This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

Africa is the cradle of humanity and civilization

Africa as the origin of world civilization:

The Upper Nile Valley of Africa has been credited for giving rise to the world’s oldest monarchy well known as the Ta-Seti in Ethiopia. Egypt has been regarded as the greatest nation of antiquity and the Pharaoh system famously known as the ancient Kemetic civilization is thought to be the proudest and the loftiest accomplishments ever to have been witnessed in human annals (Rashidi, Para, Para 7). The great ancient civilizations in Africa had significant contributions to the world as it is today. These civilizations consisted of knowledge and wisdom that was so influential that it produced some of the leading wonders of the world and also laid down the foundations of the society as it is today. The African civilizations produced great Kings and Kingdoms like Akhenaton and the Egyptian kingdom of the Pharaohs. Akhenaton has gone down the history books as one of the world’s social reformer. He was a wonderful administrator and was even outlawed warfare as part of his administrative policies. He is said to have been so God fearing and spiritual that he would not even dare hurt a flower (Diop & Clarke, Para 5).

The contributions of the Egyptian civilization were numerous starting with the famous Pharaonic Kingdom that reached its peak in the New Kingdom era before declining after the Romans conquered Egypt in 31st BC. The success of the Egyptian civilization laid in the ability to utilize the Nile River for agricultural activities prompted by the discovery of shadoof method of irrigation. They also developed an early form of writing and had a wonderful system of administration that enhanced trade development and strengthened the Kingdom. The Egyptians also left a lasting mark in architecture and arts as evidenced by the amazing pyramids. Egypt can therefore be argued to be one of the earliest abodes of learning and civilization.

Other ancient civilizations in Africa could be found in Ethiopia in the City of Meroe. Meroe has been described as a wonderful city with “walls and stupendous gates, its gorgeous chariots and alert footmen, its inventive genius and ripe scholarship, made it the cradle of civilization and the mother of all,” (Clegg II, Para 9). It is from these ancient civilizations that the world borrowed a lot in the establishment of a civil society. The Homeric mythology has been thought to have borrowed much from the Negro hieroglyphics of Ethiopia, the Egyptians also borrowed from the Negros. The Greeks went to school in Egypt and the Romans adopted the Greek laws and war science. The west learnt from the Romans on how to build and plant, establish and maintain a government. Therefore, the civilization can be argued to have originated in Africa and subsequently spread to other parts of the world (William, p 22).


Africa occupies a very important position in the history of mankind that can not be ignored.

Africa birthplace of humanity and civilization

Africa as the Cradle of Man and his Civilization
You wonder about a lot of things due to your ignorance. Why confine ourselves to Africa when we can live anywhere in the world? Thats like asking why you cave monkeys are not still living in your caves in europe.

LOLOLOLOL First son I'm Black...but my point was if Blacks are so good and Whites are so bad then why do most Negroes DETEST the idea of living in Africa with all of the "good" Blacks LOLOLOLOL.
Youre not Black. Youre a cave monkey. Who told you most Black people detest the idea of living in Africa? That may have been true long ago due to the lies whites told about Africa but there are many Blacks that hold Africa as home and have moved there or visited. If you were really Black you would know that.

He belongs to the biblethumperous crackanous tribe
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

I guess someone got to it before the tug mobs got to it.
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

I guess someone got to it before the tug mobs got to it.

Is that like a mob of tug boats?
Youre not Black. Youre a cave monkey. Who told you most Black people detest the idea of living in Africa? That may have been true long ago due to the lies whites told about Africa but there are many Blacks that hold Africa as home and have moved there or visited. If you were really Black you would know that.

I know you American n****rs don't want to live there...if you love it so much then why aren't you over there LOLOLOL?
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

Mentioned this 2 days before tv did? :) ...Yup, 2 days.

"Police: Seventh St. Louis church property set on fire in 2 weeks" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Africa is the cradle of humanity and civilization

Africa as the origin of world civilization:

The Upper Nile Valley of Africa has been credited for giving rise to the world’s oldest monarchy well known as the Ta-Seti in Ethiopia. Egypt has been regarded as the greatest nation of antiquity and the Pharaoh system famously known as the ancient Kemetic civilization is thought to be the proudest and the loftiest accomplishments ever to have been witnessed in human annals (Rashidi, Para, Para 7). The great ancient civilizations in Africa had significant contributions to the world as it is today. These civilizations consisted of knowledge and wisdom that was so influential that it produced some of the leading wonders of the world and also laid down the foundations of the society as it is today. The African civilizations produced great Kings and Kingdoms like Akhenaton and the Egyptian kingdom of the Pharaohs. Akhenaton has gone down the history books as one of the world’s social reformer. He was a wonderful administrator and was even outlawed warfare as part of his administrative policies. He is said to have been so God fearing and spiritual that he would not even dare hurt a flower (Diop & Clarke, Para 5).

The contributions of the Egyptian civilization were numerous starting with the famous Pharaonic Kingdom that reached its peak in the New Kingdom era before declining after the Romans conquered Egypt in 31st BC. The success of the Egyptian civilization laid in the ability to utilize the Nile River for agricultural activities prompted by the discovery of shadoof method of irrigation. They also developed an early form of writing and had a wonderful system of administration that enhanced trade development and strengthened the Kingdom. The Egyptians also left a lasting mark in architecture and arts as evidenced by the amazing pyramids. Egypt can therefore be argued to be one of the earliest abodes of learning and civilization.

