This white teacher stopped teaching Spanish to "dismantle white supremacy" because "white people aren't right"

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
This white teacher stopped teaching Spanish to "dismantle white supremacy" because "white people aren't right"

The teacher

Bridges' testimony about how awful her whiteness is was part of Southern Connecticut State University's Virtual Women's and Gender Studies Conference, which happened over two days in April. The conference focus was on "Gender, Race, Community & Conflict: Pursuing Peace and Justice."

Bridges, a PhD candidate in the college of arts and sciences at Oklahoma State University, spoke about "white women's complicity," the complicity of white women in white supremacy and "the work that white women have to do to address this issue." Bridges has worked primarily in education, and the pandemic inspired her to make "anti-racism and white women's complicity and anti-racist work" her dissertation topic.

Her testimony was what she called the "autho-ethnographic" portion of that work with the assembled Zoomers at the conference. This section was all about Bridges lived experiences as a white woman who has worked in education, primarily in K-12 education and feels really badly about her privilege.

Bridges work was about "examining her whiteness, complicity, and activism." She said that as a K-12 teacher in the US, she has been "embedded in a system that some scholars have identified as reproducing social injustice. Consciously, or unconsciously," she said, "I have been complicit as a part of the educational system and as a white woman benefitting from white privilege."
Bridges then verbally flogs herself for not being anti-racist enough, and explained her journey to "becoming an antiracist white woman." Basically, this was her journey to becoming Marxist.
She learned about Marxism in a masters class, and from that day on, she became an anti-racist activist.

Part of her education in Marxism was her realization that she "was a colonizer." It made her nauseous. She talked about a white man who was brought to tears by realizing that he was a "racist colonizer."

they don't even bother to hide it anymore

Not the bee throws out the most obvious questions that should be thrown at her

I have a question for Ms. McWokey. Isn't Spanish a European language?

A few other questions:

Isn't Spanish spoken in the Americas because of the colonization by said Europeans?

And before that, wasn't the language influenced by Islamic Moorish invaders seeking to conquer and colonize the Iberian Peninsula?

And before that, wasn't the language introduced as a Latin dialect when the Romans defeated Carthage, the city in modern-day Tunisia that had colonized Spain, around 200 B.C.?

By this teacher's very worldview, Spanish itself must be racist. To remove all traces of ethnic superiority and colonization, you'd need to eliminate every word and all grammar that relates to the Spanish Empire, the Moors, or Rome.

Read all the friggin marxist progressive insanity ..

Leftist broads
All fat
Usually both

Also ugly on the inside ...hateful self loathing mentally deranged imbeciles and in general slimy pieces of filth
This white teacher stopped teaching Spanish to "dismantle white supremacy" because "white people aren't right"

The teacher

Bridges' testimony about how awful her whiteness is was part of Southern Connecticut State University's Virtual Women's and Gender Studies Conference, which happened over two days in April. The conference focus was on "Gender, Race, Community & Conflict: Pursuing Peace and Justice."

Bridges, a PhD candidate in the college of arts and sciences at Oklahoma State University, spoke about "white women's complicity," the complicity of white women in white supremacy and "the work that white women have to do to address this issue." Bridges has worked primarily in education, and the pandemic inspired her to make "anti-racism and white women's complicity and anti-racist work" her dissertation topic.

Her testimony was what she called the "autho-ethnographic" portion of that work with the assembled Zoomers at the conference. This section was all about Bridges lived experiences as a white woman who has worked in education, primarily in K-12 education and feels really badly about her privilege.

Bridges work was about "examining her whiteness, complicity, and activism." She said that as a K-12 teacher in the US, she has been "embedded in a system that some scholars have identified as reproducing social injustice. Consciously, or unconsciously," she said, "I have been complicit as a part of the educational system and as a white woman benefitting from white privilege."
Bridges then verbally flogs herself for not being anti-racist enough, and explained her journey to "becoming an antiracist white woman." Basically, this was her journey to becoming Marxist.
She learned about Marxism in a masters class, and from that day on, she became an anti-racist activist.

Part of her education in Marxism was her realization that she "was a colonizer." It made her nauseous. She talked about a white man who was brought to tears by realizing that he was a "racist colonizer."

they don't even bother to hide it anymore

Not the bee throws out the most obvious questions that should be thrown at her

I have a question for Ms. McWokey. Isn't Spanish a European language?

A few other questions:

Isn't Spanish spoken in the Americas because of the colonization by said Europeans?

And before that, wasn't the language influenced by Islamic Moorish invaders seeking to conquer and colonize the Iberian Peninsula?

And before that, wasn't the language introduced as a Latin dialect when the Romans defeated Carthage, the city in modern-day Tunisia that had colonized Spain, around 200 B.C.?

By this teacher's very worldview, Spanish itself must be racist. To remove all traces of ethnic superiority and colonization, you'd need to eliminate every word and all grammar that relates to the Spanish Empire, the Moors, or Rome.

Read all the friggin marxist progressive insanity ..

Leftist broads
All fat
Usually both

Also ugly on the inside ...hateful self loathing mentally deranged imbeciles and in general slimy pieces of filth
That could be one of our loony libturd women there
Spanish IS a white European language. Shouldn't a certified Spanish teacher known that already? And if not, so what? What is the point?
Spanish IS a white European language. Shouldn't a certified Spanish teacher known that already? And if not, so what? What is the point?
She's what a leftard would call a" highly educated strong woman" who doesn’t realize that they speak Spanish and Portuguese in South and Central America due to evil colonizers and slave traders

She's an ignorant retard ...just another democratic socialist mutant low iq waste of life ...a weak neurotic piece of shit ...she's a big a loser as she is round

Thiers thousands of the idiot marxist in the schools running INDOCTRINATION puppy mills ....the new york times did a whole thing on 16 year old" progressive activist Democrats" and thier tactics
Let me paint ya a picture

And they're going after establishment dems lol
But we can go on
how insane her statement actually is ? Or how many cans of frosting can she eat at once with the strong smell of caT urine lingering in the air?
This white teacher stopped teaching Spanish to "dismantle white supremacy" because "white people aren't right"

The teacher

Bridges' testimony about how awful her whiteness is was part of Southern Connecticut State University's Virtual Women's and Gender Studies Conference, which happened over two days in April. The conference focus was on "Gender, Race, Community & Conflict: Pursuing Peace and Justice."

