This Is the Woman Responsible for Alec Baldwin’s Gun

The last person I blame is the actor, Baldwin. He was given a prop and told it was safe. Whom I blame is both this girl and the producer who hired her, and for setting up a system where not only live ammo was brought on set, but that there were no apparent checks and balances to assure that these props were safe and properly set up.
A gun is one man's responsibility. It is not safe in the hands of the Hollywood mob. Load the firearm, ready, set, safety off, aim, fire. Get the whole routine down,know what you're dealing with and what you're putting in it for ammunition. Let's stop playing stupid here.
A gun is one man's responsibility. It is not safe in the hands of the Hollywood mob. Load the firearm, ready, set, safety off, aim, fire. Get the whole routine down,know what you're dealing with and what you're putting in it for ammunition. Let's stop playing stupid here.
A previous poster, at least one, nailed it regarding what the heck are they even doing with real guns on sets in 2021?Toy guns available for smarter people:


What numbskulls these folks are, not just on this set but all sets to allow that. I guess it all boils down to how many people does it take to change a lightbulb. Not much gain for decades in brain power.
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Not exactly, let’s be clear. Her problem IS in fact her problem-all actions and inactions. According to what I read, now don’t hang me on a tree quite yet, but I read that part of his job description involved checking guns on set prior to giving it to any actor, including Baldwin of course.

Maybe this information I read is shifty with trying to blame another guy. I’m pretty sure it was in OP’s link in an additional link? I’ll confirm, but from memory I believe the assistant producer. According to this written statement, it was also his job (after she was supposed to check it) to check all prop guns but was arguing in an office. If this goes anywhere they’ll be more said about that, if factual. The responsibility of the “trained” female who didn’t do her job lies with her. She’ll probably commit suicide, (unfortunately) for her stupidity so no need to sweat it that she’ll get off.

Determining the blame often involves more than one person when tragedies like this happen. As you might agree, each person is 100% responsible for their part in it if that’s how it went down. Seems that there were at least two, if not three.
Almost always involves more than one person, but she was the one they hired to be responsible, so she will get the largest slice of the pie. Just because she delegated the task to dude to handle weapons does not help her. You can never delegate responsibility. Just not how it works.
Her prop days with weapons are over. Nobody will insure a project with her in charger or even dealing with weapons again.
Hopefully she is not suicidal type, on top of poorly trained, lacking the attention to detail and personal responsibility to work above her level. That is up to her.
Almost always involves more than one person, but she was the one they hired to be responsible, so she will get the largest slice of the pie. Just because she delegated the task to dude to handle weapons does not help her. You can never delegate responsibility. Just not how it works.
Her prop days with weapons are over. Nobody will insure a project with her in charger or even dealing with weapons again.
Hopefully she is not suicidal type, on top of poorly trained, lacking the attention to detail and personal responsibility to work above her level. That is up to her.
Accessory before the fact to murder.
Conspiracy to commit murder.
Murder-for-hire if money was involved.
Accessory before the fact to murder.
Conspiracy to commit murder.
Murder-for-hire if money was involved.
I would be surprised at that. Too much like a made for TV movie.
They can't get a federal grand jury around all that, can they? I mean it's Alec Baldwin, come on.
If it were true, they probably would. There are lots of Alex haters. Alex is going to have his trouble in civil court, and he will lose, probably lose big and the Producer for the movie.
Almost always involves more than one person, but she was the one they hired to be responsible, so she will get the largest slice of the pie. Just because she delegated the task to dude to handle weapons does not help her. You can never delegate responsibility. Just not how it works.
Her prop days with weapons are over. Nobody will insure a project with her in charger or even dealing with weapons again.
Hopefully she is not suicidal type, on top of poorly trained, lacking the attention to detail and personal responsibility to work above her level. That is up to her.
Well, the way that “source” I mentioned worded it, both in advance were tasked those same duties, but I checked and found it was a Twitter message so forget any weight to that theory. Sorry about that. I actually thought it was at least a bit in a news article. More will come out if charges are pressed.
If it were true, they probably would. There are lots of Alex haters. Alex is going to have his trouble in civil court, and he will lose, probably lose big and the Producer for the movie.
Civil suits don't excuse murder, nor is a civil law investigation adequate.
Write to the DA.
Civil suits don't excuse murder, nor is a civil law investigation adequate.
Make your voice heard if that is how you feel. I don't have a dog in this race. I just have a pretty good idea, how it will play out.
Write to the DA.

Make your voice heard if that is how you feel. I don't have a dog in this race. I just have a pretty good idea, how it will play out.
Well you can't have a girl arrested for murder. That's just absurd and unthinkable. Don't you have any Omertà or respect for the ladies?

Il onore di un uomo ...
Well you can't have a girl arrested for murder. That's just absurd and unthinkable. Don't you have any Omertà or respect for the ladies?

