Cloward-Piven Strategy / Alinsky's Rules well underway to take down USA

for the ten or so decaying states, if you like your blue decrappitating states, you can keep your decrappitating states, the other 40 states are voting GOP.
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

Lobbying should be outlawed, and it should be made illegal for any politician to take any sort of perk, especially monetary, from anyone while in office, or they go straight to jail and they don't get paid. They shouldn't retire with any cadillac plans either, like full pay for life for serving 4 years, or less, and last but not least, TERM LIMITS. All this would practically clean up the corruption in Washington overnight. Problem is, the fox is guarding the hen house, so these common sense reforms will never happen... unless... we force a constitutional convention of the states, and amend the constitution without congress.
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."
You can blame BO all you like. You will get no disagreement from me, but you are missing the much larger cause of the problem.

When the top .01% are allowed to control the nation's political and economic system, the consequences are dastardly for most Americans.

This column sums it up very well:
We all know the benefits of ZIRP and QE have gone only to the .1% who run the show. We know income inequality is at all-time highs. We know TPP will be passed, because the corporate fascists control the purse strings of our political class. We know the status quo will be maintained at all costs by the Deep State.

We know mega-corporations continue to ship jobs overseas and replace us with cheap foreign labor. We know the current administration actively encourages illegals to pour over our borders, swamp our social safety net, increase crime, and take jobs from Americans. We know the government has us under mass surveillance and will not hesitate to use all of that military equipment in the hands of local police against us. The will of the people is nothing but an irritant to those in power. They might not have us figured out, but a growing number of critical thinking, increasingly pissed off people, have them figured out. The debt expansion days are numbered. A deflationary depression is in the offing. The coming civil strife, financial panic, war, and overthrow of the existing social order will rival the three previous tumultuous upheavals in U.S. history – American Revolution, Civil War, Great Depression/World War II. Fourth Turnings are a bitch.

Hopefully I’ve explained the situation to the satisfaction of Jon and Janet. The mood in this country is darkening by the day. There is no going back to the good old days of yesteryear. They are long gone. No amount of debt issuance and propaganda is going to work. The system is overloaded. The people are angry. The politicians are captured. The banking elite are ransacking the nation for every last dime they can get their grubby little hands on. The military industrial complex is itching for war with Russia and China. The world hates us. If you can’t see it coming, you are either blind, dumb, or an Ivy League educated economist. So go out and spend to make your slave owners happy.

Real median household income was $52,300 in 1989. Real median household income today is $51,939. The median household has made no economic advancement in the last quarter of a century. And this is using the manipulated lower CPI figure. Using a true inflation rate would show a dramatic decline over the last 25 years. There has been virtually no wage growth during this supposed six year recovery. The industrial base of the country has been gutted, except for the production of arms to blow up brown people in the Middle East. Young people have $1.3 trillion of student loan debt weighing them like an anchor, and those Ruby Tuesday waitress jobs and Home Depot cashier jobs aren’t going to cut it.

The U.S. economic system is like a Great White Shark that must keep swimming or it will die. The Federal Reserve run U.S. economic system must keep generating debt or it will die. They are growing desperate and you are not following orders.

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You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.

I don't know that and I don't care. I watch what Obama does and he is indeed following the Cloward-Piven strategy. He also was a fan of Alinsky and it shows in everything he does.

Or.....and this is just an're merely apeing whatever Root tells you to think. And Root doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And you certainly don't.

But tell us, what would Alinksy do? What were his goals? I'd love to hear the hapless batshit you've been fed, the tin foil version of Rules for Radicals you've swallowed. Or, if you want to save us time, just link to whatever Root thinks on the matter. As he's the one doing all your thinking for you on the matter.

If past lies make one's current opinions meaningless, then Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Warren and too many others to count should just shut the hell up since their opinions no longer count for anything.

Root's opinion isn't meaningless because he 'lies'. Its meaningless because he's never met Obama. He doesn't know him. Making all that 'Columbia' babble hapless nonsense fed to the gullible and/or ignorant to make them think he has some knowledge on the topic.

Which, of course, he doesn't.

