Time for Reparations to the Irish

Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
No it isn't. But the belief that you can continually wrong people without righting that wrong is.

What about Africans that sold you into slavery do the owe you as well?
Sure. identify them. Oh you can't?
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Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.
Here we have a thread where whites are demanding reparations for something their ancestors experiences while telling us black how we are wrong for doing. The mind of a white racist is like that of a petulant spoiled child.

No one is demanding reparations except you. Get a sense of humor
That's a lie and I don't think a bunch of white racists making light of people they have mistreated in order to get what they have is funny.

Yeah I disagree, because the idea of reparations is ridiculous and deserves to be mocked
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Yes. The Irishman who was sick or injured was left to starve or live on whatever charity was available. He was disposable, a slave was valuable to his owner and would never be left to starve if injured. Frame it any way you want, voluntary immigrants were disposable, expensive slaves were not.

How many Irish were beaten, tortured, whipped, chained, raped, children taken away from them? I could go on but what would be the use, only a fool believes that a man brought here under his free will had it worse than a man who was brought here in chains.
I posted three articles that will give you an idea. Try reading them.

You are simply lying about this matter.

Liam Hogan, All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19),

Liam Hogan, Irish slaves’: the convenient myth, ‘Irish slaves’: the convenient myth

Eoin O'Carroll, No, the Irish were not slaves in the Americas, Christian Science Monitor, March 16, 2018, No, the Irish were not slaves in the Americas

Art McDonald, Ph.D., How the Irish Became White,

Islam took slaves from Ireland and Europe and sold the majority of Black slaves to white traders. You want to blame someone, try them. And your article is bullshit.

No, it is not. Whites like you want to excuse your way into denial but the book by the Sublettes is over 800 paes of documented evidence. What you say is basically unture. Liam Hogan is an Irish historian. So your excuses are what the bullshit is

I thought reparations are about compensation to groups that were wronged in the past. Why are you parsing? Racism?
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped

Read the book White Cargo, tragic
People forget every race has been involved in buying and selling slaves. Again, holding present day people responsible for the past makes no sense. It is a tool to divide people.

The Irish worked through it, some others not so much
No, the Irish were white and benefitted from being white.
Was being white their choice somehow? Did you chose to be Black?
Yes in fact they made that choice.

“In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish. A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic. Becoming white meant losing their greenness, i.e., their Irish cultural heritage and the legacy of oppression and discrimination back home.”

Art McDonald, Ph.D., “How the Irish Became White”
Let's cut to the chase you are born the color you are born with. What can't you understand about that? There is no choice in the matter.
Let's cut to the chase, Irish and other white ethnic groups chose to deny other of opportunity because of the color they were born with. And today they still do.
What a wicked victim you are, not. If you want do anything about it stop voting for Democrats because you are nothing but a plaything for them.
Don't try that victim shit with me. Face the truth and grow as a human being.

You play the victim card again, again, again, again....
Were they lynching the Irish for 100 years?
It takes that long to kill an Irishman.
Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
No it isn't. But the belief that you can continually wrong people without righting that wrong is.

What about Africans that sold you into slavery do the owe you as well?
Sure. identify them. Oh you can't?

We can identify some of the US slave owners. Guess what? They’re dead
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.
Ah, slavery ended in 1965. I see. What else did Soros tell you?
Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
And anything else?

You mean anything that helps the people who have been slammed for 150 years AFTER being freed from slavery is a bad idea?

No. It's not

no one has been slammed after 150 years. I’m pretty sure no one lives until they’re 150
Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
No it isn't. But the belief that you can continually wrong people without righting that wrong is.

What about Africans that sold you into slavery do the owe you as well?
Why do you repeat this nonsense when you were shown that more than 90 percent of the slave in this country happened due to mass slave breeding by whites here in America? -
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.
Who is entitled to what for what is SUCH a complicated issue that it's doomed to not only fail but alienate those who might be your allies.

Things that help ALL people of ANY color in similar situations not only achieves the goal you want but garners the support you need.
Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
And anything else?

You mean anything that helps the people who have been slammed for 150 years AFTER being freed from slavery is a bad idea?

No. It's not

no one has been slammed after 150 years. I’m pretty no one lives until they’re 150
Since the slamming has been continuous over each generation you can drop that dodge.
Look..reparations in the form of cash payments for anyone is a bad is
End of story

Reparations in the form of cash payments and anything else is bad. That’s the end of the story
No it isn't. But the belief that you can continually wrong people without righting that wrong is.

What about Africans that sold you into slavery do the owe you as well?
Why do you repeat this nonsense when you were shown that more than 90 percent of the slave in this country happened due to mass slave breeding by whites here in America? -

Which wouldn’t be possible if Africans didn’t sell blacks into slavery, correct?
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.
Who is entitled to what for what is SUCH a complicated issue that it's doomed to not only fail but alienate those who might be your allies.

Things that help ALL people of ANY color in similar situations not only achieves the goal you want but garners the support you need.
If this alienates you then you are not an ally. Because no one has been in the similar situation but native americans and native americans recieve reparations annually from this government. There really isn't all that much complicated about this. Not when you study this.
Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.

What taxes are those?
Which wouldn’t be possible if Africans didn’t sell blacks into slavery, correct?
Hardly the point. Had not white traders transported them across a fucking ocean and SOLD them to other whites to work cotton and sugar fields as slaves...that wouldn't have mattered
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Slavery was institutionalized in the Colonies by the English, the Spanish and every other European country for 200 hundred years. The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The last Yankee state to abolish slavery was New Jersey about ten years before the Civil War. The Irish immigrants in the early 1860's were snatched up almost before they left the ship to be used as cannon fodder in the Civil War by the hypocrite North.

So are you saying that the Irish who volunteered to come to America suffered worse than the black folks who were brought to this country in chains.
Show me an Irishman who had his children sold off or was whipped
Reparations must begin immediately.

How do you get reparations for something you were PAID to do?

The same way you get paid for doing nothing and suffering not one tiny little bit.

Who is receiving that kind of reparations?

That's what you all are begging for. Not one of you suffered at the hands of slavers. Hell, most of your ancestors came LONG after.

You aren't entitled to a damned thing.
We are entitled to lost income from slavery through 1965 maximum and from income taxes we paid that we got nothing for and whites benefitted from at minimum.
Who is entitled to what for what is SUCH a complicated issue that it's doomed to not only fail but alienate those who might be your allies.

Things that help ALL people of ANY color in similar situations not only achieves the goal you want but garners the support you need.
If this alienates you then you are not an ally. Because no one has been in the similar situation but native americans and native americans recieve reparations annually from this government. There really isn't all that much complicated about this. Not when you study this.
I'm telling you that I'm on your side and OTHER people who might be, will be turned off by cash payments . Cash reparations are a loser. There are other better ways to get black folks out of poverty.

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