Other ancient civilizations in Africa could be found in Ethiopia in the City of Meroe. Meroe has been described as a wonderful city with “walls and stupendous gates, its gorgeous chariots and alert footmen, its inventive genius and ripe scholarship, made it the cradle of civilization and the mother of all,” (Clegg II, Para 9). It is from these ancient civilizations that the world borrowed a lot in the establishment of a civil society. The Homeric mythology has been thought to have borrowed much from the Negro hieroglyphics of Ethiopia, the Egyptians also borrowed from the Negros. The Greeks went to school in Egypt and the Romans adopted the Greek laws and war science. The west learnt from the Romans on how to build and plant, establish and maintain a government. Therefore, the civilization can be argued to have originated in Africa and subsequently spread to other parts of the world (William, p 22).


Africa occupies a very important position in the history of mankind that can not be ignored.

Africa birthplace of humanity and civilization

Africa as the Cradle of Man and his Civilization

People dispute history...but what is indisputable is what the eye sees...

American (majority White) city:

African (majority Black) city:
Africa is the cradle of humanity and civilization

Africa as the origin of world civilization:

The Upper Nile Valley of Africa has been credited for giving rise to the world’s oldest monarchy well known as the Ta-Seti in Ethiopia. Egypt has been regarded as the greatest nation of antiquity and the Pharaoh system famously known as the ancient Kemetic civilization is thought to be the proudest and the loftiest accomplishments ever to have been witnessed in human annals (Rashidi, Para, Para 7). The great ancient civilizations in Africa had significant contributions to the world as it is today. These civilizations consisted of knowledge and wisdom that was so influential that it produced some of the leading wonders of the world and also laid down the foundations of the society as it is today. The African civilizations produced great Kings and Kingdoms like Akhenaton and the Egyptian kingdom of the Pharaohs. Akhenaton has gone down the history books as one of the world’s social reformer. He was a wonderful administrator and was even outlawed warfare as part of his administrative policies. He is said to have been so God fearing and spiritual that he would not even dare hurt a flower (Diop & Clarke, Para 5).

The contributions of the Egyptian civilization were numerous starting with the famous Pharaonic Kingdom that reached its peak in the New Kingdom era before declining after the Romans conquered Egypt in 31st BC. The success of the Egyptian civilization laid in the ability to utilize the Nile River for agricultural activities prompted by the discovery of shadoof method of irrigation. They also developed an early form of writing and had a wonderful system of administration that enhanced trade development and strengthened the Kingdom. The Egyptians also left a lasting mark in architecture and arts as evidenced by the amazing pyramids. Egypt can therefore be argued to be one of the earliest abodes of learning and civilization.

Other ancient civilizations in Africa could be found in Ethiopia in the City of Meroe. Meroe has been described as a wonderful city with “walls and stupendous gates, its gorgeous chariots and alert footmen, its inventive genius and ripe scholarship, made it the cradle of civilization and the mother of all,” (Clegg II, Para 9). It is from these ancient civilizations that the world borrowed a lot in the establishment of a civil society. The Homeric mythology has been thought to have borrowed much from the Negro hieroglyphics of Ethiopia, the Egyptians also borrowed from the Negros. The Greeks went to school in Egypt and the Romans adopted the Greek laws and war science. The west learnt from the Romans on how to build and plant, establish and maintain a government. Therefore, the civilization can be argued to have originated in Africa and subsequently spread to other parts of the world (William, p 22).


Africa occupies a very important position in the history of mankind that can not be ignored.

Africa birthplace of humanity and civilization

Africa as the Cradle of Man and his Civilization

People dispute history...but what is indisputable is what the eye sees...

American (majority White) city:

African (majority Black) city:
Comparing a city with a marketplace? That is awfully "White"of youj and completely disingenuous. Both pictures could have been taken in America. But let's be clear:.Black Africa has plenty of cities like the first picture.
Comparing a city with a marketplace? That is awfully "White"of youj and completely disingenuous. Both pictures could have been taken in America. But let's be clear:.Black Africa has plenty of cities like the first picture.

A "marketplace" in America made with sticks? LOLOLOL

Anyway if you love Africa, then why aren't you over there? LOL

And please show the African city that looks like the picture of the American city...Africa's third rate capital cities I understand were built by non-Blacks LOLOLOL...whereas the "marketplace" no doubt was inspired by African engineering LOLOLOLOL.
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

Mentioned this 2 days before tv did? :) ...Yup, 2 days.

"Police: Seventh St. Louis church property set on fire in 2 weeks" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I nominate you for the first and only annual 2-Days-Before Award.
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

Thought I'd give you an update of your racist church burner.

Suspect charged with setting two in the string of seven St. Louis area church fires : News

Hey, guno, here is the pic of the accused church burning racist. Does he look the way you thought he would?,715
Last edited:
Black churches are the total opposite of the southern cracker type churches

This recent string of arsons is the second wave of black church burnings this year. The first occurred this past summer, after arsonists targeted at least six black churchesin the wake of the massacre by a young white supremacist at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson

Thought I'd give you an update of your racist church burner.

Suspect charged with setting two in the string of seven St. Louis area church fires : News

Hey, guno, here is the pic of the accused church burning racist. Does he look the way you thought he would?,715
Tragic and hilarious, all at the same time.

White folks who "identify" as black must be a little embarrassed about this.

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