This is inhumane


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
This makes my blood boil.

What kind of parent sends their poor child thousands of miles alone across treacherous territory to cross our border illegally?

A parent who wants a better life for their child? No. That's a big fat lie. Parents should be with their children through thick and thin, danger and safety, but the parents of this little one aren't.

What these parents have done to these unaccompanied minors is beyond inhumane.

So anyone saying "they want a better life for their child" can promptly screw off. Sorry. I will always have a soft spot for children, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Don't try to justify this behavior. Don't give me any excuses about "well the parents are helping their children flee from violence"--- if that were true, they would be fleeing with them. I see no love in these actions. None whatsoever.
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If an American mother sent her child to Columbia with human trafficker's she would be in prison for child Joe's America these south American moms get a gold star and a path to American citizenship...just in time to vote in 24....

Notice how well these wetbacks are dressed...and how fat some of them are....what the hell is going on?....
It's all about the parents getting a free ticket in to the US. Instead of sending the child back to the parents, the commies will bring the parents here in the name of family reunification. It's all part of the commies plan to flood the US with more impoverished people that the tax payers will have to support. They're on the path to admit 2 million this year and that's just the ones we know of. It's all part of the commie plan for one party rule and the destruction of the republic.

By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

I see your point...

However, this behavior is uncivilized. They have examples of committed parenting here in the United States and yet they see it fit to engage in these acts of pure barbarity.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.
ON the one hand? You are right.

On the other. . . I am not sure about the parents that contract with these coyotes.

Certainly misplaced priorities. Selling their own kids into slavery? :dunno:

If an American mother sent her child to Columbia with human trafficker's she would be in prison for child Joe's America these south American moms get a gold star and a path to American citizenship...just in time to vote in 24....

Notice how well these wetbacks are dressed...and how fat some of them are....what the hell is going on?....
so very true.
By no means I'm I trying to justify what these parent's do. However, I suspect the culture of theses people is to let their children fend for themselves much more than American children do. Just over 100 years ago, American children would be expect to do farm jobs that we would consider to dangerous for children to do today, and the children would often not be under the supervision of an adult.

I see your point...

However, this behavior is uncivilized. They have examples of committed parenting here in the United States and yet they see it fit to engage in these acts of pure barbarity.

The children are often just being used to be the pathway for some adult..... just as much as they are being sent for their own "better life". Plus they are being capitalized on by Cartels. Democrats just cant admit that Trumps actions of slowing down the migration by the stay in Mexico order, the message that you would not just be let in, and the visual message of the wall being built was
a much more humane act than the free for all that was promulgated by the first few days of the Biden presidency. Democrats just cant get over that Trump is a "horrible person", therefore anything he did needs to be reversed. We can sure see the effects of that. Trumps policy definately saved more than one life. The question to Biden and Harris now is wer'nt those lives saved worth it? and are the lives being lost now worth the new voter demographic that you are going to gain?
I have no idea why decisions like that are made, but I suspect that with the danger in south American countries, and the cost being so high, some of the parents can only afford for their children to go, and hope they can be reunited with relatives in the US. Desperate choices by desperate people often turn out worse than hoped for.
I suspect many of the parents don't use birth control, so they have lots of kids to spare.
I have no idea why decisions like that are made, but I suspect that with the danger in south American countries, and the cost being so high, some of the parents can only afford for their children to go, and hope they can be reunited with relatives in the US.

Hm. Reasonable.

But these parents should be willing to make high sacrifices for their children, including but not limited to their own well-being. They are gambling the lives of their children on a very slim chance they will ever get to see them again.

A real family suffers together as a family.

Nothing is worse than going through extreme danger alone and with no support.
OP, the fact that this was done should make you consider what the hell are these people running from.

If you're truly concerned about the humanity of it all that is.
This makes my blood boil.

What kind of parent sends their poor child thousands of miles alone across treacherous territory to cross our border illegally?

A parent who wants a better life for their child? No. That's a big fat lie. Parents should be with their children through thick and thin, danger and safety, but the parents of this little one aren't.

What these parents have done to these unaccompanied minors is beyond inhumane.

So anyone saying "they want a better life for their child" can promptly screw off. Sorry. I will always have a soft spot for children, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Don't try to justify this behavior. Don't give me any excuses about "well the parents are helping their children flee from violence"--- if that were true, they would be fleeing with them. I see no love in these actions. None whatsoever.

Learn to quote the entirety of my posts if you wish to continue this discussion.
Done. I mistakenly erased more than I intended.

Doesn't change my response though.

Expand your extremely narrow mind. You'd be better off for it.
I have no idea why decisions like that are made, but I suspect that with the danger in south American countries, and the cost being so high, some of the parents can only afford for their children to go, and hope they can be reunited with relatives in the US. Desperate choices by desperate people often turn out worse than hoped for.
If things are s tough over there, why are they well dressed and healthy when they arrive?
Does a child who is sent over 1000 miles in the dessert in a nice coat pants and shoes better off than the veteran with ptsd living on the streets if San Francesco? I say yes. I have seen the videos. They are better dressed than any homeless American.
Do I feel bad for the children? Yes. Why? Because their parents are selfish assholes.

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