn't matter, especially against Jews!

The Federal Reserve and Corporate America run this country not the government,
"Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money."
- Tim Robbins Puppet from Team America! (Sounds smarter than this stroke!)

elvis3577- Is it legal to fund Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden/Al Qaeda? That's what we did, they killed a lot more people than Hezbollah has.
Funding the Afghanis against the Soviets was widely viewed as just! Sadam was taking on Iran. I personally think we should have funded and supplied both sides!

Annie-imagine if a country ended all democracy in the US like we did in Iran in 1953, the citizens would've been in the right to send over a million suicide bombers for us destroying their country. A simple little takeover of an embassy and holding hostages? Yawn
And they have been doing swell since '79 huh! Any anti-America that is the liberal way, huh?

God how I wish the people beating the war drum would go and grab their tin hats and rifles and do it themselves. The number of cowards who talk big and do nothing grows exponentially every year in this country.
I also wish cowards like you would realize that the freedom fags like you enjoy in SF was built off the backs the grunts that fight the wars! There were cowards like you that said we shouldn't have fought the Civil War or WW II! Imagine that!
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it certainly was fun to rant in this thread, but i am still of the opinion that no one should attack iran.

I agree! Attacking Iran would be ill-advised. Face it Iran is developing nukes and will have them! No attack by Israel (short of a nuclear attack) is going to prevent them from eventually obtaining them!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America and "The Great Persian Empire Goes Up in Smoke!" Try to use an old cold war MADD strategy!

Remember regardless of popular belief Iran has few allies in the Muslim/Arab world! No Al Qaeda, barely Iraq, only half of Lebanon, not Saudia Arabia, not Egypt, not Jordan, Not Turkey, not the UAE, not Uzbekistan, not Pakistan, not Morocco, not Algeria etc. If Iran didn't have oil, she would be shunned by everyone, but the black crack has some appeal!

I digress. I think MADD would work. As crazy as the Mullahs are in Iran, they are not as suicidal as we make them appear. I really think they only use the plight of the Palestinian people as a politic weapon to get support from the Arab and Jew hating world. I don't think they give a rats-ass about the Palestinians! If Iran nukes Israel, which would be Israel's end, Israel will unleash its entire nuclear arsenal on Iran (that could be 100s of nukes). They might all decide to nuke Mecca, Medina, Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq! Probably with their arsenal they could! With Israeli's supposed arsenal I bet they could take them all out!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

Wrong answer. Israel has made thier own bed. If the USA gets hit we turn the offending country into little glass beads. If Israel gets hit ...that's thier problem.

Hey stupid! Did you see anywhere where I stated that if Israel gets attacked America should nuke Iran? Of course you didn't because you are a fool! Israel doesn't need our help to take out the entire Middle East!

America should make affirmative threats so that an Iranian nuke doesn't pull up to one of our ports!

I know you are thinking fantasy that you are an outlaw drug runner, your grandfather was a top secret CIA agent, but reality usually trumps fantasy you stupid fuck!
I believe Bolton and his neocon friends need to take a day (or several days) and walk through a few cemeteries. Start with Arlingon, go on to Gettysburg and the one I've found most insightful is Point Loma at Fort Rosecrans in San Diego.
At Pt. Loma their are several rows of gravesights overlooking San Diego Bay with the names of Marines KIA on Saipan on the same day; Boton and his neocon chicken hawk buddies ought to read their headstones and note their ages at the time of their death.
If Bolton wants war let him pick up a weapon and place himself in harms way.

No rather you in you hypocrite infested SF shithole, need to go to place like Arlington and pay your respect to brave men and women who died protecting the freedom of cowards like you!

I've been to all of the above, and many more. I'm also a vet and saw too many guys I knew put in the ground at the National Cemetery in San Bruno. Chicken hawks disgust me, nothing hypocritical about that. And arrogant jerks who blather about San Francisco simply show their ignorance, something you do rather well.
I agree! Attacking Iran would be ill-advised. Face it Iran is developing nukes and will have them! No attack by Israel (short of a nuclear attack) is going to prevent them from eventually obtaining them!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America and "The Great Persian Empire Goes Up in Smoke!" Try to use an old cold war MADD strategy!

