‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren

There are evangelicals concerned with spreading the word of Jesus Christ as the way to salvation, and there are evangelicals who expound a social justice/progressive political philosophy couched in Gospel terms.

The Red Letter Christians fall into the latter category.

The way to salvation isn't grabbing them by the pussy or cheating the people who have done work for you. I don't think lying is a requirement for salvation either.
Nobody said it was

Yet the party that has historically demanded candidates who uphold their "family values" chose a lecherous pig who grabs pussies and says he has never asked god for forgiveness because he has never done anything that needed it
Ya mean Clinton...….log ...….eye...type deal...…….let me know when libs elect a saint

Clinton got a blowjob from a consenting adult. Trump pays porn stars hundreds of thousands of dollars to not mention their affairs. 3 wives who were each cheated on, at least one while she was recovering from child birth, makes regular surprise trips through dressing rooms of young beauty contestants, braggs about grabbing women by the pussy, and has made it clear that he is either having sex with his daughter, or would like to. You got yourself a real winner in the morality department this time.
Conveniently forgetting the rapes …...libs normalize something and then say do something......hypocrite much.....nobody has identified a Saint I could have voted for yet
'Evangelicals' in the US outed themselves as not Christian by voting for Lying Trump in large numbers. They have no other religion except power and money. They reject the teachings of Christ outright, so they are not Christians.

They claim to be, but they aren't. They've been outed for good this time, all that Jerry Falwell crap was uber rake garbage designed also to make money and put people into power that steer money their way.

Predictable. Throw mud at a Christian group for the sin of an individual. Christians, Evangelicals: Do not let this distract you. People of faith voted for a candidate based on that candidate's belief that matters of conscience should prevail in the public square, in the business square. Those who work in the medical field should not be required to end life in the womb. Photographers should not be required to take photos they are uncomfortable shooting. Bakers should not be required to decorate a cake if those specifications go against their conscience.

Those of you who hate the President because you believe he should be forcing Catholic doctors to perform abortions, that he should force photographers to take pictures for the Man-Boy Love Association, that he should force all bakers to decorate specifically gay wedding cakes, go ahead and hate him. Otherwise, face up to the lies in your own lives. Bet you forgive yourself that which you are unwilling to forgive in someone else.

Yes, Donald Trump is an imperfect man. However, the President is clear on the ideals he supports, and some of these ideals are the same ideals Evangelicals and other people of faith support. We voted for a President who gets things done. That President also came with some personal sins. As do we all.

So you are one that thinks Jesus would approve of a man walking up and grabbing a woman's vee jay jay in public. Or paying a prostitute for sex, then paying her again $130,000 to shut up about it.

You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
Trump is definitely NOT the leader of the American nation. He is a pig, not fit to lead anyone. I am an American. As for people who call themselves Christians and support him, this is a disgrace.

Simple reality is that Donald Trump is President of the United States. I am Christian. I am American. I support the President who is doing his best to do what is best for this country. If anyone wishes to argue which policy is best for America, good deal, I am all for it. People who wish to bash our Presidents...I am not in favor of that; it brings shame upon all of us--not the President(s), but on us.

That was one highly principled post if it were true.

No one can claim principles that backs a lying, Russian backed President who is totally narcisstic and cares only about his wants, like a 2 year old tantrum pulling crook.

The way to salvation isn't grabbing them by the pussy or cheating the people who have done work for you. I don't think lying is a requirement for salvation either.
Nobody said it was

Yet the party that has historically demanded candidates who uphold their "family values" chose a lecherous pig who grabs pussies and says he has never asked god for forgiveness because he has never done anything that needed it
Ya mean Clinton...….log ...….eye...type deal...…….let me know when libs elect a saint

Clinton got a blowjob from a consenting adult.

Shrug. Who cares?

Clinton lied under oath. That's what matters.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth and is afraid of testifying under oath.

