This is What the Impeachment is all About


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
They are trying to hide all their previous crimes, but sooner or later their crimes will be revealed for all to see,
They are trying to hide all their previous crimes, but sooner or later their crimes will be revealed for all to see,

If they get away with their FBIgate crimes then the next time that they are in power they will shut-down our democracy with their corruption.
If they get away with their FBIgate crimes then the next time that they are in power they will shut-down our democracy with their corruption.
Recall as 1st Bitch, Hillary and Bill were caught red handed with over 900 confidential FBI files on political rivals. (Which would be illegal and impeachable if a Republican did it,)

Not only was it swept under the rug, but nobody except Obama, (a nobody when Hillary had access to WH toilets) has even opposed her.

Fittingly a Democrat actually suggested, in open hearings, that the person responsible for security of those files commit suicide.
I think there's a lot of deflection going on regarding Trump's real problem. With Francis Rooney(R-FL) retiring you've got a Republican critic who doesn't care about threats from the WH. Drip, drip, drip...
I think there's a lot of deflection going on regarding Trump's real problem. With Francis Rooney(R-FL) retiring you've got a Republican critic who doesn't care about threats from the WH. Drip, drip, drip...
Drip what?

You think Rooney is going to turn Trump voters into Socialists?

Trumps only problem is he can only serve 8 years.
I think there's a lot of deflection going on regarding Trump's real problem. With Francis Rooney(R-FL) retiring you've got a Republican critic who doesn't care about threats from the WH. Drip, drip, drip...
Drip what? You think Rooney is going to turn Trump voters into Socialists? Trumps only problem is he can only serve 8 years.
Drip what? That's one Republican and then there'll another and another and... Get it now? I know it's a wild concept in Trumpland that some people can't be intimidated, but it's that kind of thinking(hubris) that can lead to this...

They are trying to hide all their previous crimes, but sooner or later their crimes will be revealed for all to see,
I guess you missed the news that trumps state department just finished a year plus long Investigation into Clinton and they came to the same conclusion as the FBI, some mistakes were made but nothing worth pressing criminal charges. Chuck Grassley just released the report. Sorry, no lock her up for you... you sound desperado

State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information
I guess you missed the news that trumps state department just finished a year plus long Investigation into Clinton and they came to the same conclusion as the FBI, some mistakes were made but nothing worth pressing criminal charges. Chuck Grassley just released the report. Sorry, no lock her up for you... you sound desperado

State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information

Comrade, the average tenure at the State Dept. is 23.4 years. I was unaware that Trump was president 23 years ago? Also, State department employees are hired through civil service, not appointed by the president. Oh, and 38 criminal or administrative actions were recommended. The NY Times is again lying.

ALSO this comes RIGHT before the DOJ IG releases a report that is bound to be FAR more critical of the corruption in State. Could it be that State is just covering their ass?
I guess you missed the news that trumps state department just finished a year plus long Investigation into Clinton and they came to the same conclusion as the FBI, some mistakes were made but nothing worth pressing criminal charges. Chuck Grassley just released the report. Sorry, no lock her up for you... you sound desperado

State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information

Comrade, the average tenure at the State Dept. is 23.4 years. I was unaware that Trump was president 23 years ago? Also, State department employees are hired through civil service, not appointed by the president. Oh, and 38 criminal or administrative actions were recommended. The NY Times is again lying.

ALSO this comes RIGHT before the DOJ IG releases a report that is bound to be FAR more critical of the corruption in State. Could it be that State is just covering their ass?
Trump has been president for 3 years and he is in charge of the state department. He even assigns the people who run it. So with all that in place they turn up nothing in the Clinton case. Simple facts. Hope that didn’t blow your mind.
I guess you missed the news that trumps state department just finished a year plus long Investigation into Clinton and they came to the same conclusion as the FBI, some mistakes were made but nothing worth pressing criminal charges. Chuck Grassley just released the report. Sorry, no lock her up for you... you sound desperado

State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information

Comrade, the average tenure at the State Dept. is 23.4 years. I was unaware that Trump was president 23 years ago? Also, State department employees are hired through civil service, not appointed by the president. Oh, and 38 criminal or administrative actions were recommended. The NY Times is again lying.