Remember regardless of popular belief Iran has few allies in the Muslim/Arab world! No Al Qaeda, barely Iraq, only half of Lebanon, not Saudia Arabia, not Egypt, not Jordan, Not Turkey, not the UAE, not Uzbekistan, not Pakistan, not Morocco, not Algeria etc. If Iran didn't have oil, she would be shunned by everyone, but the black crack has some appeal!

I digress. I think MADD would work. As crazy as the Mullahs are in Iran, they are not as suicidal as we make them appear. I really think they only use the plight of the Palestinian people as a politic weapon to get support from the Arab and Jew hating world. I don't think they give a rats-ass about the Palestinians! If Iran nukes Israel, which would be Israel's end, Israel will unleash its entire nuclear arsenal on Iran (that could be 100s of nukes). They might all decide to nuke Mecca, Medina, Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq! Probably with their arsenal they could! With Israeli's supposed arsenal I bet they could take them all out!

Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

Wrong answer. Israel has made thier own bed. If the USA gets hit we turn the offending country into little glass beads. If Israel gets hit ...that's thier problem.

Hey stupid! Did you see anywhere where I stated that if Israel gets attacked America should nuke Iran? Of course you didn't because you are a fool! Israel doesn't need our help to take out the entire Middle East!

America should make affirmative threats so that an Iranian nuke doesn't pull up to one of our ports!

I know you are thinking fantasy that you are an outlaw drug runner, your grandfather was a top secret CIA agent, but reality usually trumps fantasy you stupid fuck!

Hey stupid! Did you see anywhere where I stated that if Israel gets attacked America should nuke Iran?
Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

I never stated my grandfather was a top CIA agent. I stated one of my dads best friends was. I do have a friend that is a retired diamond courier who's father is ex Mussad. Maybe that counts for something jew boy. I loaned him money to fly back to boston for his cousins barmiztva two weeks ago. But don't get it in your head that I support Jews. I dislike a lot more of them than I like.
I've been to all of the above, and many more. I'm also a vet and saw too many guys I knew put in the ground at the National Cemetery in San Bruno.
If you truly served you have my apologies!

Chicken hawks disgust me, nothing hypocritical about that.
I agree chicken hawks are hypocritical, but so are the leftist liberals that block the recruitment centers in SF! freedom isn't free and some wars do need fighting!

And arrogant jerks who blather about San Francisco simply show their ignorance, something you do rather well.
Been to SF and few times a fun place, but its anti-Military and sanctuary city policies drive me nutz!
Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

Wrong answer. Israel has made thier own bed. If the USA gets hit we turn the offending country into little glass beads. If Israel gets hit ...that's thier problem.

Hey stupid! Did you see anywhere where I stated that if Israel gets attacked America should nuke Iran? Of course you didn't because you are a fool! Israel doesn't need our help to take out the entire Middle East!

America should make affirmative threats so that an Iranian nuke doesn't pull up to one of our ports!

I know you are thinking fantasy that you are an outlaw drug runner, your grandfather was a top secret CIA agent, but reality usually trumps fantasy you stupid fuck!

Hey stupid! Did you see anywhere where I stated that if Israel gets attacked America should nuke Iran?
Once they get them Israel (and Yes America) should make affirm threats! One Iranian nuke hits any part of Israel or America

I never stated my grandfather was a top CIA agent. I stated one of my dads best friends was. I do have a friend that is a retired diamond courier who's father is ex Mussad. Maybe that counts for something jew boy. I loaned him money to fly back to boston for his cousins barmiztva two weeks ago. But don't get it in your head that I support Jews. I dislike a lot more of them than I like.

Always have a story for something! You always know someone somewhere! Got it! :cuckoo:
I've been to all of the above, and many more. I'm also a vet and saw too many guys I knew put in the ground at the National Cemetery in San Bruno.
If you truly served you have my apologies!

Chicken hawks disgust me, nothing hypocritical about that.
I agree chicken hawks are hypocritical, but so are the leftist liberals that block the recruitment centers in SF! freedom isn't free and some wars do need fighting!

And arrogant jerks who blather about San Francisco simply show their ignorance, something you do rather well.
Been to SF and few times a fun place, but its anti-Military and sanctuary city policies drive me nutz!

