This Explains the Latest Gaslighting… Democrats Panic As HUGE Majority of Americans Disagree with Their “Defund the Police” Insanity


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Feb 16, 2016

This Explains the Latest Gaslighting…

Democrats Panic As HUGE Majority of Americans Disagree with Their “Defund the Police” Insanity

30 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Lies on top of Lies…
Earlier this week White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters it was actually Republicans who oppose defunding the police, not Democrats.
As she said this the majority of the far-left media hacks in the room sat there and said nothing following this shocking and outrageous statement.
Defunding the police was a Democrat promise in 2020.
In state after state and city after city Democrats promised Americans they would defund the police if elected.

The mainstream fake news media does not want you to remember that.
Democrat cities are becoming hell-holes of violence and murder and Americans don’t approve!
A whopping 66% of American voters LAST YEAR said defunding the police was ridiculous.
And today 66% of American voters still say this is a bad idea.
Rasmussen reported.

We are seeing a hostile takeover of America by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie terrorists and their master plan is horiffic. William Ayers, Barry Obama's friend revealed their aims decades ago... Democrat Antifa and BLM have confirmed it
But the press will not talk about it.

So the only way this effects the DNC negatively in the polls is if they have personal experience to the increased crime.

Then again, will those who have drunk the DNC cool aid hold them to account? In fact, do they hold them to account for anything?


It's all Orange man's fault.
and the left is actually trying to say that republicans are the ones that want to defund the police ! after months of riots demanding the police be defunded and dem city officials actually cutting funds to police ! the killers of the unborn have no shame !
Here's hoping more than a few voters are paying attention and know which party are the lying coxuckers, cutting police budgets and then blaming Republicans for it?!
Then there is the disaster at the southern border, the crime rates exploding, the policemen retiring or leaving early, the prosecutors not prosecuting, the judges not imposing bail, giving Russia Nord Stream 2, giving China funding for germ warfare research, giving Russia funding for germ warfare research, pushing Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project in schools so that it pisses off both white and black parents, and the compliant MSM are stooges for the dems.
Voters will show what they think in 2022 and 2024.
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What I find interesting is that the left is trying to pin the blame on "Defunding the Police" as the fault of the republicans. Complete B.S. by the Democrats.
Major cities like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Philadelphia are run by Democrats who select their police chiefs, yet they blame the republicans.
This ongoing carnage is because of the lefts goal of a plan to implement a "National Police Force" of screened leftists and anti-Americans.
These people are traitors, pure and simple.
What I find interesting is that the left is trying to pin the blame on "Defunding the Police" as the fault of the republicans. Complete B.S. by the Democrats.
Major cities like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Philadelphia are run by Democrats who select their police chiefs, yet they blame the republicans.
This ongoing carnage is because of the lefts goal of a plan to implement a "National Police Force" of screened leftists and anti-Americans.
These people are traitors, pure and simple.
The democrat media convinced everyone that the entire police force in the US is racist, and all because of incidents within democrat controlled cities where a democrat mayor runs the police force and makes up all their rules and regulation and does the hiring and firing.

Just amazing how stupid people are.

All major cities are run by democrats and where these issues are all taking place

Democrats be like... no, derp, it's like the Republicans who wanna defund the police... derp
You brainwashed functional morons don't even know what defund the police means. Mainly having some social workers to answer calls where mental health is involved. It is the stupidest word ever used in a political cliche, everyone agrees.

The murder rate is just black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to whites from the suburbs. They did not get a stimulus check. The GOP war on drugs is a disgrace and a disaster for 50 years now. Let's try treatment and a mental health system for change
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You brainwashed functional morons don't even know what defund the police means. Mainly having some social workers to answer calls where mental health is involved. It is the stupidest word ever used in a political cliche, everyone agrees.

The murder rate is just black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to whites from the suburbs. They did not get a stimulus check. The GOP war on drugs is a disgrace and a disaster for 50 years now. Let's try treatment and a mental health system for change
:abgg2q.jpg: Democrats are hella stupid...

Democrats be like... "Defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police", derp...
:abgg2q.jpg: Democrats are hella stupid...

Democrats be like... "Defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police", derp...
Defund The police I believe started in radical black areas on this topic. Which I don't blame them for. Republicans keep the term going. Great for hateful propaganda like all their crap.

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