Root is a professional conspiracy theorist. That's how he pays for his lunch. And you are literally swallowing whatever pablum the man is shilling without a single though. For fuck's sake, Root's conspiracy is that Obama never went to Columbia. And yet he's ALSO arguing that Obama studied the 'Cloward-Piven' strategy at Columbia.

For a sane person, this obvious contradiction might call into question his credibility. As his two conspiracies are mutually exclusive. But for the sheep that gobble down his every accusation without thought or question, there is no conflict. As they don't need evidence, consistency, or even a credible connection to reality.

But you keep chewing Root's rhetorical cud. I will, however, be pointing and laughing.

I get the feeling that a lot of Obama and Hillary supporters either know the radical plans and approve or they never bothered to read them and are just useful idiots. One rule is that it is necessary to lie about the endgame or people would turn away in droves.

I get the feeling that you have no idea what you're talking about. And are merely reciting talking points written by people who also have no idea what they're talking about.
DarkFury said:
Obama did not need to meet him directly to follow the program.

You're confused. THe person he never met was Root. Making Root's opinion's about Obama's beliefs based on Root's time at Columbia gloriously irrelevant. As Root doesn't know what he's talking about.

Obama had Ayers and Dorn and THEY taught him the program.

Um, dip,.......Ayers didn't teach at Columbia university. You've essentially abandoned all of Root's batshit. Which is encouraging, I suppose.

Hillary MET Alinsky as well. She wrote her final on him which is now SEALED.

Sealed, huh? And you're the same batshit conspiracy junkie that insisted that Obama and Hillary had people in Benghazi killed to keep them from testifying at their treason trial.

Back in're just clueless:

Despite the fervent interest in the thesis, few realize that it is no longer kept under lock and key. As found, it is available to anyone who visits the archive room of the prestigious women’s college outside Boston. With Clinton’s opponents in the 2008 presidential race looking for the next “Swift Boat” attack ad, and the senator herself trying to cast off her liberal image, Clinton's 92-page thesis is certain to be read and reread by opposition researchers and reporters visiting the campus.

Reading Hillary Clinton s hidden thesis - politics - Decision 08 - Hillary Clinton News NBC News

But its 'now sealed' huh? This article was written in 2007. You're literally apeing demonstratable bullshit that's older than the Obama administration.

Oh, Clinton trashes Alinksy in the thesis. She talks of how ineffective his strategies are, how inconsistent it is, how inapplicable in today's world his claims are. Which you'd know if you'd ever bothered to research it rather than mechanically vomiting up predigested conspiracy cud.

Do you guys get how awful the record of accuracy of the bullshit you spout actually is? How horrendously unreliable the right wing echo chamber is in getting you accurate information? Do you ever tire of being wrong, of having your ass handed to you by better informed folks with better sources?

If so, might I recommend thinking for yourself, asking questions, and doing an ounce of fact checking. Rather than obediently gobbling down whatever echo chamber pablum is pumped down your eager gullets. Or at the very least, wipe your fucking chins before you ask for another rhetorical load to repeat.[/quote]
Alinsky rule 5...

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Who does that better than the rightwing propaganda machine?

Kidding, right? The Left wing is the best tuned, most evil, horrible, political destruction machine in history.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Your solution? Tie the hands of government and let the arch-capitalists, who have by now made most of their money being amoral opportunists, step into the power vacuum and do whatever they bloody well wish. That is no solution, it's the very problem we have now on steroids. There is no way to fix the plutocracy problem without taking strong governmental actions that may hurt the bottom lines of the plutocrats, sorry, there is no other way because there is no other entity with the resources to stand up to them.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Your solution? Tie the hands of government and let the arch-capitalists, who have by now made most of their money being amoral opportunists, step into the power vacuum and do whatever they bloody well wish. That is no solution, it's the very problem we have now on steroids. There is no way to fix the plutocracy problem without taking strong governmental actions that may hurt the bottom lines of the plutocrats, sorry, there is no other way because there is no other entity with the resources to stand up to them.

