This is the proverbial nail in the coffin


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Conservatives have been totally and completely vindicated. President Trump has totally and completely vindicated. CNN has been exposed (thank God for Project Veritas). And Mika Brezinzski accidentally reveals her real feelings about the media ("it's her job to control what you think").

While others knew it then - I did not. But I understand it now. President Trump was the second Revolutionary War. The American people essentially overthrew the entire establishment (political party's, media, etc.) at the ballot box.

yup, he tossed out the people he needs to get bills pushed through congress.

yup, he tossed out the people he needs to get bills pushed through congress.



If the progressives keep up this crap there won't be any need to ask the Democrats to participate in passing any legislation after the next election.


yup, he tossed out the people he needs to get bills pushed through congress.


Next he will take over the Supreme Court, close the media and probably got pointers from the Polish Pres. how to do it.
Conservatives have been totally and completely vindicated. President Trump has totally and completely vindicated. CNN has been exposed (thank God for Project Veritas). And Mika Brezinzski accidentally reveals her real feelings about the media ("it's her job to control what you think").

While others knew it then - I did not. But I understand it now. President Trump was the second Revolutionary War. The American people essentially overthrew the entire establishment (political party's, media, etc.) at the ballot box.

You are so fucking stupid that it blows my mind.

Yep the dumb son of a bitch wants to turn America into a third world shit hole. Now that is pretty dumb...

It's not even that. He's just too dumb to know how dumb he is. He worships a 71 year old man with the emotional maturity of an 8th grader and the intelligence of a 3rd grader. Never mind the fact that Trump has already broken all of his core campaign promises.

What were you doing when President Trump put a strict constitutionalist on the he PROMISED! (He'll put another two or three of them on the SC in the next four years BTW)
Were you jerking off in front of your full length Sarah Palin poster as usual?
He PROMISED to withdraw from the idiotic Paris bullshit scam.
He PROMISED to restart the lagging economy. Google how much stronger the US economy is now.
He PROMISED to get rid of violent South American illegals. Look what he's doing to MS13.
You're the poster boy for what describes a LOSER!
Conservatives have been totally and completely vindicated. President Trump has totally and completely vindicated. CNN has been exposed (thank God for Project Veritas). And Mika Brezinzski accidentally reveals her real feelings about the media ("it's her job to control what you think").

While others knew it then - I did not. But I understand it now. President Trump was the second Revolutionary War. The American people essentially overthrew the entire establishment (political party's, media, etc.) at the ballot box.

You are so fucking stupid that it blows my mind.

Yep the dumb son of a bitch wants to turn America into a third world shit hole. Now that is pretty dumb...

That's why we didn't elect the queen of crime and lies.
what president in American history fulfilled all of his campaign promises-----in the first
four months, no less.
Conservatives have been totally and completely vindicated. President Trump has totally and completely vindicated. CNN has been exposed (thank God for Project Veritas). And Mika Brezinzski accidentally reveals her real feelings about the media ("it's her job to control what you think").

While others knew it then - I did not. But I understand it now. President Trump was the second Revolutionary War. The American people essentially overthrew the entire establishment (political party's, media, etc.) at the ballot box.

You are so fucking stupid that it blows my mind.

I say that not because i give a shit about CNN, Griffin, or "Morning Joe", I say it because of your pathetic devotion to an orange Neanderthal that makes this country a complete embarrassment to the rest of the world.

Lol, you supported Obama no matter what. You even stuck up for him after Gruber said Obama relied on your ignorance to get Obamacare through. You have zero credibility after that.
nobody is perfect-------so far we have never had a perfect president.
Donald is TRYING------and he is doing it earnestly. I am glad Hillary
was not elected------I registered DEMOCRAT on the very day I attained "majority
age"-------(no I will not say when) For me the task is ---vote for the best
candidate---which sometimes means----the least harmful. To those who
denigrate Donald-----just which moves on his part do you repudiate?
what president in American history fulfilled all of his campaign promises-----in the first
four months, no less.

No president, but Trump promised REDICULOUS BULLSHIT anyone with half a brain understands he will not deliver. For starters because he was and remains a total ignoramus. He had no idea what he was saying when he was making the promises, nor did he give a shit. He is consistently willing to say WHATEVER gets him through the day.

He promised 4% GDP growth - no where in sight, probably because he has hasn't signed any significant change in economic policy that can possibly cause that extra growth (at the tail end of bussiness cycle no less)

He promised he has a "wonderful plan" for better healthcare system, where everyone will be covered at a "fraction of Obamacare costs" - rediculous nonsense with a side of bullshit, he had ZERO real plan to fix healthcare.

He promised massive 1Trillion dollar infrastructure plan and about 5 Trillion dollar tax cuts all paid for with...yep, very same nonexistent 4% annualized GDP growth.

He was wailing against "JENNET YELLEN!" and her artificial propping up of the economy with low interest rates for Obama - only to keep Janet head of the Fed to continue exactly what she was doing.

Same bullshit with unemployment figures he was throwing around "40%!!!", as soon as he got in suddenly standard U3 unemployment numbers became legit.

He was going to take Chinese leaders "to McDonald's" instead of proper reception and declare the country currency manipulators. All bullshit as we now know.

And let's not forget how he was going to "order his DOJ" to persecute "Hillary for prison!" - ohh yes they are on it :rolleyes:

The man is a top grade snake oil salesman and an A.D.D. riddled anti-intellectual.
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I say it because of your pathetic devotion to an orange Neanderthal that makes this country a complete embarrassment to the rest of the world.
Barack Insane Obama made this country a complete embarrassment to the rest of the world. President Trump is restoring the U.S. to its rightful place at the top.

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