This is what happens as a result of the liberal change where everyone gets a trophy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sports taught many lessons - how to give it your best, how to work as a team, how to be a gracious winner, and how to accept loss with dignity.That was before liberals f*ed things up, as usual.

'Everyone gets a trophy' - by creating this 'gem' liberals created the following:

1. The idea that you now don't have to work hard. You can put in minimal effort and still reap the same benefits of others as a result of THEIR hard work.
- Welcome to the parasite generation, a whole sect of the populace content to be rewarded for sitting on their asses with their hands out, waiting for those who do work hard to give them not only what they need to survive but also what they want.

2. There are no winners or losers - everyone is a winner. These liberals never learned 'to the victor go the spoils'. As their reprehensible behavior now demonstrates, they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.

President Obama, after winning, said the GOP could 'come along' but would have to 'sit in the back of the bus'. He argued he should get whatever he wanted and the 'losers' should let him because 'I won'... yet liberals now insist those rules don't apply when they lose elections / when the GOP wins.

Instead of graciously accepting the results of the election, which is what they demanded the GOP do if Hillary won, liberals are behaving like violent children, throwing a temper tantrum. They lost AND they don't get a 'trophy' FOR LOSING...and because they never had to learn to deal with that they are losing their minds and control.

And the biggest children throwing the biggest tantrum the most are the top 2 prominent liberals who just lost not only an election but also a 'legacy' - Hillary and Barry.

Except Barry, Hillary and libs are not children, and burning the American flag, engaging in violence, calling for the overthrow of the US, and calling for the assassination of the ne President isn't 'throwing a tantrum' - it's terrorism, sedition, and treason.
Much like what the right did when Oblama was elected....Oblama had more death threats than any other president..
Much like what the right did when Oblama was elected....Oblama had more death threats than any other president..
You LIE!

Conservatives dod not burn the American Flag, did not engage in massive violence, dod not call for the overthrow of the govt, did not en masse call for the assassination of Obama.

The losing candidate / President also dodn't go out and hire people to do all these things, like Hillar & Barry have done.

In the immortal words of Barry in telling his opponents to STFU and that they were entitle to nothing, 'I won!'

Libs need to heed Obama's words, come to grips that Hillary's vision for America has now been rejected twice, Barry's 'legacy' has been rejected, THEY LOST, put down the firebombs, stop calling for assassinations, murders, and for the overthrow of the govt, and go back to their couches in front of their TVs to wait for their next Welfare'Snap' checks.
Sports taught many lessons - how to give it your best, how to work as a team, how to be a gracious winner, and how to accept loss with dignity.That was before liberals f*ed things up, as usual.

'Everyone gets a trophy' - by creating this 'gem' liberals created the following:

1. The idea that you now don't have to work hard. You can put in minimal effort and still reap the same benefits of others as a result of THEIR hard work.
- Welcome to the parasite generation, a whole sect of the populace content to be rewarded for sitting on their asses with their hands out, waiting for those who do work hard to give them not only what they need to survive but also what they want.

2. There are no winners or losers - everyone is a winner. These liberals never learned 'to the victor go the spoils'. As their reprehensible behavior now demonstrates, they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.

President Obama, after winning, said the GOP could 'come along' but would have to 'sit in the back of the bus'. He argued he should get whatever he wanted and the 'losers' should let him because 'I won'... yet liberals now insist those rules don't apply when they lose elections / when the GOP wins.

Instead of graciously accepting the results of the election, which is what they demanded the GOP do if Hillary won, liberals are behaving like violent children, throwing a temper tantrum. They lost AND they don't get a 'trophy' FOR LOSING...and because they never had to learn to deal with that they are losing their minds and control.

And the biggest children throwing the biggest tantrum the most are the top 2 prominent liberals who just lost not only an election but also a 'legacy' - Hillary and Barry.

Except Barry, Hillary and libs are not children, and burning the American flag, engaging in violence, calling for the overthrow of the US, and calling for the assassination of the ne President isn't 'throwing a tantrum' - it's terrorism, sedition, and treason.

