THIS, Is Disrespecting What the Flag Represents. THIS, is Disrespecting Our Military

Actually it isn't. We can reject the people who are purchased by the big donors. That option is available.
well then you should be mentioning harris....FUTURE FORWARD USA ACTION has given her 56 gave her 19 mill....
If you support trump, you support racism. I will hear no excuses. The NOI has policies that are good for black communities, but I will never support them because of the racism in what they believe. But you are unable to do that about trump because his racism still will benefit you. Therefore you are a racist. Get as mad as you want. Rage on all you desire, because you don't seem to understand just how much white racism pisses me off and I have way more pissed off than your little rage young boy..
I support Trump. I am not a damn racist. A person shouldn't be judged by the colour of their skin, but by their actions.
I support Trump. I am not a damn racist. A person shouldn't be judged by the colour of their skin, but by their actions.
You are a racist because you support Trump. Your support of Trump is an action.
Harris is about to speak. We don't hear the J6 Anthem.
I call RIGHT WING WHITES racists. Because RIGHT WING WHITES are racists. I'm 63. I don't need to ask anybody anything. Road Runner is a right wing white person. And I DGAD what right wing white racists don't ike. I don't like your racism. All whites aren'r right wing whites little boy. So learn the difference because there are a lot of whites who don't like right wing whites.

I never have nor will I ever be a racist. You are baiting me into a rage state, which you will regret.

Actually it isn't. We can reject the people who are purchased by the big donors. That option is available.

People on the right and on the left who read this clowns thread, now know why things are bad. IM2aracistbutwillneveradmitit, is just showing you no matter how you want to get along, people like this will never let you; and yes, a large group of these Leftists see it exactly this way.

Have you EVER owned slaves? I never have, did you? Well, according to this BLOWHARD, you owe reparations even though you didn't; why? Ask him and his nonsense, he is the male equivalent of Kamala.................talks stuff, but hasn't a clue.

Want to enforce the constitution do you? Hey, no way Jose! Allow every illegal in by his standards, and you taxpayers pay the freight. He probably doesn't have to worry about the cost, since he is probably ONE OF THOSE who pay zero taxes.

IM2arcist, the charming and delightful MACAFLOOZY, along with the rest of this Leftist cabal all have 1 thing in common-------->they NEED..(get on your knees) you to believe nonsense, because each and every one of their policies have FAILED!

You want to continue the last 4 years? Then listen to IM2incompetentbutiamstillaleftist, MACAFLOOZY, dragonchick, golfingphoneybaloneygater, and the host of others who try and ramrod you.

Remember this my conservative friends-------------->if we win on November the 5th, we have a long, long, very long road in front of us. In all honesty, we must win 3 cycles in a row, and win big!

On the other hand, if they win, more than likely, the country as we know it is toast.

So never, ever BELIEVE this is one and done, should Trump win. The Left is seeing this as a bump in the road, and that you will NEVER be able to continue on this way.

Do they want Kamala to win? Yes, absolutely YES. But they are willing to sacrifice her, IF they believe they can gain the upper hand later.

You are soon going to see how Leftist politics actually works, regardless of, if they win or lose. They know almost all of us work, and are hoping that we will forget if we win, and rely on Trump to fix it by himself.

Stay INVOLVED...........and IF Trump wins, let us all invest 2 or 3 bucks into a fund, to defeat AOC-) Couldn't happen to a nicer Leftist, don't you agree!
Here we have the song "Justice for All" sung by insurrectionists. Trump uses that song to start his cult festivals. This punk ran his mouth about black football players peacefully taking knees to protest police violence and you right wing racists ran your mouths too. One of you raggedy bitches made a song called take Knee My Ass, but don't make one to oppose insurrectionists who tried to end our democracy. So here we have a man runnning for President who disrespects the very ideal he wil be sworn to uphod and you MAGATS are fine with that because its all about trying to keep white supremacy.

Here we have the song "Justice for All" sung by insurrectionists. Trump uses that song to start his cult festivals. This punk ran his mouth about black football players peacefully taking knees to protest police violence and you right wing racists ran your mouths too. One of you raggedy bitches made a song called take Knee My Ass, but don't make one to oppose insurrectionists who tried to end our democracy. So here we have a man runnning for President who disrespects the very ideal he wil be sworn to uphod and you MAGATS are fine with that because its all about trying to keep white supremacy.

will condemn the American anti Israel supporters that stomped on and burned the American flag ?
I support insurrection because a government that fails to adequately represent its citizens ought to be dissolved and removed from power by whatever means necessary. The government sitting in Washington DC has no popular mandate (20% approval rating, if that), it routinely passes laws to enrich its members at the expense of its citizens, and regularly harasses, in some cases even kills its own citizens. To not oppose such a government is itself a bad thing.
“ I support insurrection “

That what Trumpers do
4 years of this nonsense when We the People return President Trump to the White House.
4 years of leftist temper tantrums and burning cities. 4 years of true insurrection.
Maybe IM2 will see some jail time after he goes fully insane
4 years of this nonsense when We the People return President Trump to the White House.
4 years of leftist temper tantrums and burning cities. 4 years of true insurrection.
Maybe IM2 will see some jail time after he goes fully insane
WTF are you talking about?

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