Time For Democrats to Submit a Bill to Replace DACA

DACA will die because letting it die will increase D turnout in 2018 because all of the non-citizens in blue states will show up to vote.
And all of the Republican elites as well.

Trump gave you 6 months, do what you got hired to do.

Why didn't they do it the right way to begin with? Obama went against the constitution and I think they liked him setting a dangerous precedent where feelings trumped law.
Congress didn't do it "the right way" because of Republican filibusters against the DREAM Act. So Obama circumvented Congress.
A mistake doesn't need to be replaced. DACA was a huge mistake and it was wrong. Let our existing laws work, they will work if congress allows them to work.
That's a fair assessment. The six month delay is a sham or political genius. Basically the republicans will not bring up an alternative nor cooperate in a bipartisan replacement. They will also oppose any democratic effort to salvage it....thus killing any chance for a DACA replacement. With or without the 6 months, DACA is dead.

You are seriously over thinking it, Trump doesn't give a shit about high minded policy and constitutional matters.

Just like with Arpio pardon Trump is just throwing meat to his base, it's all the political capital he has left at this point and he wants to make sure it's well fed and not peeling off as well.
What that have to do with the left being only concerned about the statues of dead people and not children?

Nothing, just like your post has nothing to do with mine except your including it for some bizzare reason.
The Democrats have proffered a few bills over the last few years, but they had ZERO chance of passing.

Saint Obama couldn't get them passed so he decided to be a dictator and issued an unconstitutional executive amnesty.

That Executive Order has now been rescinded.

Executive orders are not laws. They are not permanent. Boo hoo...

So, the ball is really in the Democrats court. They will need to compromise. .

The Democrats have proffered a few bills over the last few years, but they had ZERO chance of passing.

Saint Obama couldn't get them passed so he decided to be a dictator and issued an unconstitutional executive amnesty.

That Executive Order has now been rescinded.

Executive orders are not laws. They are not permanent. Boo hoo...

So, the ball is really in the Democrats court. They will need to compromise. .

But they will not.
I thought Republicans didn't care?

Yet the only thing the left talk about are statues and not Bills to make DACA legal.
No, it's you pseudocons who have your panties in a bunch over locals choosing to take down a statue. It's as if you don't believe the people should be able to decide for themselves if they want a statue or not.

And I've been pointing out to tards like you that both Republicans and Democrats support allowing Dreamers a path to legal status.

Christ, you didn't even know there are already bills to replace DACA, and have been for some time!

Man, your propaganda sources keep you DEEEEEEEEP in the fucking dark, don't they.
so why haven't they been voted on?

They are saving it for amnisty.

Immigration | Paul Ryan

We also have to deal with the rest of the undocumented population. After discussing it with the constituents I serve and my colleagues, I believe that the undocumented immigrants should go through a lengthy period of legal probation—or “deferred adjudication”—with a one-strike policy. That means if they violate the terms of their probation, they are immediately deported. They must come forward, admit guilt, submit to a criminal-background check, pay back taxes and fines, and learn English and civics. They must prove they have a job, and they cannot receive any federal benefits.

Trump said they need to go home. I'm not impressed by this DACA thing at all. All Trump did was punt the ball to congress who favor amnesty.
they will never do anything. after six months it's done. There is an election coming in 2018, believe me, Trump knew exactly what he was doing.
And all of the Republican elites as well.

Trump gave you 6 months, do what you got hired to do.

I actually agree with you- it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Bills have been introduced- but not passed

S.3542 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): BRIDGE Act
H.R.6495 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Ensure Access to DACA Act
and won't be, there is an election coming in 2018. Voters voted for eliminating DACA. Anyone trying to run on amnesty will lose.
The post 1998 GOP has nothing in common with the GOP prior to 1998.

What the post 1998 GOP does is what this monster tells it to do...

And all of the Republican elites as well.

Trump gave you 6 months, do what you got hired to do.

Why didn't they do it the right way to begin with? Obama went against the constitution and I think they liked him setting a dangerous precedent where feelings trumped law.
Congress didn't do it "the right way" because of Republican filibusters against the DREAM Act. So Obama circumvented Congress.
Blaming Republicans is a lie. Dems passed Obamacare by changing the voting rules. Dems don't care.
The Democrats have proffered a few bills over the last few years, but they had ZERO chance of passing.

Saint Obama couldn't get them passed so he decided to be a dictator and issued an unconstitutional executive amnesty.

That Executive Order has now been rescinded.

Executive orders are not laws. They are not permanent. Boo hoo...

So, the ball is really in the Democrats court. They will need to compromise. .

But they will not.

Of course not.

Why should they? They get more mileage out of demagoguery. Just like GOP got more mileage out of repealing O'care when it didn't matter and they knew the bill would be vetoed. Once they had the power, the didn't do shit. The uni-party is all talk, no action.
I say double down on restricting Immigration and Punishing Employers who use Illegals, and Sanctuary Cities who harbor these Criminals.

Screw DACA.... It's not a law, and does not even need to be discussed, and NO EFFORT should be made to Legislate DACA in to Existence!

Fund the Wall.

No more DACA.
I say double down on restricting Immigration and Punishing Employers who use Illegals, and Sanctuary Cities who harbor these Criminals.

Screw DACA.... It's not a law, and does not even need to be discussed, and NO EFFORT should be made to Legislate DACA in to Existence!

Fund the Wall.

No more DACA.

That is correct, DACA is illegal, period! That is a proven fact.

Trump was very smart to throw it to congress. Why? Because now let the Dems and RINO's push for what they want. They won't, lol. Why not? Because it is.........wait for it......POLITICAL SUICIDE. The leftists on here can feign outrage all they want, but if you want what you want........THEN CHANGE THE LAW, not BREAK the law!

You on the left realize that Trump has; for all intensive purposes, TRUMPED you-)
And all of the Republican elites as well.

Trump gave you 6 months, do what you got hired to do.

I actually agree with you- it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Bills have been introduced- but not passed

S.3542 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): BRIDGE Act
H.R.6495 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Ensure Access to DACA Act
and won't be, there is an election coming in 2018. Voters voted for eliminating DACA. Anyone trying to run on amnesty will lose.
Might be some daylight for those who came here as babies but at most 100s, not millions.

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