This is the part of lassie faire capitalists that I never understood: that the solution to the exploitation and abuse of capitalism is to remove any restrictions on capitalism. How does that solve the abuses and exploitation? The catastrophic environmental consequences? The enormous influence that money buys?

Pure capitalism is unsustainable as it rapidly descends into regional monopolies for one simple reason: capitalists hate competition. Despite the fact that competition is the engine of efficiency, which is the entire reason capitalism works. Capitalists engage in non-competitive practices. Regional monopolies, price fixing, wage fixing, gobbling up competitors, vertical integration, company stores, etc.. All while engaging in some of the most exploitative behavior this side of slavery. Where the idea of consent becomes a notional concept.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Your solution? Tie the hands of government and let the arch-capitalists, who have by now made most of their money being amoral opportunists, step into the power vacuum and do whatever they bloody well wish. That is no solution, it's the very problem we have now on steroids. There is no way to fix the plutocracy problem without taking strong governmental actions that may hurt the bottom lines of the plutocrats, sorry, there is no other way because there is no other entity with the resources to stand up to them.

This is the part of lassie faire capitalists that I never understood: that the solution to the exploitation and abuse of capitalism is to remove any restrictions on capitalism. How does that solve the abuses and exploitation? The catastrophic environmental consequences? The enormous influence that money buys?

Pure capitalism is unsustainable as it rapidly descends into regional monopolies for one simple reason: capitalists hate competition. Despite the fact that competition is the engine of efficiency, which is the entire reason capitalism works. Capitalists engage in non-competitive practices. Regional monopolies, price fixing, wage fixing, gobbling up competitors, vertical integration, company stores, etc.. All while engaging in some of the most exploitative behavior this side of slavery. Where the idea of consent becomes a notional concept.
Yes, it's like I have often said before: Live by the law of the jungle and you end up with a jungle. There must be limits to exploitation or it will become total. Ruthless psychotics naturally rise to positions of power in big business, why conservatives think these people can be trusted to police themselves is mystifying.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Your solution? Tie the hands of government and let the arch-capitalists, who have by now made most of their money being amoral opportunists, step into the power vacuum and do whatever they bloody well wish. That is no solution, it's the very problem we have now on steroids. There is no way to fix the plutocracy problem without taking strong governmental actions that may hurt the bottom lines of the plutocrats, sorry, there is no other way because there is no other entity with the resources to stand up to them.

This is the part of lassie faire capitalists that I never understood: that the solution to the exploitation and abuse of capitalism is to remove any restrictions on capitalism. How does that solve the abuses and exploitation? The catastrophic environmental consequences? The enormous influence that money buys?

Pure capitalism is unsustainable as it rapidly descends into regional monopolies for one simple reason: capitalists hate competition. Despite the fact that competition is the engine of efficiency, which is the entire reason capitalism works. Capitalists engage in non-competitive practices. Regional monopolies, price fixing, wage fixing, gobbling up competitors, vertical integration, company stores, etc.. All while engaging in some of the most exploitative behavior this side of slavery. Where the idea of consent becomes a notional concept.
Yes, it's like I have often said before: Live by the law of the jungle and you end up with a jungle. There must be limits to exploitation or it will become total. Ruthless psychotics naturally rise to positions of power in big business, why conservatives think these people can be trusted to police themselves is mystifying.

If you go too far down the road of government control, you get government monopolies. Which are inherently anti-competitive. If you go too far down the path of 'pure' capitalism, you get regional monopolies and unrestrained anti-competitive practices. Which do the same thing. The sweet spot is regulated capitalism, where you limit exploitation and anti-comparative practices. Getting the fullest bounty from the advantages of capitalism while limiting the harm caused by it.
Turns out the pilot was medically speaking,,,blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other, and was grounded from flying cause he could not pass the eye exams.....Did Clyde figure that in his plan also??Derps....
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.

You're confusing capitalism with crony capitalism. Too much government manipulation and sucking up to their big donors have created the problem.
Your solution? Tie the hands of government and let the arch-capitalists, who have by now made most of their money being amoral opportunists, step into the power vacuum and do whatever they bloody well wish. That is no solution, it's the very problem we have now on steroids. There is no way to fix the plutocracy problem without taking strong governmental actions that may hurt the bottom lines of the plutocrats, sorry, there is no other way because there is no other entity with the resources to stand up to them.

