Thomas Sowell Destroyes Francis Fox Piven in Debate (Cloward-Piven) Video

You clearly don't know too much about the left, if you believe that.... and, fyi.... I knew of C-P long before Beck started talking about it.

I suggest you take a closer look at the strategy.

Of course. Everyone knows that Conservatives know more about "lefties" than we know about ourselves, right?

I work in Democratic party politics. This is what I do for a living. I know that the only people who take the "Cloward-Piven strategy" seriously are those of you on the right.

In the same notion, I'll be you believe Colin Powell knows more about Conservatives???

What are you talking about?
Sowell makes more sense in a few minutes than most people do over the course of a lifetime.

The guy has written a crap load of books, rarely gets published or selected for interviews by the liberal media, and at the same time there is not a single liberal who could stand up to him in debate. The guy is a self made genius who didnt depend on affirmative action to get in to Harvard.

Thomas Sowell in definitely a genius I think he's written 45 books, but he's a uncle Tom :cuckoo: Sowell use to be a Marxist, but he wised up unlike some of the people on this board who are stuck in thier own stupidity.

[ame=]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
Right to the racist card Very pithy.
And yet in the last 5 years the Welfare, Food Stamp, Disability roles have swollen beyond measure.

Your lack of understanding is astonishing.

Because "the right" uses the so-called "Cloward-Piven strategy" as the basis for their persecution-complex conspiracy theories.

And this "lefty" is sick of it.

No one on the left gives 2 shits about the "Cloward-Piven" strategy. It doesn't exist as anything more than a college essay. The only people who keep in relevant are Beckites.

You clearly don't know too much about the left, if you believe that.... and, fyi.... I knew of C-P long before Beck started talking about it.

I suggest you take a closer look at the strategy.

Of course. Everyone knows that Conservatives know more about "lefties" than we know about ourselves, right?

I work in Democratic party politics. This is what I do for a living. I know that the only people who take the "Cloward-Piven strategy" seriously are those of you on the right.

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