This is absolutely pathetic


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
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An American woman in Malta is set to be air-lifted out of the country on Thursday, after seeking an abortion amid emergency, life-threatening pregnancy complications, and being denied care due to the country’s stringent abortion ban. Malta’s laws offer no exceptions to this ban for any reason, rendering it the strictest in the European Union.

The American woman, Andrea Prudente, was on vacation with her partner in the country, and was 16 weeks pregnant when she started bleeding heavily and learned her fetus would not survive. Still, a hospital in Valletta, Malta, insisted that it would not provide her with an abortion or even discuss the procedure with her until she was imminently dying. Of course, medical experts have long argued that waiting until the pregnant person’s life is at stake to provide abortion care is extremely medically risky—if the government were actually concerned with pregnant people’s safety, abortion wouldn’t be banned at all.

Will soon be happening here, most likely.
Hope she doesnt fucking die over this stupid shit.
Pro lifers very quiet on this thread.. I did not know that Malta was this backward.
Malta is apparently a shit hole.

An American woman in Malta is set to be air-lifted out of the country on Thursday, after seeking an abortion amid emergency, life-threatening pregnancy complications, and being denied care due to the country’s stringent abortion ban. Malta’s laws offer no exceptions to this ban for any reason, rendering it the strictest in the European Union.

The American woman, Andrea Prudente, was on vacation with her partner in the country, and was 16 weeks pregnant when she started bleeding heavily and learned her fetus would not survive. Still, a hospital in Valletta, Malta, insisted that it would not provide her with an abortion or even discuss the procedure with her until she was imminently dying. Of course, medical experts have long argued that waiting until the pregnant person’s life is at stake to provide abortion care is extremely medically risky—if the government were actually concerned with pregnant people’s safety, abortion wouldn’t be banned at all.

Will soon be happening here, most likely.
Hope she doesnt fucking die over this stupid shit.

No, it won't. Go to any responsible hospital and they'll administer whatever is necessary to save the mother. Your concern is unwarranted...
No, it won't. Go to any responsible hospital and they'll administer whatever is necessary to save the mother. Your concern is unwarranted...
RvW hasnt been decided yet.

An American woman in Malta is set to be air-lifted out of the country on Thursday, after seeking an abortion amid emergency, life-threatening pregnancy complications, and being denied care due to the country’s stringent abortion ban. Malta’s laws offer no exceptions to this ban for any reason, rendering it the strictest in the European Union.

The American woman, Andrea Prudente, was on vacation with her partner in the country, and was 16 weeks pregnant when she started bleeding heavily and learned her fetus would not survive. Still, a hospital in Valletta, Malta, insisted that it would not provide her with an abortion or even discuss the procedure with her until she was imminently dying. Of course, medical experts have long argued that waiting until the pregnant person’s life is at stake to provide abortion care is extremely medically risky—if the government were actually concerned with pregnant people’s safety, abortion wouldn’t be banned at all.

Will soon be happening here, most likely.
Hope she doesnt fucking die over this stupid shit.
I'd be real surprised if that happened here.
Nope. No abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening circumstances.
So you are against the TX law that will force rape victims to go through gestation?
Why would anyone in their right mind want the mother and the child to die? That's insane.
I wasnt meaning people want them to die. I was referring to there being many that dont want any exceptions. Perhaps they just dont think this stuff through.
So you are against the TX law that will force rape victims to go through gestation?

Not really. States can have a little leeway.

Personally, I think abortion is a terrible thing, but it's not my hill of beans. I'd just get more pleasure out of seeing the left get shafted more than anything else.
What the hell is wrong with people? Can’t governments figure this crap out? It would be common sense to do the abortion, yet that seems to be absent anymore.
I wish I could take this thread seriously, but no dice.
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