Thoughts on PP shooting

it does not affect you no one is having sex with you for any reason or any amount of money./..........
you know this how?
how repulsive you come across.........
well you'd be wrong. but that isn't anything new.
I am not wrong you are a repulsive Right wing Creep

The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

I agree this was a terrorist act but have seen no proof that the shooter was a Christian. What Church did he attend?

If he went to a (just pick one) Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic, or any other Christian church 24/7 would you call him a Christian? As a Christian, I would not . That's my point. Regardless of any involvement of a religious reason for the act, religion had zippo to do with it. This terrorist's wiring is faulty.
Is the man who walked into a PP and shot up the place a terrorist?


Is the PP terrorist just as bad as an Islamic Extremist who is a terrorist?



It's because the PP terrororist does not want to destroy the country, he just wants to destroy PP. Did I forget to say that these people want to do this to the entire world?

So why does he want to destroy PP? Where are all the left wingers who wish to sympathize with him and understand him like they do members of ISIS?

So I will start. Maybe:

1. He had a wife who aborted his child without his consent.
2. He had an underaged daughter who had an abortion at PP without his consent and later died from the procedure, and legally he had no recourse.
3. He was paid by PP to shoot a bunch of people so they could harvest their organs and sell them.

You just don't know what makes people tick, do you?

All that can be certain is that climate change had something to do with it.
A terrorist is a terrorist, the scope doesn't matter. Those who shoot doctors who perform abortions, those who shoot up clinics where abortions are done, those who use such violence to try to shut down Planned Parenthood...all of them are terrorists because their intention is to create terror, so much terror that people's behavior will be changed or controled by the terror they cause.

Causing terror in society in order to get what you want is terrorism. Do not demean those who died in this terrorist assault on PP by saying they don't want to destory the US: they want to destroy our rights and liberties, which means they want to destory the country.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Everything is garbage to you people that speak truths.....get over yourself. I suspect next you simps will be drudging up Malcom X. I mean you people are fuckin morons.
Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.
Apparently you have a pathological inability to comprehend.

One guy who goes nuts for unknown personal reasons and kills people isn't a terrorist.

Guys who are funded and trained to terrorize people in order to establish a world order are terrorists.

I know you don't get it, but I like to share knowledge when faced with patently stupid and/or dishonest posters, just for the sake of universal clarification. When stupid people make asses of themselves in public it should be a learning experience for everybody else. Don't you think? And thank you for providing the opportunity.


Your inability to understand simple concepts is tiring, however, and interacting with you is fruitless, except just to use you as an example of unretractable and willfull stupidity.

Do you have any idea of how insulting you sound? That white motherfucker, like all you nuts killing unsuspecting innocents in this country is nothing but a DOMESTIC TERRORIST...END OF MOTHERFUCKIN STORY....AND FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO TRY TO MINIMIZE HIS ROLE, YOU TOO ARE NOTHING BUT TERRORIST SUPPORTERS. Terrorism is based on a ideology and then used to force people to conform...this white motherfucka is no different and you fuckin know it.....had this been a fuckin muslim.....give me a gotdamned break.
Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
who said he gets to decide. I decide. And I know what a terrorist is out to do. Kill innocence. A nut job kills because he is a nut job. And as someone else so eloquently wrote, an individual not part of any organization is not a terrorist. It is defined. You should go read what it says and stop asking for life lessons on a message board.

Let me get this straight, had this been a muslim who's against a woman's right to have an abortion and he just up and decided one day to go murder a cop and two mean to tell me, you white shit for fuckin brains loons, would have come here with this bullshit defense for his sandy nigga ass???? GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Up yours you lunatic
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.
Apparently you have a pathological inability to comprehend.

One guy who goes nuts for unknown personal reasons and kills people isn't a terrorist.

Guys who are funded and trained to terrorize people in order to establish a world order are terrorists.

I know you don't get it, but I like to share knowledge when faced with patently stupid and/or dishonest posters, just for the sake of universal clarification. When stupid people make asses of themselves in public it should be a learning experience for everybody else. Don't you think? And thank you for providing the opportunity.


Your inability to understand simple concepts is tiring, however, and interacting with you is fruitless, except just to use you as an example of unretractable and willfull stupidity.

Do you have any idea of how insulting you sound? That white motherfucker, like all you nuts killing unsuspecting innocents in this country is nothing but a DOMESTIC TERRORIST...END OF MOTHERFUCKIN STORY....AND FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO TRY TO MINIMIZE HIS ROLE, YOU TOO ARE NOTHING BUT TERRORIST SUPPORTERS. Terrorism is based on a ideology and then used to force people to conform...this white motherfucka is no different and you fuckin know it.....had this been a fuckin muslim.....give me a gotdamned break.