ALSO this comes RIGHT before the DOJ IG releases a report that is bound to be FAR more critical of the corruption in State. Could it be that State is just covering their ass?
Trump has been president for 3 years and he is in charge of the state department. He even assigns the people who run it. So with all that in place they turn up nothing in the Clinton case. Simple facts. Hope that didn’t blow your mind.

Again, the only ones who do the bidding of the administration are the SoS and perhaps the deputies. Those who did this review are career deep state.

The hate site you are repeating is pushing out idiocy. FURTHER you seem to think this was an exoneration - 38 criminal acts is not an exoneration - despite how the Antisemitic NY Times spins it.
I think there's a lot of deflection going on regarding Trump's real problem. With Francis Rooney(R-FL) retiring you've got a Republican critic who doesn't care about threats from the WH. Drip, drip, drip...
Komrade. how is your "whistleblower" doing?
My whistleblower? Come up with a decent question and perhaps I'll grace you with an answer, shortbus.
I guess you missed the news that trumps state department just finished a year plus long Investigation into Clinton and they came to the same conclusion as the FBI, some mistakes were made but nothing worth pressing criminal charges. Chuck Grassley just released the report. Sorry, no lock her up for you... you sound desperado

State Dept. Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Finds No Deliberate Mishandling of Classified Information

Comrade, the average tenure at the State Dept. is 23.4 years. I was unaware that Trump was president 23 years ago? Also, State department employees are hired through civil service, not appointed by the president. Oh, and 38 criminal or administrative actions were recommended. The NY Times is again lying.

ALSO this comes RIGHT before the DOJ IG releases a report that is bound to be FAR more critical of the corruption in State. Could it be that State is just covering their ass?
Trump has been president for 3 years and he is in charge of the state department. He even assigns the people who run it. So with all that in place they turn up nothing in the Clinton case. Simple facts. Hope that didn’t blow your mind.

Again, the only ones who do the bidding of the administration are the SoS and perhaps the deputies. Those who did this review are career deep state.

The hate site you are repeating is pushing out idiocy. FURTHER you seem to think this was an exoneration - 38 criminal acts is not an exoneration - despite how the Antisemitic NY Times spins it.
the SoS can staff whoever he wants and can oversee investigations. Are you really implying that Pompeo and Grassley would let an illegitimate investigation get released under their name?

listen to yourself every once in a while.
the SoS can staff whoever he wants and can oversee investigations. Are you really implying that Pompeo and Grassley would let an illegitimate investigation get released under their name?

listen to yourself every once in a while.


I don't know if you're lying or ignorant.

Civil servants are not under the administrative jurisdiction of the SoS, who can neither hire nor fire them. These are career government workers who are not responsible to anyone other than the public employee unions.

They are deep state.
the SoS can staff whoever he wants and can oversee investigations. Are you really implying that Pompeo and Grassley would let an illegitimate investigation get released under their name?

listen to yourself every once in a while.


I don't know if you're lying or ignorant.

Civil servants are not under the administrative jurisdiction of the SoS, who can neither hire nor fire them. These are career government workers who are not responsible to anyone other than the public employee unions.

They are deep state.
so to be clear your saying that Pompeo has no control or oversight over this investigation and report from the state department. Is that correct?
They are trying to hide all their previous crimes, but sooner or later their crimes will be revealed for all to see,

No one has been impeached, including Trump.

And no one WILL be impeached, including Trump.

This is all Kabuki theater in order for the democrats to try and rig the 2020 election with fake "whistle blowers" and taxpayer funded campaigns of slander and libel against the opposition candidate.

They were never going to actually draft articles of impeachment.
My whistleblower? Come up with a decent question and perhaps I'll grace you with an answer, shortbus.
So then, this whole "impeachment inquiry" is based on a lie and is nothing more than the use of taxpayer money to alter and influence the 2020 election? Just like the "Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory" was?
Just putting a '?' at the end of a statement, doesn't make it a question. Your little games are getting tiresome.

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