This is how you punish gun thieves...and help stop gun violence...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
this is from extranosalley and they discuss the capture of 3 gun thieves and how they should be punished....if they actually did this, there would be less gun theft.....

Gun Thieves Caught 8211 Now Sock It To 8216 Em Extrano s Alley a gun blog

AS we know, gun thefts are the source of guns used in at least 93 percent of gun related crimes. Burglaries literally arm the underworld. Despite that, far too many prosecutors treat gun theft, even wholesale gun theft, as little more than a misdemeanor.

The punishment should fit the crime. Hopefully, this will not be another catch-and-release fiasco. I would suggest one year in prison for each gun recovered, with a chance of parole; and two years for each gun not recovered, with no chance of parole. Which would keep the thieves in prison for 23 years minimum, and 136 years maximum. Each.

Because the only deterrent greater than a long prison sentence is a strong possibility of being sho
t on the spot.
I like it. Id go further.

MANDATORY minimum 5 years in prison...per stolen gun. No parole.

Want to end the flowof stolen guns to criminals? That'll do it.

Also...mandatory minimum 3 years for possession of a stolen gun. Attached to that- a law that mandates police to provide free serial number checks for anyone purchasing a gun to ensure no one buys a stolen gun by accident.

Because you may not have stolen it...but a thug gives it to your for drugs. Need both laws.
I like it. Id go further.
MANDATORY minimum 5 years in prison...per stolen gun. No parole.
Want to end the flowof stolen guns to criminals? That'll do it.
Also...mandatory minimum 3 years for possession of a stolen gun. Attached to that- a law that mandates police to provide free serial number checks for anyone purchasing a gun to ensure no one buys a stolen gun by accident.
Because you may not have stolen it...but a thug gives it to your for drugs. Need both laws.
Just curious...
How does the state prove that any given gun was stolen by the person who has it?
I like it. Id go further.

MANDATORY minimum 5 years in prison...per stolen gun. No parole.

You realize that if that was the law 80% of the population of South Chicago would be in jail? That is a lot of Democrat voters. I don't the power structure would want to lose that many voters.
I agree, but this would put even more young Black men in prison. How about also making gun owners more responsible for securing their weapons? For example, parents should be held criminally responsible if their children get ahold of their guns and hurt someone.
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Thieves with any stolen property should go to prison. But our joke of a justice system does not take theft seriously.
I agree, but this would put even more young Black men in prison.
If they steal guns, why should they not be in prison?
I think they should be in prison and I think that the person who had the gun stolen should be required to report it to the police as soon as he/she realizes it was stolen. I don`t understand why the gun lobby opposes this.
So what's the problem with this idea putting more young black men in prison?

Just a political/social observation. Shall we just accept the fact that the Black subculture in the U.S. promotes criminal behavior? Are we willing to live with the consequences?
this is from extranosalley and they discuss the capture of 3 gun thieves and how they should be punished....if they actually did this, there would be less gun theft.....

Gun Thieves Caught 8211 Now Sock It To 8216 Em Extrano s Alley a gun blog

AS we know, gun thefts are the source of guns used in at least 93 percent of gun related crimes. Burglaries literally arm the underworld. Despite that, far too many prosecutors treat gun theft, even wholesale gun theft, as little more than a misdemeanor.

The punishment should fit the crime. Hopefully, this will not be another catch-and-release fiasco. I would suggest one year in prison for each gun recovered, with a chance of parole; and two years for each gun not recovered, with no chance of parole. Which would keep the thieves in prison for 23 years minimum, and 136 years maximum. Each.

Because the only deterrent greater than a long prison sentence is a strong possibility of being sho
t on the spot.

The first stat is completely wrong. 93%. Bullshit.

Every law enforcement and criminologist study shows that illegal guns are traced back to states with lax gun laws -- gun shows, flea markets, private sales, and a small percentage of licensed dealers that do illegal trade -- but because of state and federal laws put in place by the NRA these rouge gun store supplying criminals (and there are only a small handful) can not be shut down.