So what ideology does he subscribe to?

Another idiot who doesn't know what terrorism means.
The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

I agree this was a terrorist act but have seen no proof that the shooter was a Christian. What Church did he attend?
Another idiot who doesn't know what the definition of terrorism is.

And another white motherfucker that can't get over the fact, I could give a damn about you and your
The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

I agree this was a terrorist act but have seen no proof that the shooter was a Christian. What Church did he attend?
Another idiot who doesn't know what the definition of terrorism is.

And another white motherfucker that can't get over the fact, I could give a damn about you and your
I can't give you the Zulu word for terrorism, but he isn't a terrorist in your language, either.
The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

I agree this was a terrorist act but have seen no proof that the shooter was a Christian. What Church did he attend?
Another idiot who doesn't know what the definition of terrorism is.

And another white motherfucker that can't get over the fact, I could give a damn about you and your
If you didn't care, you wouldn't single me out.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.
Apparently you have a pathological inability to comprehend.

One guy who goes nuts for unknown personal reasons and kills people isn't a terrorist.

Guys who are funded and trained to terrorize people in order to establish a world order are terrorists.

I know you don't get it, but I like to share knowledge when faced with patently stupid and/or dishonest posters, just for the sake of universal clarification. When stupid people make asses of themselves in public it should be a learning experience for everybody else. Don't you think? And thank you for providing the opportunity.


Your inability to understand simple concepts is tiring, however, and interacting with you is fruitless, except just to use you as an example of unretractable and willfull stupidity.

Do you have any idea of how insulting you sound? That white motherfucker, like all you nuts killing unsuspecting innocents in this country is nothing but a DOMESTIC TERRORIST...END OF MOTHERFUCKIN STORY....AND FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO TRY TO MINIMIZE HIS ROLE, YOU TOO ARE NOTHING BUT TERRORIST SUPPORTERS. Terrorism is based on a ideology and then used to force people to conform...this white motherfucka is no different and you fuckin know it.....had this been a fuckin muslim.....give me a gotdamned break.
Your what hurts?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
who said he gets to decide. I decide. And I know what a terrorist is out to do. Kill innocence. A nut job kills because he is a nut job. And as someone else so eloquently wrote, an individual not part of any organization is not a terrorist. It is defined. You should go read what it says and stop asking for life lessons on a message board.

Let me get this straight, had this been a muslim who's against a woman's right to have an abortion and he just up and decided one day to go murder a cop and two mean to tell me, you white shit for fuckin brains loons, would have come here with this bullshit defense for his sandy nigga ass???? GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK.
Say what?
Is the man who walked into a PP and shot up the place a terrorist?


Is the PP terrorist just as bad as an Islamic Extremist who is a terrorist?



It's because the PP terrororist does not want to destroy the country, he just wants to destroy PP. Did I forget to say that these people want to do this to the entire world?

So why does he want to destroy PP? Where are all the left wingers who wish to sympathize with him and understand him like they do members of ISIS?

So I will start. Maybe:

1. He had a wife who aborted his child without his consent.
2. He had an underaged daughter who had an abortion at PP without his consent and later died from the procedure, and legally he had no recourse.
3. He was paid by PP to shoot a bunch of people so they could harvest their organs and sell them.

You just don't know what makes people tick, do you?

All that can be certain is that climate change had something to do with it.

My thoughts are.....I think we should wait for more info. So far the only hints we have to his motivations are a single quote of 'no more baby parts' from investigators. And his target.

We'll need a little more time to let this all shake out.
Is the man who walked into a PP and shot up the place a terrorist?


Is the PP terrorist just as bad as an Islamic Extremist who is a terrorist?



It's because the PP terrororist does not want to destroy the country, he just wants to destroy PP. Did I forget to say that these people want to do this to the entire world?

So why does he want to destroy PP? Where are all the left wingers who wish to sympathize with him and understand him like they do members of ISIS?

So I will start. Maybe:

1. He had a wife who aborted his child without his consent.
2. He had an underaged daughter who had an abortion at PP without his consent and later died from the procedure, and legally he had no recourse.
3. He was paid by PP to shoot a bunch of people so they could harvest their organs and sell them.

You just don't know what makes people tick, do you?

All that can be certain is that climate change had something to do with it.

My thoughts are.....I think we should wait for more info. So far the only hints we have to his motivations are a single quote of 'no more baby parts' from investigators. And his target.

We'll need a little more time to let this all shake out.

We should wait to hear the motives in every case and roundly reject any claim that religion played a legitimate role.

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