The count is now up to 3000. Funny thing, I care!
You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
In fact, we are--and intelligent ones at that. We know when other politicians are trying to play us, trying to pit one against the other--their own go-to play in their play book. This should tell you that we Christians would rather have Donald Trump than anything the Left has on offer. In other words, our worst Christian is better than your best swamp politician.
You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
In fact, we are--and intelligent ones at that. We know when other politicians are trying to play us, trying to pit one against the other--their own go-to play in their play book. This should tell you that we Christians would rather have Donald Trump than anything the Left has on offer. In other words, our worst Christian is better than your best swamp politician.

How can you tell Trump is telling the truth when every time he speaks he contradicts the last thing he said?
How can you tell Trump is telling the truth when every time he speaks he contradicts the last thing he said?
President Trump is not that hard to follow. Often times the President says something and some pundit adds, "He is clearly saying..." President Trump says, "No. In fact I was saying..." and the pundits say, Since he contradicted what we said he said, he is the one in error, the one who is lying. No one is saying the man never lies. On the other hand, he is prone to hyperbole which gets him accused of lying more often than anyone else "guilty" of using hyperbole.

The problem is that we have had so many cookie-stamp politicians over the decades that when someone walks into the arena outside of that mould and they don't hear and see the patter they are used to hearing and seeing, their reaction appears to freak out. Do we really want a society of The Giver (by Lois Lowry)? Is our only alternative to become hysterical when things don't go our way? Or, are we strong and malleable enough to work with many different alternatives? I am a substitute teacher who has been in many different classrooms in different cities and different states. I have discovered there are many, many different ways to run cities, states, and classroom. And surprise! Almost all of them work. Be a little flexible.
And for the record God doesnt just use the godly to accomplish his will....
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You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
In fact, we are--and intelligent ones at that. We know when other politicians are trying to play us, trying to pit one against the other--their own go-to play in their play book. This should tell you that we Christians would rather have Donald Trump than anything the Left has on offer. In other words, our worst Christian is better than your best swamp politician.

i do not sit in judgement on whether others are Christians or not.

The point is God sees everything we do.
How can you tell Trump is telling the truth when every time he speaks he contradicts the last thing he said?
President Trump is not that hard to follow. Often times the President says something and some pundit adds, "He is clearly saying..." President Trump says, "No. In fact I was saying..." and the pundits say, Since he contradicted what we said he said, he is the one in error, the one who is lying. No one is saying the man never lies. On the other hand, he is prone to hyperbole which gets him accused of lying more often than anyone else "guilty" of using hyperbole.

The problem is that we have had so many cookie-stamp politicians over the decades that when someone walks into the arena outside of that mould and they don't hear and see the patter they are used to hearing and seeing, their reaction appears to freak out. Do we really want a society of The Giver (by Lois Lowry)? Is our only alternative to become hysterical when things don't go our way? Or, are we strong and malleable enough to work with many different alternatives? I am a substitute teacher who has been in many different classrooms in different cities and different states. I have discovered there are many, many different ways to run cities, states, and classroom. And surprise! Almost all of them work. Be a little flexible.

I suggest you listen to Trump himself and forget what the pundit says. I learned long ago to listen carefully. Not dependon some one else to tell you what they say.

One reason I listen to CSPan when Congress is in session. Amazing what you learn.
Trump is of Satan.

Many of the things Trump stands for Jesus would be opposed too.
1. Adultery
2. taking food from the poor
3. Judging people that are different

When has Trump made a stand on those issues?

Regardless, everyone on earth has done something Jesus opposed at one point in their lives. Jesus came to save us from our sins. Not to lead protests accusing us of them. The accuser is the other guy
Trump is of Satan.

Many of the things Trump stands for Jesus would be opposed too.
1. Adultery
2. taking food from the poor
3. Judging people that are different

When has Trump made a stand on those issues?