Hillary Clinton gave the greatest concession speech in history.
The Trumptards, now that Trump has won,

are pissing, moaning, crying, and bitching more than they did BEFORE he won.

That is all you need to know about conservatives.
Hillary Clinton gave the greatest concession speech in history.
...while her campaign was funding the anarchy, sedition, treason, calls for murder, and calls for the assassination of the candidate who kicked her ass that is going on now.
Sports taught many lessons - how to give it your best, how to work as a team, how to be a gracious winner, and how to accept loss with dignity.That was before liberals f*ed things up, as usual.

'Everyone gets a trophy' - by creating this 'gem' liberals created the following:

1. The idea that you now don't have to work hard. You can put in minimal effort and still reap the same benefits of others as a result of THEIR hard work.
- Welcome to the parasite generation, a whole sect of the populace content to be rewarded for sitting on their asses with their hands out, waiting for those who do work hard to give them not only what they need to survive but also what they want.

2. There are no winners or losers - everyone is a winner. These liberals never learned 'to the victor go the spoils'. As their reprehensible behavior now demonstrates, they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.

President Obama, after winning, said the GOP could 'come along' but would have to 'sit in the back of the bus'. He argued he should get whatever he wanted and the 'losers' should let him because 'I won'... yet liberals now insist those rules don't apply when they lose elections / when the GOP wins.

Instead of graciously accepting the results of the election, which is what they demanded the GOP do if Hillary won, liberals are behaving like violent children, throwing a temper tantrum. They lost AND they don't get a 'trophy' FOR LOSING...and because they never had to learn to deal with that they are losing their minds and control.

And the biggest children throwing the biggest tantrum the most are the top 2 prominent liberals who just lost not only an election but also a 'legacy' - Hillary and Barry.

Except Barry, Hillary and libs are not children, and burning the American flag, engaging in violence, calling for the overthrow of the US, and calling for the assassination of the ne President isn't 'throwing a tantrum' - it's terrorism, sedition, and treason.
they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.
Don't be fueling our fears that the Trump administration plans on running a dictatorial regime. If you didn't like it when the Dems did it to you, don't mirror it back to them. Just stop. Those LOSERS are half the country. Your fellow Americans. Don't be a dink.
Hillary Clinton gave the greatest concession speech in history.
Well she has had a lot of practice writing them...this is, after all, the 2nd time the country has rejected her and the 2nd time she has had to 'exit stage left' in DEFEAT. :p
The Trumptards, now that Trump has won,

are pissing, moaning, crying, and bitching more than they did BEFORE he won.

That is all you need to know about conservatives.
I was really thinking we'd have some relative peace around here when they won. Less stupid name calling and snarling, anyway. But nope. I suppose some people don't know any other way to behave.
Remember how the RWnuts around here kept saying they were ready for armed rebellion if Hillary was elected?

Now they're pissing their pants over some isolated incidents of people overturning garbage cans and breaking windows...

You are the phoniest bunch of fucks on the planet.
Don't be fueling our fears that the Trump administration plans on running a dictatorial regime..
That was Barry & Hillary's thing...and thank God 1 is over and the other has been prevented!
Oh gawd . Yeah, the GOP wanted to work with Obama ! Lol!

They tried to sabbatoge him at every turn .
The Trumptards, now that Trump has won,

are pissing, moaning, crying, and bitching more than they did BEFORE he won.

That is all you need to know about conservatives.
I was really thinking we'd have some relative peace around here when they won. Less stupid name calling and snarling, anyway. But nope. I suppose some people don't know any other way to behave.
Libs are just following the herd...I am sure if there was a way a lib on this board could burn a flag and be seen in a post while doing it they would be.
The Trumptards, now that Trump has won,

are pissing, moaning, crying, and bitching more than they did BEFORE he won.

