Zone1 This is What the Government has done for Whites

But have you ever asked yourself why that is? Could it because no black people applied, or could it be your boss was bigoted and wouldn't hire them?

I have worked in very diverse workplaces, and I've worked in lily-white workplaces. And as a rule, I found the less diverse a workplace, the management tended to be awful in other ways.
Joe, what happens if government payouts is severely reduced? And that may be for all if economics decline. It is being reported that Hispanic men and women are voting at a higher percentage for Repubs now. We will see. African Americans are stubborn to their own demise.
There has always been and will always be wealth inequality. The fortunate or ruthless accumulate wealth where the average person doesn’t.
As long as there remains equal OPPORTUNITY, wealth inequity is a good thing. To people with motivation and discipline (and ability), it is a motivator to move from a poorer lifestyle to a richer one.

That is why my grandparents (and great-grandparents) made the arduous trek across the ocean in steerage. It was why my parents and their siblings worked nights through college.

If we “equitize” everything, where’s the motivation to do better? In my liberal area not long ago, there was a big dispute that the “set-aside” units (those are for lower income and go for below-market rents) should have the same granite and stainless steel appliances that the upper-middle income earners got in their units. The argument was that “poor people deserve just as nice things as wealthier people.”
There has always been and will always be wealth inequality. The fortunate or ruthless accumulate wealth where the average person doesn’t.
I think many Americans believe that wealth is just going to fall into their lap, because this is America.
My accomplishments have not changed. I don't have to repeat what I have done verbatim every time to prove things to you. You don't know what my attitude is, you assume based on your white racist perceptions that tells you that a good black person is accomodating and compliant, never to be allowed to express their disdain with what has gone on. You assume hate that's not there because you project yourself on me.

You are an old ass sorry racist white man who thinks blacks should genuflect to you and be grateful for the opportunity to live in a society where white men tell us to be glad that we aren't equal but how at least we aren't slaves. It's easy to talk that crap when you have been given all the preferences.

I've done better than you have, that's apparent with the way you whine about things that are not happening.
You whine about everything and blame whites for everything. You ASSume you have done better than pretty much every white poster. You are pitiful. You don’t know anyone on here to make that judgment.
Whether it was colonial government or the current republic we have now, the government has provided whites with more than it has ever given to anyone else. This was not because people of color did not take the opportunity because most of these things EXCLUDED non white participation. The handouts/privilege started with this:

In 1618, the Virginia colony passed "the Great Charter of privileges, orders, and laws." Among these laws was a provision that any person who settled in Virginia or paid for the transportation of another person to settle in Virginia would get fifty acres of land per person. “The right to receive fifty acres per person, or per head, was called a headright.” It got even better for colonists as those who “imported” slaves also got fifty acres per slave. The practice was continued by the government of Virginia, for 161 years, ending in 1779. Headrights were not only limited to Virginia. The headright system was used in all the original thirteen colonies. Headrights were the first of many government handouts of free stuff or guarantees providing whites with economic development assistance.

It continued with this:

The Three-Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. It says: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

And with this:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as they lived in the United States for at least two years and in the state where the application was filed for at least one year. This law allowed “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural-born citizens.” Please notice the first seven words. Only whites were entitled to be citizens of this country.

And with this:

One of the greatest miscarriages of justice in this nation’s history was a direct rebuttal to the claim that all men are created equal called Dred Scott v. Sandford. I am not going into all the particulars of this case. The court’s opinion says all you need to know. “A black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.” The result of Dred Scott v. Sandford was that whites were given rights and status blacks were denied.Or- Affirmative Action.

And with this:

Passed in 1862, the Homestead Acts gave away 246 million acres of land. To qualify for Homestead land, a person had to be a citizen of the United States, and blacks were not given citizenship until 1866.

And this:

On April 16, 1895, the United States Supreme Court rendered another one of the sorriest decisions in American history. It is known as Plessy vs. Ferguson. From this decision came the principle of separate but equal.

