Thousands of servicemen saying no to covid 19 vaccine


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
cool to know that not all servicemen are brainwashed sheep and can think for themselves understanding the vaccine is what is dangerous,not the virus itself.:thup:

Why should someone under 35 and in good shape get vaccinated? Covid-19 isn't dangerous for those people. For someone old and fat like me, getting vaccinated makes more sense.
Why should someone under 35 and in good shape get vaccinated? Covid-19 isn't dangerous for those people. For someone old and fat like me, getting vaccinated makes more sense.
Think about it...... they can infect their older members of their families, or perceptible younger children. Some who get Covid do not get symptoms yet they spread it to others.
To be safe everybody should get vaccinated.
cool to know that not all servicemen are brainwashed sheep and can think for themselves understanding the vaccine is what is dangerous,not the virus itself.:thup:
Even if it's 10,000, that's less than 1% of the total armed forces. There are people with mental defects in any group and are likely to be the overwhelmingly represented in that group.
Why should someone under 35 and in good shape get vaccinated? Covid-19 isn't dangerous for those people. For someone old and fat like me, getting vaccinated makes more sense.
Think about it...... they can infect their older members of their families, or perceptible younger children. Some who get Covid do not get symptoms yet they spread it to others.
To be safe everybody should get vaccinated.
If the "others" that are at risk get vaccinated, then the "others" don't have to be concerned about those that don't get vaccinated.
It’s simple, the people in civi street or in the armed services, if they refuse to have the jab they lose their jobs. How can they be trusted not to infect their workmates or squad mates? It’s a no brainier, the stick or the carrot.

For now, the rights of employers to mandate a Covid-19 vaccine will be in a legal gray area for the indefinite future. The act that allows for emergency use approval says there must be “appropriate conditions” that allow individuals who are administered the product to refuse the product, Once the vaccine loses its' experimental label it can be mandated until then Just Say No
Why should someone under 35 and in good shape get vaccinated? Covid-19 isn't dangerous for those people. For someone old and fat like me, getting vaccinated makes more sense.
Because you can pass it on, not to mention every infection is another chance for a variant to emerge.
cool to know that not all servicemen are brainwashed sheep and can think for themselves understanding the vaccine is what is dangerous,not the virus itself.:thup:

Actually, all active duty military are bound by regulation to obey their superiors. If ordered to take the shot they must.
cool to know that not all servicemen are brainwashed sheep and can think for themselves understanding the vaccine is what is dangerous,not the virus itself.:thup:

Really? Won't last when they are ordered to, like we were ordered to get the flu shot each year. You never served, did you?
Why should someone under 35 and in good shape get vaccinated? Covid-19 isn't dangerous for those people. For someone old and fat like me, getting vaccinated makes more sense.
Because you can pass it on, not to mention every infection is another chance for a variant to emerge.

And, afterall, we do not want Trump's 'Warp Speed' successful initiative to protect humankind go for naught! Right?

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