This is why gun confiscation is a real threat....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article shows how gun confiscation can and will happen....when anti gunners get the votes, then get the power to enforce their will......

Think Gun Confiscation Couldn t Happen Here Ask a Canadian How That Works . . . - The Truth About Guns

Anti-gunners’ “arguments” for civilian disarmament fly in the face of logic, reason and factual evidence. The most infuriating of all: the government isn’t coming for your guns. Tell that to New York residents, who can’t sell their modern sporting rifles inside the Empire State or pass them on to a relative. Ask the residents of New Orleans who had their guns confiscated by the police and National Guard troops after Hurricane Katrina. There is no question that the government can and will “come for your guns” as and when the anti-gunners control the levers of power. Here’s how that went down for our neighbors to the north . . .

In a report released Thursday, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP said that officers who conducted the “warrantless” seizures were undersupervised. The subsequent anger in the population was badly handled by the RCMP communications teams, the report also found, as citizens complained that “their homes were forcibly entered, and in some cases windows were broken, doors were kicked in and firearms were taken.”

The key point here......

There is no question that the government can and will “come for your guns” as and when the anti-gunners control the levers of power.

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