This is why you don’t elect Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Because repukes believe war improves the economy.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Because repukes believe war improves the economy.
Isn't that why they helped to created the low class?
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Because repukes believe war improves the economy.
I was joking because the OP’s been dangling on Putin’s nuts for years now, and suddenly he pukes this out.
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Russia is engaging in chemical warfare on foreign nations. The war is already under way. It’s shocking that you need this explained to you.
Your President disagrees with you. Your vote for him was a vote for Putin to do whatever the hell he wants.

Putin uses chem weapons to murder civilians that belong to our strongest ally the UK... Trump’s response? Slap the UK with a few tariffs.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

I do agree that Russia is a threat, I disagree that they are the greatest threat, that is solely Chinas domain. That being said, I do recall Romney calling out Obama for not going after Chinas currency abuses and he promised he would do something about it. Clinton and her reset button, Bush being looked down upon by Putin right to his face,
he clearly spooks U.S politicians.

No one is going after China in a meaningful way and that should concern people. I would hope it would start with companies, who should look to National Security over a little more profit, especially when these nations do not reciprocate trade.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Obama was tough on Russia, so stop lying, Patriot.

Putin hated Clinton, so stop lying, Patriot.

Trump is up Putin's ass, and you, Patriot, know it.
I disagree that they are the greatest threat, that is solely Chinas domain
No one is going after China in a meaningful way and that should concern people.

I do agree that Russia is a threat, I disagree that they are the greatest threat, that is solely Chinas domain.
China has been fairly cooperative with us. Not to imply they aren’t a significant concern. But they aren’t nearly the threat that Russia and North Korea currently are.
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Russia is engaging in chemical warfare on foreign nations. The war is already under way. It’s shocking that you need this explained to you.

Why do you Trump lovers keep blaming Obama for everything negative in the world? Hell, you can’t possibly believe all the idiotic stories made up by Trump and his congressional lackeys can you? Are you all really that stupid? Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly? And who’s going to pay the bill? I bet that Trump will find a way to blame Barack or Hillary when he totally destroys our country.

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Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly?
Based on what? Anyone can make a stupid statement like that. Back that up with someting of substance.

So far, President Trump has rejected power to the Oval Office and returned it to the states where it belongs (that can only end perfectly), secured the border (that can only end perfectly), created jobs (that can only end perfectly), renegotiated trade agreements in our favor (that can only end perfectly), and signed legislation allowing Americans to keep more what already belonged to them (that can only end perfectly).

Putting aside the asinine progressives propaganda for a moment, can you name a single actual thing that President Trump has done that is going to “end badly”? Hell, even Kim Jong Un is begging for a meeting now.
Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly?
Based on what? Anyone can make a stupid statement like that. Back that up with someting of substance.

So far, President Trump has rejected power to the Oval Office and returned it to the states where it belongs (that can only end perfectly), secured the border (that can only end perfectly), created jobs (that can only end perfectly), renegotiated trade agreements in our favor (that can only end perfectly), and signed legislation allowing Americans to keep more what already belonged to them (that can only end perfectly).

Putting aside the asinine progressives propaganda for a moment, can you name a single actual thing that President Trump has done that is going to “end badly”? Hell, even Kim Jong Un is begging for a meeting now.
The tariffs will put us into a recession. Putin has used a lethal poison and the EU has put sanctions on putin but tRump says putin is a nice guy. Just about anything and everything tRump has touched or got close to is a failure.

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