This Is Who Trump Would Pardon


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Mod Edit: Clean Start Trump has repeatedly promised that he would not only pardon, he would apologize to the January 6 insurrectionists.

Apologize for what? For not waiting more than 187 minutes while they attacked, brutalized, and killed people and smeared their shit on the walls?

Here is one of the people Trump would pardon and apologize to:

‘I hope you suffer’: Ex-D.C. officer confronts Jan. 6 attacker in court

A member of the mob that launched a series of violent attacks on police — including D.C. officer Michael Fanone — in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, apologized Tuesday as a judge sentenced him to seven years and two months in prison.

Kyle Young, 38, is the first rioter to be sentenced for the group attack on Fanone, who was dragged into the mob, beaten and electrocuted until he suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness.

“You were a one-man wrecking ball that day,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said. “You were the violence.”


Young and his 16-year-old son joined the tunnel battle just before 3 p.m., and Young handed a stun gun to another rioter and showed him how to use it. When Fanone was pulled from the police line, Young and his son pushed through the crowd toward him.

Just after that, authorities said, another rioter repeatedly shocked Fanone with the stun gun, and Young helped restrain the officer as another rioter stole his badge and radio.

Young lost his grip on Fanone as the mob moved. He then pushed and hit a nearby Capitol Police officer, who had just been struck with bear spray, according to documents filed with his plea.

Young also pointed a strobe light at the officers, jabbed at them with a stick and threw an audio speaker toward the police line, hitting another rioter in the back of the head, prosecutors said.

Blue Lives Matter, my ass.

Trump vows pardons, government apology to Capitol rioters if elected

Former president Donald Trump said he would issue full pardons and a government apology to rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and violently attacked law enforcement to stop the democratic transfer of power.

“I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” he told conservative radio host Wendy Bell on Thursday morning. Such a move would be contingent on Trump running and winning the 2024 presidential election.
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Trump has repeatedly promised that he would not only pardon, he would apologize to the January 6 insurrectionists.

Former president Donald Trump said he would issue full pardons and a government apology to rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and violently attacked law enforcement to stop the democratic transfer of power.

“I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” he told conservative radio host Wendy Bell on Thursday morning. Such a move would be contingent on Trump running and winning the 2024 presidential election.
This is why you should never elect a grifter to the highest office in the land. The powers of the president aren't for the irresponsible.
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Another person Traitor Trump would pardon and apologize to:

First Jan. 6 defendant convicted at trial receives longest sentence of 7 years

Guy Reffitt, a recruiter for the right-wing Three Percenters movement in Texas, was convicted March 8 of five felony offenses, including obstruction of Congress as it met to certify the 2020 election result, interfering with police and carrying a firearm to a riot, and threatening his teenage son, who turned him in to the FBI. Prosecutors said Reffitt led a mob while armed at the Capitol and asked a judge to sentence him to 15 years after applying a terrorism sentencing penalty.

So much for the horseshit claim the insurrectionists were unarmed.
“You were not prosecuted for being a Trump supporter. You were not arrested or charged and you will not be sentenced for exercising your first amendment rights. You are not a political prisoner … You were trying to stop the singular thing that makes America America, the peaceful transfer of power. That’s what ‘Stop the Steal’ meant.”Judge Amy Berman Jackson, sentencing Capitol rioter Kyle Young to seven years in prison.
More fucking "Trump" smoke grenades from the stupid democrats, whose policies are a disaster.

The November elections are coming fast.

The stock market is crashing...groceries are becoming scarcer and more unaffordable, and Xiden proves he's an idiot every day.

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