Bridges, a PhD candidate in the college of arts and sciences at Oklahoma State University, spoke about "white women's complicity," the complicity of white women in white supremacy and "the work that white women have to do to address this issue." Bridges has worked primarily in education, and the pandemic inspired her to make "anti-racism and white women's complicity and anti-racist work" her dissertation topic.

Her testimony was what she called the "autho-ethnographic" portion of that work with the assembled Zoomers at the conference. This section was all about Bridges lived experiences as a white woman who has worked in education, primarily in K-12 education and feels really badly about her privilege.

Bridges work was about "examining her whiteness, complicity, and activism." She said that as a K-12 teacher in the US, she has been "embedded in a system that some scholars have identified as reproducing social injustice. Consciously, or unconsciously," she said, "I have been complicit as a part of the educational system and as a white woman benefitting from white privilege."
Bridges then verbally flogs herself for not being anti-racist enough, and explained her journey to "becoming an antiracist white woman." Basically, this was her journey to becoming Marxist.
She learned about Marxism in a masters class, and from that day on, she became an anti-racist activist.

Part of her education in Marxism was her realization that she "was a colonizer." It made her nauseous. She talked about a white man who was brought to tears by realizing that he was a "racist colonizer."

they don't even bother to hide it anymore

Not the bee throws out the most obvious questions that should be thrown at her

I have a question for Ms. McWokey. Isn't Spanish a European language?

A few other questions:

Isn't Spanish spoken in the Americas because of the colonization by said Europeans?

And before that, wasn't the language influenced by Islamic Moorish invaders seeking to conquer and colonize the Iberian Peninsula?

And before that, wasn't the language introduced as a Latin dialect when the Romans defeated Carthage, the city in modern-day Tunisia that had colonized Spain, around 200 B.C.?

By this teacher's very worldview, Spanish itself must be racist. To remove all traces of ethnic superiority and colonization, you'd need to eliminate every word and all grammar that relates to the Spanish Empire, the Moors, or Rome.

Read all the friggin marxist progressive insanity ..

Leftist broads
All fat
Usually both

Also ugly on the inside ...hateful self loathing mentally deranged imbeciles and in general slimy pieces of filth
the poor fool will never get past her self hate
This white teacher stopped teaching Spanish to "dismantle white supremacy" because "white people aren't right"

The teacher

Bridges' testimony about how awful her whiteness is was part of Southern Connecticut State University's Virtual Women's and Gender Studies Conference, which happened over two days in April. The conference focus was on "Gender, Race, Community & Conflict: Pursuing Peace and Justice."

Bridges, a PhD candidate in the college of arts and sciences at Oklahoma State University, spoke about "white women's complicity," the complicity of white women in white supremacy and "the work that white women have to do to address this issue." Bridges has worked primarily in education, and the pandemic inspired her to make "anti-racism and white women's complicity and anti-racist work" her dissertation topic.

Her testimony was what she called the "autho-ethnographic" portion of that work with the assembled Zoomers at the conference. This section was all about Bridges lived experiences as a white woman who has worked in education, primarily in K-12 education and feels really badly about her privilege.

Bridges work was about "examining her whiteness, complicity, and activism." She said that as a K-12 teacher in the US, she has been "embedded in a system that some scholars have identified as reproducing social injustice. Consciously, or unconsciously," she said, "I have been complicit as a part of the educational system and as a white woman benefitting from white privilege."
Bridges then verbally flogs herself for not being anti-racist enough, and explained her journey to "becoming an antiracist white woman." Basically, this was her journey to becoming Marxist.
She learned about Marxism in a masters class, and from that day on, she became an anti-racist activist.

Part of her education in Marxism was her realization that she "was a colonizer." It made her nauseous. She talked about a white man who was brought to tears by realizing that he was a "racist colonizer."

they don't even bother to hide it anymore

Not the bee throws out the most obvious questions that should be thrown at her

I have a question for Ms. McWokey. Isn't Spanish a European language?

A few other questions:

Isn't Spanish spoken in the Americas because of the colonization by said Europeans?

And before that, wasn't the language influenced by Islamic Moorish invaders seeking to conquer and colonize the Iberian Peninsula?

And before that, wasn't the language introduced as a Latin dialect when the Romans defeated Carthage, the city in modern-day Tunisia that had colonized Spain, around 200 B.C.?

By this teacher's very worldview, Spanish itself must be racist. To remove all traces of ethnic superiority and colonization, you'd need to eliminate every word and all grammar that relates to the Spanish Empire, the Moors, or Rome.

Read all the friggin marxist progressive insanity ..

Leftist broads
All fat
Usually both

Also ugly on the inside ...hateful self loathing mentally deranged imbeciles and in general slimy pieces of filth

This happens because the left doesn't know history (and doesn't want to know it).
Thier are no communist anymore
They're all Democratic socialist....which is not communism and not bat shit insanely authoritarian at all
Trust the science !

Basically, this was her journey to becoming Marxist.
She learned about Marxism in a masters class, and from that day on, she became an anti-racist activist.

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