That is all you need to know about conservatives.
I was really thinking we'd have some relative peace around here when they won. Less stupid name calling and snarling, anyway. But nope. I suppose some people don't know any other way to behave.

When has it ever been any different around here. Sane, rational Liberals...fucktarded maniacal Conservatives.

Same as it ever was.

lol, I think some of their sore winner behaviour is their realization deep down that Donald Trump really isn't going to govern like a RWnut, any more than GW Bush did.

They are preemptively living out their dashed hopes, dreams, and delusions.
Remember how the RWnuts around here kept saying they were ready for armed rebellion if Hillary was elected?

Now they're pissing their pants over some isolated incidents of people overturning garbage cans and breaking windows...

You are the phoniest bunch of fucks on the planet.
Once again libs prove they are more concerned with how their oppononts TALK rather than their own criminal ACTIONS...
Sports taught many lessons - how to give it your best, how to work as a team, how to be a gracious winner, and how to accept loss with dignity.That was before liberals f*ed things up, as usual.

'Everyone gets a trophy' - by creating this 'gem' liberals created the following:

1. The idea that you now don't have to work hard. You can put in minimal effort and still reap the same benefits of others as a result of THEIR hard work.
- Welcome to the parasite generation, a whole sect of the populace content to be rewarded for sitting on their asses with their hands out, waiting for those who do work hard to give them not only what they need to survive but also what they want.

2. There are no winners or losers - everyone is a winner. These liberals never learned 'to the victor go the spoils'. As their reprehensible behavior now demonstrates, they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.

President Obama, after winning, said the GOP could 'come along' but would have to 'sit in the back of the bus'. He argued he should get whatever he wanted and the 'losers' should let him because 'I won'... yet liberals now insist those rules don't apply when they lose elections / when the GOP wins.

Instead of graciously accepting the results of the election, which is what they demanded the GOP do if Hillary won, liberals are behaving like violent children, throwing a temper tantrum. They lost AND they don't get a 'trophy' FOR LOSING...and because they never had to learn to deal with that they are losing their minds and control.

And the biggest children throwing the biggest tantrum the most are the top 2 prominent liberals who just lost not only an election but also a 'legacy' - Hillary and Barry.

Except Barry, Hillary and libs are not children, and burning the American flag, engaging in violence, calling for the overthrow of the US, and calling for the assassination of the ne President isn't 'throwing a tantrum' - it's terrorism, sedition, and treason.
they believe the LOSERS should have a seat at the winning table and be allowed to dictate what still happens.
Don't be fueling our fears that the Trump administration plans on running a dictatorial regime. If you didn't like it when the Dems did it to you, don't mirror it back to them. Just stop. Those LOSERS are half the country. Your fellow Americans. Don't be a dink.

You should not expect anything different than what was given when the shoe was on the other foot.
The Trumptards, now that Trump has won,

are pissing, moaning, crying, and bitching more than they did BEFORE he won.

That is all you need to know about conservatives.
I was really thinking we'd have some relative peace around here when they won. Less stupid name calling and snarling, anyway. But nope. I suppose some people don't know any other way to behave.
I agree. Lots of lefty butt hurt in here. But I do enjoy it.
Much like what the right did when Oblama was elected....Oblama had more death threats than any other president..
You LIE!

Conservatives dod not burn the American Flag, did not engage in massive violence, dod not call for the overthrow of the govt, did not en masse call for the assassination of Obama.

The losing candidate / President also dodn't go out and hire people to do all these things, like Hillar & Barry have done.

In the immortal words of Barry in telling his opponents to STFU and that they were entitle to nothing, 'I won!'

Libs need to heed Obama's words, come to grips that Hillary's vision for America has now been rejected twice, Barry's 'legacy' has been rejected, THEY LOST, put down the firebombs, stop calling for assassinations, murders, and for the overthrow of the govt, and go back to their couches in front of their TVs to wait for their next Welfare'Snap' checks.
I know, for the first time in my life I all a sudden became a racist, because I disagreed with the black man.

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