This needs to be said before we go any further down this road

get ready for a US full of hope instead of fear.

You know... when we elected Dubyah, we kept making fun of his intelligence and worried about how stupid he was. When we elected Clinton, we elected some hillbilly lawyer from Arkansas who couldn't keep his pants on. When we elected HW, we were inspired from the Reagan years. We loved Reagan, but knew Reagan wasn't the sharpest knife in the draw. Carter and Ford were bumbling idiots and Nixon was a stiff... we later found out he was a dirty, lying, cheating stiff. I have to think back all the way to JFK, or even possibly FDR as to the last time we elected someone based upon their intelligence. Obama's black, we know. He's cool and such a smooth talker and great speech giver, we know. But the one thing Obama is not, is an idiot and some redneck we want to have a beer with or some Hollywood movie actor. Obama's views on the world, his upbringing, his life, his personality... it's very different. When was the last time we as a country had a leader who inspired us?

Not only am I proud to be an American, I am proud of the nearly 70 million Americans who voted for Barack Obama... who made the choice of change.
We should thank Bush for making 70 million support someone who is good with the words, but lacks credibility with his actions.

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