Those who support civil war

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point?
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point?
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point?

A lot of people understand what they face now that we will be in control of the government again soon. They're going to lose their means to resist, they're going to be forced to do a lot of things they don't like. Even worse than the masks and lock downs. They're going to have to be relocated, they're going to have to give up their cars and they're going to have to face the facts that they can not use up tons of fossil fuels heating and cooling the air in their residences. They're not going to be able to eat as much as they want, and throw away more food than the rest of the world can produce. They're not going to be able to buy massive tons of hideous clothing they throw away after wearing a few times. They're not going to be able to incite each other to resist.

American consume too much, waste too much, and it costs the world's poor too much in labor and suffering to keep them in comfort. The rest of the world's poor need to be uplifted a lot before things stabilize, and it has to be done while seriously reducing the massive negative impact humans have on the climate. America is in for a serious culture shock.
A lot of people understand what they face now that we will be in control of the government again soon. They're going to lose their means to resist, they're going to be forced to do a lot of things they don't like. Even worse than the masks and lock downs. They're going to have to be relocated, they're going to have to give up their cars and they're going to have to face the facts that they can not use up tons of fossil fuels heating and cooling the air in their residences. They're not going to be able to eat as much as they want, and throw away more food than the rest of the world can produce. They're not going to be able to buy massive tons of hideous clothing they throw away after wearing a few times. They're not going to be able to incite each other to resist.

American consume too much, waste too much, and it costs the world's poor too much in labor and suffering to keep them in comfort. The rest of the world's poor need to be uplifted a lot before things stabilize, and it has to be done while seriously reducing the massive negative impact humans have on the climate. America is in for a serious culture shock.

Dude you're a fuckin retard.
I'd bet you're a 20 year old moron living in Seattle or Oregon and live in your moms basement.
You're in for a rude awakening.
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point? touching.
Tell you what, tell all your fucked in the head faggot leftist buddies to leave the heart and soul of America alone and nobody dies....fair enough?
A lot of people understand what they face now that we will be in control of the government again soon. They're going to lose their means to resist, they're going to be forced to do a lot of things they don't like. Even worse than the masks and lock downs. They're going to have to be relocated, they're going to have to give up their cars and they're going to have to face the facts that they can not use up tons of fossil fuels heating and cooling the air in their residences. They're not going to be able to eat as much as they want, and throw away more food than the rest of the world can produce. They're not going to be able to buy massive tons of hideous clothing they throw away after wearing a few times. They're not going to be able to incite each other to resist.

American consume too much, waste too much, and it costs the world's poor too much in labor and suffering to keep them in comfort. The rest of the world's poor need to be uplifted a lot before things stabilize, and it has to be done while seriously reducing the massive negative impact humans have on the climate. America is in for a serious culture shock.
When has any of that ever happened?

Does fear and conspiracy drive your thought process, or can you provide evidence of your claims?
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point? touching.
Tell you what, tell all your fucked in the head faggot leftist buddies to leave the heart and soul of America alone and nobody dies....fair enough?
What is the "heart and soul" of America?
Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

Until you pose that exact question to the BLM and Antifa crowds, you have no business posing it to anyone else...
But I'm asking the Right Wing.

Only because you're too chickenshit to take liberal 'tards to task for it.

You're asking why the right wing would be willing to, yet you ignore that the left wing already has.

Your partisanship negates you...
I live in the upper Ohio River valley, in a county that voted greater than 65% for Trump. I ventured out today to do some shopping. I am aware that the majority of my fellow customers disagree with my personal politics.

And yet no one was discussing politics. We were all citizens trying our best to get through these difficult times.

My question to those of you advocating armed insurrection and political violence is why?

Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

And, more crucially, who are you going to shoot? Someone with a Biden bumper sticker on their car? Someone driving a Smart Car or at least not a pickup truck? Someone who, as an American citizen has the right, voices criticism of Trump or Trump policies?

Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point? touching.
Tell you what, tell all your fucked in the head faggot leftist buddies to leave the heart and soul of America alone and nobody dies....fair enough?
What is the "heart and soul" of America?
Where are your battle lines drawn? Or are you just so upset that you would attack someone just to make a point?
We’ll fight against tyranny. Like any rational human would.
Could you cite what you think is tyranny?
Biden is determined to invade our country... war is the result of invasions.

Perhaps you should not support the craziness.
Invade? By whom?
I just want to point out for the record 99.9999999% of the political violence in this country stream from unhinged leftists
Could you provide a link?
Why would you be willing to take part in criminal activity just to advance your political ideology?

Until you pose that exact question to the BLM and Antifa crowds, you have no business posing it to anyone else...
But I'm asking the Right Wing.
Playing stupid is no refutation....Do you want a meaningful dialogue exchange or not?

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