Regardless, everyone on earth has done something Jesus opposed at one point in their lives. Jesus came to save us from our sins. Not to lead protests accusing us of them. The accuser is the other guy
One's life is their 'stand'--Trump's life has clearly made it clear his stance on Adultery, helping the poor and judging people that are different.

"By their fruits ye shall know them."
You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
In fact, we are--and intelligent ones at that. We know when other politicians are trying to play us, trying to pit one against the other--their own go-to play in their play book. This should tell you that we Christians would rather have Donald Trump than anything the Left has on offer. In other words, our worst Christian is better than your best swamp politician.

You call yourself anything you like. You don't follow Christ.

It doesn't matter what you say, only what you do. You support the most immoral people there are, stop pretending, you aren't Christians.
I suggest you listen to Trump himself and forget what the pundit says. I learned long ago to listen carefully. Not dependon some one else to tell you what they say.

One reason I listen to CSPan when Congress is in session. Amazing what you learn.

That's the entire point. To listen and to hear without jumping to one's own conclusion. And, yes. To listen and hear both Congress and the President. Then, eliminate all the adjectives any pundit offers and listen/hear what they are (and are not) saying.
Funny thing is if a Christian was elected they would be savaging Christians for turning us into a theocracy
I hope he's not trying to make the case Hilly was the 'Christian" choice.

No..I'm in the religious forum...thus I'm in a philosophical mode...The Christian choice, IMO?

None of the above..pay attention to the local races. Remember that the kingdom that Christian aspire to..is not of this world.

THe Liberation Theology that is moving into the mainstream of Christianity, disagrees with that.

You got that right.

Of course I do.

I'm just surprised you are honest enough to admit it.

They goal is not salvation, but "social justice" and revolution, on this world.

That has nothing to do with Christianity.

THey are heretics.
‘This Is Not of God’: When Anti-Trump Evangelicals Confront Their Brethren

I've wondered how people of faith are viewing Trump..this article was an eye-opener--The article is ong..this is just a brief quote:

The night before Shane Claiborne came to town to preach at a Christian revival, he received a letter from the chief of police at Liberty University warning that if he set foot on the property, he would be arrested for trespassing and face up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

At first glance, Mr. Claiborne hardly appeared a threat to Liberty University, a dominant force in Lynchburg, Va., and a powerful engine in evangelical Christianity. Wearing baggy clothes that he sews himself, Mr. Claiborne preaches the Gospel, lives among the poor and befriends prisoners on death row, modeling his ministry on the life of Jesus.

But to the leaders of Liberty, he was a menace to their campus. He and his national network of liberal evangelicals, called the Red Letter Christians, were holding a revival meeting to protest in Liberty’s backyard. Their target: Jerry Falwell Jr., Liberty’s president and a man who has played a pivotal role in forging the alliance between white evangelicals and Donald J. Trump, who won 81 percent of their vote.

Mr. Claiborne and his group are the other evangelicals. The Red Letter Christians, a reference to the words of Jesus printed in some Bibles in red type, are not the evangelicals invited for interviews on Fox News or MSNBC. They don’t align neatly with either political party. But they have fierce moral and theological objections to those evangelicals who have latched onto Mr. Trump and the Republican Party.

“Let’s go where the Christians are, go where toxic Christianity lives,” Mr. Claiborne said last year, when proposing the idea for a revival in Lynchburg at an annual retreat for the Red Letter Christians.

The revival last month was the most energetic of several recent attempts by Christians in various camps to confront what they see as Mr. Trump’s “court evangelicals” selling out the faith. The critics have written columns, and a book called “Still Evangelical?” They convened a closed-door summit last month at Wheaton College. A number of bereaved, eminent elders plan a procession to the White House soon to hand over their manifesto, “Reclaiming Jesus: A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis.”

Mr. Claiborne and his group were far more audacious, but they also faced disappointment, resistance and fear. They were taking on Lynchburg, a company town where Liberty University is the biggest employer. Their “Red Letter Revival” revealed the state of the evangelical church in 2018: The loudest voices and institutional power and money are with Mr. Trump; the dissenters are fired-up, underfunded and scattered; and the vast majority of pastors are silent for fear of dividing their congregations or risking their jobs.

