Thomas Sowell quotes. Let's watch how this drives the racists on the left crazy.

People will vote biden because trump is a failure. Huge deficits, huge bailouts, recession, riots, closings....

You're assuming,and hoping, that voters will blame Trump for what everyone can see is the Democraps' doing. That was the plan all along, I think, but it's going to backfire in a very big way.

Everyone knows which side supports the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting and looting and destroying.

Everyone knows which side it is that hyperbolized a routine flue outbreak into an excuse to sabotage the economy, and to seize and abuse unprecedented powers to which they have no legitimate claim.

Everyone knows which side needs to be solidly voted out of power, everywhere, to put an end to this shit.
Deficits were smaller under Obama/Biden when they handed the country over. Deficits have increased rapidly under trump.


The economy was doing great before your side seized on to the #CoronaHoax and abused it to many different malevolent ends, including shutting down major parts of the economy, and forcing people out of their jobs.
Sure ....we will just get illegals to fill all the low paying jobs and the millions and millions of others can take all the well paying jobs not being filled. (Sarcasm)
You are making my point

Americans on welfare should be doing the jobs illegals are doing now

only when every American is contributing should we allow a guest worker program

and no wives and children of the foreign worker should be allowed in for any reason
Sure ....we will just get illegals to fill all the low paying jobs and the millions and millions of others can take all the well paying jobs not being filled. (Sarcasm)
You are making my point

Americans on welfare should be doing the jobs illegals are doing now

You have to pay Americans more money. You have to pay things like S.S. and unemployment. Many businesses have no desire to do that.

only when every American is contributing should we allow a guest worker program

and no wives and children of the foreign worker should be allowed in for any reason

This kind of thing is posted over and over and over and nothing changes because you refuse to do what is necessary to enact change.
He would have about as much chance of getting the nomination as Paul ever had. Honest non-corrupt folks don't get that far.
I dont think sowell wants to be president

But the republican base would for Sowell for the same reasons they voted for trump
You have to pay Americans more money. You have to pay things like S.S. and unemployment. Many businesses have no desire to do that.
Tough titties

this is why closing the border to illegal aliens is so important

many employers would like to hire Americans because they see how much damage illegals aliens do to our country

they arent blind

but if some companies within an industry are allowed to hire cheap foreign labor then they all have to do it
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You have to pay Americans more money. You have to pay things like S.S. and unemployment. Many businesses have no desire to do that.
Tough titties

this is why closing the border to illegal aliens is so important

If the jobs are here they will come but you know that.

many employers would like to hire Americans because they see how much damage illegals aliens do to our country

they arent blind

but if some companies within an industry are allowed to hire cheap foreign labor then they all have to do it

And allowed they are.
Who is Thomas Sowell? Glad you asked.

Sowell worked a civil service job in Washington, DC, and attended night classes at Howard University, a historically black college. His high scores on the College Board exams and recommendations by two professors helped him gain admission to Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude in 1958 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics.He earned a Master's degree from Columbia University the following year.

Sowell received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968. His dissertation was titled "Say's Law and the General Glut Controversy".Sowell had initially chosen Columbia University to study under George Stigler, who would later receive the Nobel Prize in Economics. When he learned that Stigler had moved to the University of Chicago, he followed him there.


I doubt liberals could read that or care. He grew up from 10 to his teens in Harlem....

Here are his quotes:

Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

One of the consequences of such notions as ‘entitlements’ is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.

I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.


Now let's watch the left call him Uncle Tom like the racist pieces of shit they all are.
I am very familiar with Sowell, and therefore don't need to copy and paste from wherever you got your list.

Sowell is a protege of Milton Friedman. I have been watching Sowell ever since Friedman discovered him. I have expressed my admiration of Friedman countless times on this forum.
Lol....employers are the only reason they come.
Thats a very simplistic answer

some come for jobs

others are drug smugglers or human traffickers in the sex trade

so I guess you could call men who like sex with underage girls “employers”

as I said, if the government refuses to stop illegals at the border then employers have no choice except to hire them at reduced wages
Lol.....then let's arrest the guy twisting their arms forcing them to hire them. Lol.
I guess you never ran a smsll budiness or understand economics

lets say you are a roofing contractor

and being a lib you want obey the law and only hire American citizens

But within the sane city where you live there is me

the greedy conservative roofing contractor who hires illegal aliens at slave wages

and my bid to reshingle a house is consistently 30% below yours

and you are slowly going bankrupt because I‘m winning all the bids and getting the jobs

Is that ok with you?

I bet it wont be long before you start hiring illegals also

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