And this:

The National Housing Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934.29 This law created the Federal Housing Administration or the FHA. The National Housing Act is the policy that may have had the most impact on wealth accumulation in modern America.

Between 1934 and 1968, the FHA implemented and put into practice a policy that still negatively impacts communities today.30 The FHA Underwriting Manual set the guidelines real estate agents used to assess home values in American neighborhoods. This manual promoted racist real estate practices. It was done by defending racially restrictive covenants and segregated communities. Due to this manual, the FHA established a neighborhood grading system based purely on false racist perceptions.

Redlining was the name of that grading system. My point here is the FHA was a government agency whose policies specifically provided whites with opportunities to increase wealth through homeownership. The formation of the FHA and its guaranteed loan program only worked to increase white advantage.
“Of the $120 billion worth of new housing subsidized by the government between 1934 and 1962, less than 2 percent went to nonwhite families.”

And this:

The Social Security Act of 1935 created the Social Security program, state unemployment insurance, and assistance to single women with children.Today, most Americans love the program. However, when the act was signed, the law excluded occupations mainly done by blacks. When President Roosevelt signed the law, approximately two-thirds of the blacks in America were ineligible. For years, most blacks were excluded from social security savings and could not get unemployment.

And this:

Title 4 or IV of the social security act of 1935 provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare, folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded.

And this:

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created the minimum wage and time and a half overtime pay for working over forty hours a week. Child labor was eliminated by this act. All these were good things, but… In every law that was passed as part of The New Deal, Roosevelt had to compromise with southern representatives to get the votes he needed. In the case of the FLSA, due to pressure from southern congress members, he decided that industries would be excluded from the regulations where the majority of workers were black. Because of this, blacks were paid less than the minimum wage.

And this:

On June 22, 1944, President Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, better known as the G.I. Bill.38 This law provided benefits for veterans returning from World War Two. This act included funds for college tuition, low-cost home loans, and unemployment insurance. As in every other program during this time, southern members of Congress fought the passage of these laws unless there were provisions that limited access to blacks.

Over one million returning black soldiers were unable to get GI benefits. My father was one of those soldiers.

And today white women are the number one beneficiary of affirmative action. So when you're white trying to diss blacks with affirmative action, look in the mirror and you will see the image of the people who have benefitted the most from what you say Affirmative Action is. When you start ranting about government handouts and dependence look in the mirror again. The dependence on government by whites is why we see the complaining due to the fact that others are getting what some whites think they are entitled to. After all, when you bitch about imaginary quotas that if they were real, would give whites 70 percent of the jobs, admissions, government contracts and promotions, the only reason that you are bitching is because you believe you are entitled to everything.
Most of your copy and paste posts do not pertain to the majority of whites in this country now. So many of us had ancestors that came here long after the crap you post. No handouts given, no land given. You can shove AA up your ass. Since I never received squat for being a woman, AA is irrelevant to me too.
Stop thinking you can tell people what I think. I know exactly what the Homestead Act provided. It was free land. They had 5 years to develop the land, I believe. Just face this reality. Whites were given free land, the equivalent of $500,000 per white family. 93 million whites today live on that land. That's approximately 40 percent of the white population. You seek excuses, but there aren't any. I know the facts son, stop assuming.
And you live on land stolen from NA.
Of course you did. Everybody here has that story. The only blacks you ever worked with either stole stuff or could not do the job. But every white employee was employee of the month. If I had a dollar for every time I read that story here, The Saudi family would be borrowing money from me.
The poster you replied to didn’t say that.
How about you live facing white racism for 61 years then come tell me how you can't see it.