Only a very tiny percentage comes from "stollen" weapons-- burglaries etc.
The first stat is completely wrong. 93%. Bullshit.
Every law enforcement and criminologist study shows that illegal guns are traced back to states with lax gun laws -- gun shows, flea markets, private sales, and a small percentage of licensed dealers that do illegal trade -- but because of state and federal laws put in place by the NRA these rouge gun store supplying criminals (and there are only a small handful) can not be shut down.
Only a very tiny percentage comes from "stollen" weapons-- burglaries etc.
There's the Hazelnutjob we all know.
Glad you're back.
this is from extranosalley and they discuss the capture of 3 gun thieves and how they should be punished....if they actually did this, there would be less gun theft.....

Gun Thieves Caught 8211 Now Sock It To 8216 Em Extrano s Alley a gun blog

AS we know, gun thefts are the source of guns used in at least 93 percent of gun related crimes. Burglaries literally arm the underworld. Despite that, far too many prosecutors treat gun theft, even wholesale gun theft, as little more than a misdemeanor.

The punishment should fit the crime. Hopefully, this will not be another catch-and-release fiasco. I would suggest one year in prison for each gun recovered, with a chance of parole; and two years for each gun not recovered, with no chance of parole. Which would keep the thieves in prison for 23 years minimum, and 136 years maximum. Each.

Because the only deterrent greater than a long prison sentence is a strong possibility of being sho
t on the spot.

The first stat is completely wrong. 93%. Bullshit.

Every law enforcement and criminologist study shows that illegal guns are traced back to states with lax gun laws -- gun shows, flea markets, private sales, and a small percentage of licensed dealers that do illegal trade -- but because of state and federal laws put in place by the NRA these rouge gun store supplying criminals (and there are only a small handful) can not be shut down.

Only a very tiny percentage comes from "stollen" weapons-- burglaries etc.
Prove your bull or shut up dickhead.
from the ATF. Gun grabbers and gang member interviews....

Inside the Black Market for Guns - Forbes

This made me refer to the ATF’s statistics to get them to explain what’s behind some shocking numbers. I noted that the ATF estimates that 190,342 guns were lost or stolen in the U.S. in 2012. Most of those guns (177,898) were lost or stolen from private residences and vehicles, but 5,762 firearms were reported as being stolen from Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealers—gun stores, pawn shops, and so on. The thing is, though those numbers are alarming, the ATF officially says the number of guns stolen from private hands is a guestimate based on different sources of data. The ATF’s “2012 Summary: Firearms Reported Lost and Stolen” report explains, “This is raw data that has not been substantively reviewed by the FBI, has not been screened for duplicates or other data entry issues, and does not account for firearms that were subsequently found or recovered.” The ATF does, however, say the number of guns stolen from FFLs is a good statistic because in 1994 Congress required FFLs to report the theft or loss of any firearm from their inventories to both the ATF and to local police within 48 hours of discovery.

Next, even with the technology they have available, the agents explained, it’s difficult to statistically explain where the guns that make it to the illegal market come from. Over the years the ATF and other government organizations have tried to answer this difficult question. In 1991, the ATF estimated that 37 percent of armed criminals obtained firearms from street sales, 34 percent from criminal acts and associates, 8 percent from relatives, 7 percent came from dealers, and 6 percent from flea markets and gun shows. More recently, a Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of state prison inmates convicted of gun-related crimes determined that 79 percent of them bought their firearms from “street/illegal sources” or “friends or family.” These “illegal sources” included thefts of firearms, black market purchases of stolen firearms and straw purchases.

I mentioned these studies and the agents agreed that criminals will find a way to arm themselves if they so desire.

Now, as a condition for the interview I’d agreed not to ask these cops policy questions, as ATF agents are enforcers not policy makers, so I couldn’t ask them for recommendations on how to make the system better. Still, these findings make it clear that requiring all private sales of firearms be put through the National Instant Background Check System (NICS) wouldn’t do anything to stop criminals from getting guns, as criminals are already largely getting their guns through thefts, straw purchases and other illegal means.

Later, my interviews with former inner-city gang members would confirm this. They told me they have no difficulty getting guns. A few even said they could introduce me to some people. I declined, of course, but I also asked if they found gun-control laws to be a deterrent. To a person they said “no.”


What this article show.......Universal Background Checks are stupid.......they won't stop criminals from getting guns....the current federal background system doesn't stop criminals from getting guns now....and all it is is 1) a feel good measure to soothe the fears of gun grabbers and 2) a gun grabber strategy to get guns registered for future bans and mandatory turn ins.......

When criminals around the world want or need guns.....they get them....only law abiding citizens are disarmed with gun control laws.....

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