Il onore di un uomo ...
Have not heard she was arrested for murder. Was she? I doubt anybody will stand criminal trial for murder.
Who pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. Ballwin. The prick needs to be in jail. It doesn't matter who hands you a gun, and especially if you are going to point it at someone YOU have a responsibility to double check the magazine and the chamber. If you don't know how to do so, you should never be allowed to hold a weapon and until you can. period.

ballwin killed a person and people want to pretend its not his fault. He is the trigger man, he is the incompetent one. But hollywood deviants think they should never be held resposnible for anything they do. period. Now hollywood is going to make a young woman with no fame and money take the fall for the POS that is Ballwin. disgusting.
Who pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. Ballwin. The prick needs to be in jail. It doesn't matter who hands you a gun, and especially if you are going to point it at someone YOU have a responsibility to double check the magazine and the chamber. If you don't know how to do so, you should never be allowed to hold a weapon and until you can. period.

ballwin killed a person and people want to pretend its not his fault. He is the trigger man, he is the incompetent one. But hollywood deviants think they should never be held resposnible for anything they do. period. Now hollywood is going to make a young woman with no fame and money take the fall for the POS that is Ballwin. disgusting.
Difference in responsibility and criminal culpability. Just sayin..........
Difference in responsibility and criminal culpability. Just sayin..........
And yet the investigators are being stonewalled by ballwin and others. He refused to comply with requests until they had warrents to force him to comply. And if you kill someone through negligence which he did, manslaughter charges at a minimum are always filed against the little people of America. Which is why Hollywood is working overtime to destroy the little girl who worked as the "armorer". She is not famous and popular to the left, they happily will destroy her to save their hero and famous trump imitator.

Also there is reason to believe ballwin had motive, given his role with the production, the problems on the set and the labor walk out.
Almost always involves more than one person, but she was the one they hired to be responsible, so she will get the largest slice of the pie. Just because she delegated the task to dude to handle weapons does not help her. You can never delegate responsibility. Just not how it works.
Her prop days with weapons are over. Nobody will insure a project with her in charger or even dealing with weapons again.
Hopefully she is not suicidal type, on top of poorly trained, lacking the attention to detail and personal responsibility to work above her level. That is up to her.
The person who handles the gun, regardless of who gave it to them, has the moral and legal duty to be responsible with it. Ballwin pointed a loaded gun at someone and killed them. Accoding to witnesses the scene they were getting ready to shoot didn't even call for the gun, so he was not only irresponsible, he was reckless. He is the person with the final responsibility, not the little girl with out lots of money and fame to protect herself. Ballwin is a killer and in a normal world that did not worship these pathetic celebrities, he would be sitting in a jail today.
Who pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. Ballwin. The prick needs to be in jail. It doesn't matter who hands you a gun, and especially if you are going to point it at someone YOU have a responsibility to double check the magazine and the chamber. If you don't know how to do so, you should never be allowed to hold a weapon and until you can. period.

ballwin killed a person and people want to pretend its not his fault. He is the trigger man, he is the incompetent one. But hollywood deviants think they should never be held resposnible for anything they do. period. Now hollywood is going to make a young woman with no fame and money take the fall for the POS that is Ballwin. disgusting.
Hey1stDickD! His name is Baldwin, not Ballwin.
“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.” – Michael Moore

she probably was responsible, but alec was not. He's the only person refusing to hand over his cell phone
She was even near the building when the gun went off
And yet the investigators are being stonewalled by ballwin and others. He refused to comply with requests until they had warrents to force him to comply. And if you kill someone through negligence which he did, manslaughter charges at a minimum are always filed against the little people of America. Which is why Hollywood is working overtime to destroy the little girl who worked as the "armorer". She is not famous and popular to the left, they happily will destroy her to save their hero and famous trump imitator.

Also there is reason to believe ballwin had motive, given his role with the production, the problems on the set and the labor walk out.
Fantasy. I personally do not care what happens to him. Do I think he should have checked the weapon to see if it had live rounds? I check, every time I pickup or am handed a weapon, but that is years of training with weapons, but this was a movie set, with supposedly no live rounds ever present. I have to say, I have been on ranges where amateurs have shot through the range dividers or into the floor or ceiling just checking their weapon or letting the slide go forward. Amateurs scare me a little and I try to avoid shooting near them, as some people cannot be trusted with a loaded weapon.
I have never been involved in a shooting incident, or force to shoot somebody. If I ever am, my plan is to say and do as little as possible to aid (under the direction of legal counsel) in the investigation, unless I was not the shooter or in possession of the weapon fired.
This real life incident investigation will play out. I don't have a solid legal basis to support a valid opinion, but until I see charges and court testimony, I will not be on the political fringe trying to burn that dumbass at the stake.
The person who handles the gun, regardless of who gave it to them, has the moral and legal duty to be responsible with it. Ballwin pointed a loaded gun at someone and killed them. Accoding to witnesses the scene they were getting ready to shoot didn't even call for the gun, so he was not only irresponsible, he was reckless. He is the person with the final responsibility, not the little girl with out lots of money and fame to protect herself. Ballwin is a killer and in a normal world that did not worship these pathetic celebrities, he would be sitting in a jail today.
Morally true. Whether that is proved legally true in a criminal court remains to be seen. I am pretty sure he is and will be getting the heck sued out of him in civil court. That is the most likely place, he might be held responsible.

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