Because I have said way too many times that all whites aren't racist to keep reading the ignorance you have just posted.
You didn’t face racism, you faced disgust for being an angry black racist.
Again, you guys celebrate July 4th, 1776 every year and always talk about the beliefs of people who "founded" this country 250 years ago, so your comment is lame. What's holding things is continuing white racism, it's an ongoing tradition among those who think like you.
Celebrations are for good things.blacks also celebrate the 4th of July.
As long as there remains equal OPPORTUNITY, wealth inequity is a good thing. To people with motivation and discipline (and ability), it is a motivator to move from a poorer lifestyle to a richer one.

No, wealth inequity is not a good thing. Usually, when you head towards a situation of the very poor and the very rich, you have revolutions and the rich end up in mass graves. France 1787, Russia 1917, China 1949, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.

Sweet Evil Jesus, you might not be capable of decency, but be capable of self-interest.

That is why my grandparents (and great-grandparents) made the arduous trek across the ocean in steerage. It was why my parents and their siblings worked nights through college.

When your grandparents got here, they had the advantage of being white. Your parents could work their way through college because college was still affordable back then. (Because liberals expanded access to college. You're welcome.) I worked my way through college through a combination of minimum wage jobs and the National Guard. I couldn't do that today. Because while the Min Wage has merely doubled since the 1980's, the cost of even a state college has quintupled.

If we “equitize” everything, where’s the motivation to do better? In my liberal area not long ago, there was a big dispute that the “set-aside” units (those are for lower income and go for below-market rents) should have the same granite and stainless steel appliances that the upper-middle income earners got in their units. The argument was that “poor people deserve just as nice things as wealthier people.”

Um, yeah... seems reasonable to me. Here's the better question, WHY did they go cheaper on the "set-aside" units? To make them less desirable so poor people wouldn't move in. You see, it used to be that government built housing for the poor. But then they tore down all the high rises and decided to give everyone a voucher. Except that landlords aren't really keen to take in low-income renters unless the government does set asides.
Wealth inequality in itself is meaningless. Extremes are worrisome, not the simple existence of a difference.
No, wealth inequity is not a good thing. Usually, when you head towards a situation of the very poor and the very rich, you have revolutions and the rich end up in mass graves. France 1787, Russia 1917, China 1949, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979.

Sweet Evil Jesus, you might not be capable of decency, but be capable of self-interest.

When your grandparents got here, they had the advantage of being white. Your parents could work their way through college because college was still affordable back then. (Because liberals expanded access to college. You're welcome.) I worked my way through college through a combination of minimum wage jobs and the National Guard. I couldn't do that today. Because while the Min Wage has merely doubled since the 1980's, the cost of even a state college has quintupled.

Um, yeah... seems reasonable to me. Here's the better question, WHY did they go cheaper on the "set-aside" units? To make them less desirable so poor people wouldn't move in. You see, it used to be that government built housing for the poor. But then they tore down all the high rises and decided to give everyone a voucher. Except that landlords aren't really keen to take in low-income renters unless the government does set asides.
No, they went "cheaper" on those units because they were already losing money on each one and were trying to minimize their losses due to governmental interference.
1 in every 4 blacks are poor. 1 in every 12 whites.
1 in every 5 for blacks. Things have improved.

Regardless. The gross numbers of 'other than blacks' in poverty far exceeds the gross number of blacks in poverty. We really need to discover why so much poverty, regardless of race. I think we'll find that much is needlessly self-inflicted. As a young man I once found myself homeless and broke due to my own foolishness.
Hmmmm, I get confused with raw numbers and percentages.
Sometimes raw numbers are ignored, and sometimes percentages are ignored.
No you don't. Everybody is involved in wealth and poverty. Only 2 percent of the American population are criminal offenders.
1 in every 5 for blacks. Things have improved.

Regardless. The gross numbers of 'other than blacks' in poverty far exceeds the gross number of blacks in poverty. We really need to discover why so much poverty, regardless of race. I think we'll find that much is needlessly self-inflicted. As a young man I once found myself homeless and broke due to my own foolishness.
Wrong. Whites have at least 17 times the wealth of blacks. So you're being disingenuous.

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