Time Magazine Blames America’s Crumbling Infrastructure on 'Islamophobia'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Where do these morons come from...
Time Magazine Blames America’s Crumbling Infrastructure on 'Islamophobia'
From Whittaker Chambers to Haroon Moghul is a steep descent.
March 8, 2016
Robert Spencer

The clown prince of “Islamophobia” propagandists, Haroon Moghul, published this ominous diagnosis in Time Magazine last week:

Your smartphone is more advanced than nearly every air-traffic control system. Our sewage pipes, bridges and highways are falling apart. The residents of Flint, Michigan, just found their water is the opposite of potable. We are still the world’s most powerful country, one of the most secure, and one of the most stable. But our country has been crumbling apart for years now, and we’ve done next to nothing about it.

You can blame Islamophobia for that.

It’s always fun to see Haroon Moghul, or “Dwayne,” as he styles himself for fear of “Islamophobia” at Starbucks, taking up the cudgels again, as his increasingly risible “Islamophobia” victimhood posturing is always good for laughs: Dwayne is far funnier than, say, Dean Obeidallah, who actually calls himself a comedian but appears never to have said anything funny in his life.

Yet to be sure, Moghul is as vicious as other “Islamophobia” propagandists, despite his comic persona: he cheerfully traffics in defamation and dishonesty and routinely takes advantage of his audience’s ignorance about Islam to invert reality, portraying Muslims as victims of a cruel “Islamophobia” machine, instead of non-Muslims threatened by the global jihad.

And now we learn from the sage and stalwart Dwayne that “Islamophobia” is to blame for the disintegration of America’s infrastructure. What? Have dastardly “Islamophobes” infiltrated the air-traffic control system and the government of Flint, Michigan? Have these “Islamophobic” villains persuaded those who take care of our nation’s sewage pipes, bridges and highways that if they kept them in good repair, Muslims might use them?

No. Dwayne has a splendid comic touch, but he is not quite that good. What he means is that if we hadn’t spent all that money in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would have the money to shore up our infrastructure. And that is actually true. Osama bin Laden has stated that he carried out the 9/11 attacks in order to weaken America economically, and he succeeded in splendid fashion. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan incursions were disasters in every way. They were intended to create stable secular republics that would be beacons of freedom in the Islamic world; only someone who believed that Islam is religion of peace that is completely compatible with democracy could ever have thought that outcome would be achieved.


Time Magazine was once the place where Whittaker Chambers wrote his lyrical and elegant paeans to freedom and rallying cries to stand against Communist tyranny. Now it gives itself over to the likes of Haroon Moghul to pen preposterous victimhood narratives in support of Islamic supremacist tyranny. A swift and steep descent indeed.

Time Magazine Blames America’s Crumbling Infrastructure on 'Islamophobia'
I thought our infrastructure is crumbling as a result of the professional politicians we've been electing for decades who've spent more money than we could afford on (pet?) projects rather than needed infrastructure repair/upkeep.

Other than that, Time is sliding down the same slope Newsweek did a while ago. Although when all's said and done maybe Time will be worth more than one single dollar.
Well, at some point, the Romans stopped building roads, sewer systems, and canals and then they stopped maintaining them, and now they are in ruins.
I know that "infrastructure" more than just highways, and I am only familiar with the highways I traveled on.

I in the last twenty years I traveled all the states of the Lower 48, from Boston to Seattle, from New York to San Diego, from Miami to Los Angeles, from Chicago to Houston, from Atlanta to Denver and just about any and all combinations thereof. Mostly on Interstate highways, but also US highways and State roads, so that if I highlighted all the roads I traveled on with yellow, almost the whole map would look yellow.

I found no road on which traveling was not a pleasure. Well, maybe I75 between Detroit and the Ohio line, or I79 in Pennsylvania. So, those who complain about crumbling infrastructure, please exclude roads. And thank President Eisenhower for his legacy which has no equivalent in the world.

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