...this seems 'Political', and timely..Paul Manafort


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
The Washington Post and the New York Times are reporting that Paul Manafort, out of prison since he was pardoned by Don Trump at the close of his presidency......is likely to find a home at the RNC.

To wit:

"Manafort in Talks to Return for the Republican National Convention"
"Paul Manafort, who served as a top adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, was pardoned by Mr. Trump after being convicted of tax and bank fraud."

Paul Manafort is surrounded by men in suits and ties in a hallway.

Paul Manafort, center, a top adviser to Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign who was pardoned by the former president at the end of his White House term, at his arraignment in Manhattan Supreme Court in 2019.Credit...Jefferson Siegel for The New York Times
  • March 18, 2024
"Paul Manafort, a top adviser to Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign who was pardoned by the former president at the end of his White House term, is in discussions to return ....with the Republican National Convention, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter.
Mr. Manafort’s potential role at the party’s convention in Milwaukee has not been decided.......
A Trump campaign spokesman and Mr. Manafort did not respond to requests for comment.


This is startin' to have the vibe of the Blues Bros, Dan Akroyd and John Belushi putting-the-band-back-together' for their "Mission From God" .

Let's throw in Roger Stone, Rudi Guiliani, Melissa Carrone, Senator Katy Britt, and where is Jeff Sessions?
Can Stormy Daniels and the Playboy model and the Enquirer guy be far behind? And what about Michael Cohen? (I think Mike Pence is likely already committed?)
To flesh out the bench, why not throw in everybody who was pardoned or commuted by the fired ex-president....including those Medicare fraudster multi-millionaires?

Once a team, always a team. MAGA!!
"Shit on you."

Ah, prolific poster BJ, my avatar truly regrets that he has occasionally been dismissive and disrespectful towards some of your contributions here. Not that they didn't deserve to be dissed, but......but you are a real avatar and may have real feelings. For an avatar.

And thus, could be sincerely embarrassed by what you have posted, and thus resentful when some other avatar points that out.

Accept my avatar's sincere regrets.
Benedict Donald put out an SOS distress call for Russians assistance, again. Poor Benedict see's trouble waters ahead.
Birds of a feather do what together?

"Carry On, Carrion"

Ummm, Manafort et al, are vultures?
And feeding on the carrion that will be the donors to the Trump campaign and to the RNC?

OK, I could be persuaded.

The RNC is now dead meat....but there's meat enough for vultures & buzzards to still get a beak-fill.

Or, so some might argue.
The Washington Post and the New York Times are reporting that Paul Manafort, out of prison since he was pardoned by Don Trump at the close of his presidency......is likely to find a home at the RNC.

To wit:

"Manafort in Talks to Return for the Republican National Convention"
"Paul Manafort, who served as a top adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, was pardoned by Mr. Trump after being convicted of tax and bank fraud."

Paul Manafort is surrounded by men in suits and ties in a hallway.

Paul Manafort, center, a top adviser to Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign who was pardoned by the former president at the end of his White House term, at his arraignment in Manhattan Supreme Court in 2019.Credit...Jefferson Siegel for The New York Times
  • March 18, 2024
"Paul Manafort, a top adviser to Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign who was pardoned by the former president at the end of his White House term, is in discussions to return ....with the Republican National Convention, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter.
Mr. Manafort’s potential role at the party’s convention in Milwaukee has not been decided.......
A Trump campaign spokesman and Mr. Manafort did not respond to requests for comment.


This is startin' to have the vibe of the Blues Bros, Dan Akroyd and John Belushi putting-the-band-back-together' for their "Mission From God" .

Let's throw in Roger Stone, Rudi Guiliani, Melissa Carrone, Senator Katy Britt, and where is Jeff Sessions?
Can Stormy Daniels and the Playboy model and the Enquirer guy be far behind? And what about Michael Cohen? (I think Mike Pence is likely already committed?)
To flesh out the bench, why not throw in everybody who was pardoned or commuted by the fired ex-president....including those Medicare fraudster multi-millionaires?

Once a team, always a team. MAGA!!

Memes and shiny pictures are for the school boys in the back of the class playing grab-ass with each other rather than learning.

It could have been dyslexia*, lack of motivation, or bad parents.
We dunno.

But here many of them are today. On a keyboard and focusing on cartoon-think and shiny-pictures.
It is sad.

*What is dyslexia & why is it a problem?
  • What Is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a brain-based learning disorder that causes difficulties with reading and processing written language. Symptoms are often discovered when children learn to read.

** an extra large font was used in order to help any here that may be dyslexic.
LOL.....The leftists are scared to death of Manafort......He's like Keyser Söze to them. :laughing0301:

Not at all. Just remember, the guy is now a known traitor and seditionist that deals in foreign money corruption involving Republicans.

Since he has been pardoned, there is no double jeopardy protections for him if he gets caught doing the samething again, and next time there won't be a friendly President to pardon him again.

Tread lightly Pauly boy, the FBI and DOJ will be watching you like a hawk. Every single trip you make outside of the country, and every single phone call you make outside of the country, will be under scrutiny.
Birds of a feather do what together?

Ummm, Manafort et al, are vultures?
And feeding on the carrion that will be the donors to the Trump campaign and to the RNC?

OK, I could be persuaded.

The RNC is now dead meat....but there's meat enough for vultures & buzzards to still get a beak-fill.

Or, so some might argue.
Megatons of MAGAton

We will bury what's left of your remains. Before that interment, be sure to attend the wake for the WOKE.

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