This proves Covid was a phony crisis


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

"WE LITERALLY STAYED IN OUR HOUSES FOR A MONTH BECAUSE OF FEAR OF A VIRUS WITH A 99.74% SURVIVAL RATE AND NOW ARE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE NATIONAL COP-KILLING RIOTS?!!" Kentucky State political science professor Wilfred Reilly tweeted. "SERIOUS question, as re these riots - where are all these Governors that gave daily three hour press conferences about whether you could walk down the beach or visit your dying relatives? Is the COVID-19 crisis over?"

I've been saying it from the beginning. The media hyped this up to distract from the bullshit impeachment, Epstein's odd death and guest list, Hong Kong being oppressed by China.

As soon as there was a reason to have bed wetters destroy cities so moonbats could blame "white supremacists" and Trump by proxy, all of a sudden quarantines are no longer "needed".

It was bullshit, like everything else liberals push.

I hate these fuckin parasites


"WE LITERALLY STAYED IN OUR HOUSES FOR A MONTH BECAUSE OF FEAR OF A VIRUS WITH A 99.74% SURVIVAL RATE AND NOW ARE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE NATIONAL COP-KILLING RIOTS?!!" Kentucky State political science professor Wilfred Reilly tweeted. "SERIOUS question, as re these riots - where are all these Governors that gave daily three hour press conferences about whether you could walk down the beach or visit your dying relatives? Is the COVID-19 crisis over?"

I've been saying it from the beginning. The media hyped this up to distract from the bullshit impeachment, Epstein's odd death and guest list, Hong Kong being oppressed by China.

As soon as there was a reason to have bed wetters destroy cities so moonbats could blame "white supremacists" and Trump by proxy, all of a sudden quarantines are no longer "needed".

It was bullshit, like everything else liberals push.

I hate these fuckin parasites


From one outrage to's like clockwork.
My brother was explaining to me how it is all a hoax as I was taking him to the emergency room this afternoon. They are going to keep him there at least over night. He says this is the worst cold he has ever had.
My brother was explaining to me how it is all a hoax as I was taking him to the emergency room this afternoon. They are going to keep him there at least over night. He says this is the worst cold he has ever had.

Sounds like he’s just a pussy.

"WE LITERALLY STAYED IN OUR HOUSES FOR A MONTH BECAUSE OF FEAR OF A VIRUS WITH A 99.74% SURVIVAL RATE AND NOW ARE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE NATIONAL COP-KILLING RIOTS?!!" Kentucky State political science professor Wilfred Reilly tweeted. "SERIOUS question, as re these riots - where are all these Governors that gave daily three hour press conferences about whether you could walk down the beach or visit your dying relatives? Is the COVID-19 crisis over?"

I've been saying it from the beginning. The media hyped this up to distract from the bullshit impeachment, Epstein's odd death and guest list, Hong Kong being oppressed by China.

As soon as there was a reason to have bed wetters destroy cities so moonbats could blame "white supremacists" and Trump by proxy, all of a sudden quarantines are no longer "needed".

It was bullshit, like everything else liberals push.

I hate these fuckin parasites
Do you have any information that the IRA and Trump Army AREN'T behind it?
100K dead. Pretty convincing

100K dead that would have died if we locked the country down or not. If hiltery was in office the economy would still be in the shitter the meat puppet faggot messiah of yours kept it in for 8 years anyway, but you can bet they would not have shut the fuckin country down. The media would be worried that not enough little girls were trying to join the boy scouts, that hitlery still had not disarmed the country, but they would not be acting like a seasonal flu was an apocalypse and we all had to stay locked down.

We are going to have another flu season in 8 more months bed wetters, so just stay home for the rest of your lives, because it's not like anyone needs you malignant pests in the real world anyway, because all you know how to do is destroy shit.


Yeah Corazon. The problem is that Nicaraguans are like Americants. They're pussies that wont clean house.They just wait to vote-----for nobody.
Ortega should have been dead 30 years ago.Trade the iPhone for an AK and get rid of the meatheads first. Ortega could be taken apart by a 16 year old campesino with a machete.

Yeah Corazon. The problem is that Nicaraguans are like Americants. They're pussies that wont clean house.They just wait to vote-----for nobody.
Ortega should have been dead 30 years ago.Trade the iPhone for an AK and get rid of the meatheads first. Ortega could be taken apart by a 16 year old campesino with a machete.

Does that make practically every other nation and their people pussies also? Revolutions happen when people can not take anymore or the government falls by its own ways as people lose concern to build the economy or can not for many reasons.

Yeah Corazon. The problem is that Nicaraguans are like Americants. They're pussies that wont clean house.They just wait to vote-----for nobody.
Ortega should have been dead 30 years ago.Trade the iPhone for an AK and get rid of the meatheads first. Ortega could be taken apart by a 16 year old campesino with a machete.

Does that make practically every other nation and their people pussies also? Revolutions happen when people can not take anymore or the government falls by its own ways as people lose concern to build the economy or can not for many reasons.