This is the part of lassie faire capitalists that I never understood: that the solution to the exploitation and abuse of capitalism is to remove any restrictions on capitalism. How does that solve the abuses and exploitation? The catastrophic environmental consequences? The enormous influence that money buys?

Pure capitalism is unsustainable as it rapidly descends into regional monopolies for one simple reason: capitalists hate competition. Despite the fact that competition is the engine of efficiency, which is the entire reason capitalism works. Capitalists engage in non-competitive practices. Regional monopolies, price fixing, wage fixing, gobbling up competitors, vertical integration, company stores, etc.. All while engaging in some of the most exploitative behavior this side of slavery. Where the idea of consent becomes a notional concept.
Yes, it's like I have often said before: Live by the law of the jungle and you end up with a jungle. There must be limits to exploitation or it will become total. Ruthless psychotics naturally rise to positions of power in big business, why conservatives think these people can be trusted to police themselves is mystifying.

If you go too far down the road of government control, you get government monopolies. Which are inherently anti-competitive. If you go too far down the path of 'pure' capitalism, you get regional monopolies and unrestrained anti-competitive practices. Which do the same thing. The sweet spot is regulated capitalism, where you limit exploitation and anti-comparative practices. Getting the fullest bounty from the advantages of capitalism while limiting the harm caused by it.
That's the correct answer. A well regulated economy is the most stable, trouble is, if you play the stock market slow sustainable growth is a loser, better to manipulate things to boom and bust.
It's an old article but look what's happened, EU is lost...

Cloward-Piven Strategy Working Perfectly — in Europe
By Zombie May 7, 2012


But something interesting happened on Sunday in Europe: Voters in both France and Greece, two countries ruinously addicted to government entitlements, rejected the "austerity" model of debt-reduction and instead doubled down on unsustainable spending sprees. France elected Socialist Francois Hollande as president, and in his acceptance speech he promised to increase government benefits and amp up "stimulus" spending programs -- the exact things that got France into a metaphorical debtors' prison in the first place. But exactly as Cloward and Piven had surmised, once you get 50+% of the population hooked on "free" government money, there's no turning back -- they will vote for socialists every time. The election of Hollande is the culmination of Cloward-Piven; the strategy worked, but in the wrong country.

(In a similar blunder, it should be noted, Karl Marx predicted that the first socialist revolution would happen in an industrialized country like Germany or Great Britain; instead the exact opposite happened, as two backward pre-industrial nations, Russia and China, were the first to embrace communism.)

Also on Sunday, Greece held local elections and voters rewarded various "anti-austerity" parties and candidates: "Greek voters punish ruling coalition, reward far left," reads the headline. "Voters angry over austerity delivered a blow to Greece's ruling parties on Sunday, with neither the conservative New Democracy nor the Pasok socialists winning enough votes to form a government while far-left Syriza took second place." Even a "neo-Nazi" anti-immigrant party won seats for the first time because they too rejected the "austerity" measures and want to maintain the entitlement state (albeit solely for Greek citizens, in their case).

The message is clear: Once enough voters are on the dole, regardless of your party's ideology or what label it has, you will win elections if you promise to to keep the free money flowing. This was Cloward-Piven's point, and they turned out to be frighteningly correct.


Sunday might not be as epochal as Russia's October Revolution, but it should be remembered as the day of the first Cloward-Piven Revolution. It just happened in the "wrong" countries.

Will the revolution spread to America? Have Obama's policies over the last four years addicted so many people to food stamps and Social Security disability payments and unemployment benefits and so many other entitlement programs that we as a nation will go the route of France and vote for the guy who promises to keep the drugs flowing, regardless of the consequences? Will the inherent resilience of the American economy keep the illusory prosperity afloat long enough to usher Obama into office for the final assault on capitalism?

Hayek help us.

Cloward-Piven Strategy Working Perfectly — in Europe

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