Apology accepted. Contrary to public perception the entire Bay Area is not anti-military; at the Niner game Sunday everyone stood for the signing of the NA and the fly over was greated by cheers. There is as much debate here as anywhere; I'm proud to suggest the number, quality and size of the Universities and Colleges in the Bay Area (and the number of graduates who remain here) rivial anywhere in the nation, making debate more than spirited and interesting (no offense to UofChicago or Northwestern- Go Bears #6).
btw, my wife went to UW Madison and grew up north of Milwaukee near the lake. I've driven (Old Greenbay Road?) South from Racine into Evanston and the train into Chi several times, as well as taken the "L" to Wrigley and Us Cellular to see games and Sue at the Museum. Chi ani't bad (uless it's January).
I've been to all of the above, and many more. I'm also a vet and saw too many guys I knew put in the ground at the National Cemetery in San Bruno.
If you truly served you have my apologies!

I agree chicken hawks are hypocritical, but so are the leftist liberals that block the recruitment centers in SF! freedom isn't free and some wars do need fighting!

And arrogant jerks who blather about San Francisco simply show their ignorance, something you do rather well.
Been to SF and few times a fun place, but its anti-Military and sanctuary city policies drive me nutz!

Apology accepted. Contrary to public perception the entire Bay Area is not anti-military; at the Niner game Sunday everyone stood for the signing of the NA and the fly over was greated by cheers. There is as much debate here as anywhere; I'm proud to suggest the number, quality and size of the Universities and Colleges in the Bay Area (and the number of graduates who remain here) rivial anywhere in the nation, making debate more than spirited and interesting (no offense to UofChicago or Northwestern- Go Bears #6).
btw, my wife went to UW Madison and grew up north of Milwaukee near the lake. I've driven (Old Greenbay Road?) South from Racine into Evanston and the train into Chi several times, as well as taken the "L" to Wrigley and Us Cellular to see games and Sue at the Museum. Chi ani't bad (uless it's January).

Niner game Sunday

Fuck you and your niners

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I've been to all of the above, and many more. I'm also a vet and saw too many guys I knew put in the ground at the National Cemetery in San Bruno.
If you truly served you have my apologies!

I agree chicken hawks are hypocritical, but so are the leftist liberals that block the recruitment centers in SF! freedom isn't free and some wars do need fighting!

And arrogant jerks who blather about San Francisco simply show their ignorance, something you do rather well.
Been to SF and few times a fun place, but its anti-Military and sanctuary city policies drive me nutz!

Apology accepted. Contrary to public perception the entire Bay Area is not anti-military; at the Niner game Sunday everyone stood for the signing of the NA and the fly over was greated by cheers. There is as much debate here as anywhere; I'm proud to suggest the number, quality and size of the Universities and Colleges in the Bay Area (and the number of graduates who remain here) rivial anywhere in the nation, making debate more than spirited and interesting (no offense to UofChicago or Northwestern- Go Bears #6).
btw, my wife went to UW Madison and grew up north of Milwaukee near the lake. I've driven (Old Greenbay Road?) South from Racine into Evanston and the train into Chi several times, as well as taken the "L" to Wrigley and Us Cellular to see games and Sue at the Museum. Chi ani't bad (uless it's January).

i heard the niners stadium is awesome! Good to see Singletry doing well! I was a huge Rice (still have the rookie card), Montana, Young, Lott, Strokes and Craig fan back in the day.

Madison huh? Please don't tell me your a cheesehead, punks got lucky in Week 1!

Chicago is a good city, but its going down. Parking in the city is insane and taxes (12% sales tax) are highway robbery!
Rhoad Kill your paranoia is really quite desterbing. Get help......Sometimes a "Black helicopter is just a black helicopter.

Coming from a 9/11 truther that is rich!

Find a quote where I EVER ONE SINGLE TIME said I was a 9/11 truther. I love how you misrepresent me to try to win favor for ISRAEL since you are an ISRAEL Firster. I made a claim about the USS LIBERTY NEVER about 9/11. But hey what do you care your first and ONLY loyalty is to ISRAEL!

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