I'm always amazed why people make ops, and cut and paste the opening of their link that contains

NOTHING to suppor their point.

Their is nothing in this op, about why this evangelical is anti-Trump.

Really we all know about the Evans around Trump and the Evans in general. They are the prosperity preachers and fake healers. Money = God to them.

I've met several Christians who considered themselves evangelicals. I've never met one that believes in Prosperity Christianity.

And even them, I think you are misrepresenting.

TO me, they have been very good and nice people.

DO you have link to support your claim that Prosperity Christians are the bulk of Trump's Evangelical support?
If you don't have a hotline to God, please allow me to fill you in. Liberals, even those who call themselves Christian, have always been divisive. Liberals hate.

I doubt any Christian, Liberal or Conservative hates if they are following Jesus-words.

The only time he became angry was when he threw the Money Changers out of the Temple for cheating people. Jesus would be one busy guy today cleaning out the WH and Congress.

YOu argue against Christians hating.

Yet immediately claim that Jesus would be angry and drive the "money changer" out of the White House.

That very much supports norwegen's point about liberals being divisive and hateful.

Throwing the money changers out for cheating people was far from hate. It was righteous anger. Something that is sadly lacking in our Government today.. we need to find a Politician with that character today

You do not know the difference between the 2? Neither do those who voted for Trump.

What we see today from liberals, is hate.

Is there one policy difference you have with Trump supporters that you don't consider evidence of them being bad people for disagreeing with your obviously right position?

Pure deflection. One finger pointing, 3 back at you

This whole thread is about attacking Trump supporters, because you liberals can't imagine that anyone would disagree with you, without being "not of god".

You are here to support that.

I asked a simple question, giving you a chance to talk about all the issues where you disagree with people, without considering them bad people.

ANd you could not answer it.
'Evangelicals' in the US outed themselves as not Christian by voting for Lying Trump in large numbers. They have no other religion except power and money. They reject the teachings of Christ outright, so they are not Christians.

They claim to be, but they aren't. They've been outed for good this time, all that Jerry Falwell crap was uber rake garbage designed also to make money and put people into power that steer money their way.

Predictable. Throw mud at a Christian group for the sin of an individual. Christians, Evangelicals: Do not let this distract you. People of faith voted for a candidate based on that candidate's belief that matters of conscience should prevail in the public square, in the business square. Those who work in the medical field should not be required to end life in the womb. Photographers should not be required to take photos they are uncomfortable shooting. Bakers should not be required to decorate a cake if those specifications go against their conscience.

Those of you who hate the President because you believe he should be forcing Catholic doctors to perform abortions, that he should force photographers to take pictures for the Man-Boy Love Association, that he should force all bakers to decorate specifically gay wedding cakes, go ahead and hate him. Otherwise, face up to the lies in your own lives. Bet you forgive yourself that which you are unwilling to forgive in someone else.

Yes, Donald Trump is an imperfect man. However, the President is clear on the ideals he supports, and some of these ideals are the same ideals Evangelicals and other people of faith support. We voted for a President who gets things done. That President also came with some personal sins. As do we all.

So you are one that thinks Jesus would approve of a man walking up and grabbing a woman's vee jay jay in public. Or paying a prostitute for sex, then paying her again $130,000 to shut up about it.

You people are not Christians so stop pretending. It's over with, Trump has out you forever, you only use religion as a front for political gain. You have no morals.
Are you speaking of Bill Clinton? Unless you are twisting something, I thought it wasn't popular anymore to be "Religious" (unless you are speaking of witchcraft or socialism). And frankly, these women who walk around displaying their "vee jay jay" publicly ---- already have been imaginatively raped by everyone staring at them --- in any case they have left NOTHING to anyone's imagination.

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