Diamond Member
"Free Tibet"?... What about "Free Iran"?...
So I Live in the general area of about Due Souteast of the (p)eople's (r)epublic of Boulder, by way of the I-36 Corridor, and if I see another Unshowered, Prius Driving, "Bush Lied People Died" Sticker having Puke with "Free Tibet" next to it, I'm gonna Puke...
Where the Fuck are these Crybaby White Liberals on the Islamic Oppression in Iran?...
In other Islamic Nations where Homosexuals are Killed for thier Deviancy and Women are Stoned to Death over Accusations of Infidelity?...
"That's their Culture... They don't want our Democracy"... <Actually heard Shithead Liberals say these kinds of things about our Liberating Iraq, of all places.
So, what's with Tibet?... Why the Favoritism when it Comes to Oppression and Tyranny?...
Why the Willful Apathy when it comes to the Islamist Nations and their Oppression?...
Illustrated VERY well with the Islamists in the Palestinian Areas that have the Hearts of the American Left as they Target Jewish Children...
So I Live in the general area of about Due Souteast of the (p)eople's (r)epublic of Boulder, by way of the I-36 Corridor, and if I see another Unshowered, Prius Driving, "Bush Lied People Died" Sticker having Puke with "Free Tibet" next to it, I'm gonna Puke...
Where the Fuck are these Crybaby White Liberals on the Islamic Oppression in Iran?...
In other Islamic Nations where Homosexuals are Killed for thier Deviancy and Women are Stoned to Death over Accusations of Infidelity?...
"That's their Culture... They don't want our Democracy"... <Actually heard Shithead Liberals say these kinds of things about our Liberating Iraq, of all places.
So, what's with Tibet?... Why the Favoritism when it Comes to Oppression and Tyranny?...
Why the Willful Apathy when it comes to the Islamist Nations and their Oppression?...
Illustrated VERY well with the Islamists in the Palestinian Areas that have the Hearts of the American Left as they Target Jewish Children...