Revolution isn't throwing rocks and burning your own neighborhood down.It's killing Nazis. Germans were dumb motherfuckers too."following orders,YES SIR" Meatheads are always a problem.

See the difference ? Me neither.Meatheads


"WE LITERALLY STAYED IN OUR HOUSES FOR A MONTH BECAUSE OF FEAR OF A VIRUS WITH A 99.74% SURVIVAL RATE AND NOW ARE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE NATIONAL COP-KILLING RIOTS?!!" Kentucky State political science professor Wilfred Reilly tweeted. "SERIOUS question, as re these riots - where are all these Governors that gave daily three hour press conferences about whether you could walk down the beach or visit your dying relatives? Is the COVID-19 crisis over?"

I've been saying it from the beginning. The media hyped this up to distract from the bullshit impeachment, Epstein's odd death and guest list, Hong Kong being oppressed by China.

As soon as there was a reason to have bed wetters destroy cities so moonbats could blame "white supremacists" and Trump by proxy, all of a sudden quarantines are no longer "needed".

It was bullshit, like everything else liberals push.

I hate these fuckin parasites

The pandemic wasn't the killer plague experts were expecting to happen. But, the economic damage was already made due to the preventive measurements which forced the closing of business and more.

Right after finding out the lower than expected deaths because the virus, president Trump opted for opening back business, schools and centers of work to attempt the faster recovery of the economy.

The hoax took multiple facets, with extraordinary stories ranging from a Chinese market selling bat meat to attempts from China to destroy the West with a genetically modified virus.

Their continued attacks against the president have not rested since he took the leadership of the country. It is expected that their desperate intentions to elect a different candidate for the presidency will increase their hatred against the president in the following months.

All their attacks have not affected the minds of the people who elected Donald Trump four years ago and the attackers are becoming more frustrated than ever, specially when their candidate can't even remember what day is today if he doesn't take medicine for his memory.
The pandemic wasn't the killer plague experts were expecting to happen. But, the economic damage was already made due to the preventive measurements which forced the closing of business and more.

Right after finding out the lower than expected deaths because the virus, president Trump opted for opening back business, schools and centers of work to attempt the faster recovery of the economy.

The hoax took multiple facets, with extraordinary stories ranging from a Chinese market selling bat meat to attempts from China to destroy the West with a genetically modified virus.

Their continued attacks against the president have not rested since he took the leadership of the country. It is expected that their desperate intentions to elect a different candidate for the presidency will increase their hatred against the president in the following months.

All their attacks have not affected the minds of the people who elected Donald Trump four years ago and the attackers are becoming more frustrated than ever, specially when their candidate can't even remember what day is today if he doesn't take medicine for his memory.
The pandemic wasn't the killer plague experts were expecting to happen. But, the economic damage was already made due to the preventive measurements which forced the closing of business and more.
Lets be honest, it was the seasonal flu. Everyone who would have died no matter what they called it or what they did about it were going to die.

Right after finding out the lower than expected deaths because the virus, president Trump opted for opening back business, schools and centers of work to attempt the faster recovery of the economy.
He never should have succumbed to the political pressure. As far as I'm concerned he fucked up. We should not have shut the country down, but he erred on the side of caution.

The hoax took multiple facets, with extraordinary stories ranging from a Chinese market selling bat meat to attempts from China to destroy the West with a genetically modified virus.
Indeed, the internet was full of stories about massive quarantines and even mass cremations. It was over hyped bullshit.

Their continued attacks against the president have not rested since he took the leadership of the country. It is expected that their desperate intentions to elect a different candidate for the presidency will increase their hatred against the president in the following months.
Agreed, hopefully all the cognizant people get out and vote to counter the votes of the brain dead, the real dead and the Mickey Mouse vote.

All their attacks have not affected the minds of the people who elected Donald Trump four years ago and the attackers are becoming more frustrated than ever, specially when their candidate can't even remember what day is today if he doesn't take medicine for his memory.
Funny thing is that I didn't support him 4 years ago, not that I supported hitlery, but I was convinced Trump was in it to lose on purpose, pretty much like McCain. Once he won and started to actually roll back regressive policy I became a Trump Zealot, and I'm not shy to say it.

The pandemic wasn't the killer plague experts were expecting to happen. But, the economic damage was already made due to the preventive measurements which forced the closing of business and more.

Right after finding out the lower than expected deaths because the virus, president Trump opted for opening back business, schools and centers of work to attempt the faster recovery of the economy.

And just when it looked like the recovery was working, suddenly there's a growing movement AGAINST wearing masks. And if you look at the growth curve, you see where cases in the european union were going down ours were going up.

Wearing masks work, so the only way to keep America DOWN, was to keep the embers of the coronavirus burning is by doing large gatherings "without masks". From Trumps rally in Oklahoma where they crammed 6,200 people indoors with no masks or social distancing to Trumps 3rd of July celebration at Mt Rushmore.

It's all about keeping the embers of the coronavirus burning.

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