This Day in History - 1921 will Live in Infamy


Otis_Clark G. Clark survivor of 1921 Tulsa race riot dies at 109
—Matt Schudel—26 May 2012—

For years, few people dared to speak about what happened on the night of May 31, 1921, during one of the most deadly and devastating race riots in the nation’s history. Otis G. Clark, who was 18 at the time, had grown up in Greenwood, a thriving African American section of Tulsa. During a night that history almost forgot, Mr. Clark dodged bullets, raced through alleys to escape armed mobs and saw his family’s home burned to the ground. He fled Tulsa on a freight train headed north. He would eventually move to Los Angeles, where he was the butler in the home of movie star Joan Crawford. He later turned to preaching and was known as the “world’s oldest evangelist.” But for nine decades, he remained a living witness to a night of horror, when Greenwood died. Mr. Clark died May 21 in Seattle at age 109, family members told the Tulsa World newspaper. The cause of death was not disclosed. . . . A state commission finally issued a report on the riot in 2001.


For some reason my edit function has not worked for months. I have to go through all sorts of contortions to effect a simple edit here is a link that hopefully works:
Otis Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

They wrote an entire book on the phenomenon. Since Blacks can legally fight back now, white boys are afraid of the consequences of trying it today.

Buried in the Bitter Waters The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Elliot Jaspin 9780465036370 Books

"These expulsions, always swift and often violent, were extraordinarily widespread in the period between Reconstruction and the Depression era. In the heart of the Midwest and the Deep South, whites rose up in rage, fear, and resentment to lash out at local blacks. They burned and killed indiscriminately, sweeping entire counties clear of blacks to make them racially “pure.” Many of these counties remain virtually all-white to this day. In Buried in the Bitter Waters, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Elliot Jaspin exposes a deeply shameful chapter in the nation’s history-and one that continues to shape the geography of race in America."
Last edited:
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.

Nothing in this story has squat to do with torturing people in a history class, the "DNC", "FDR" or politics at all. Get your head out of your ass.

In other breaking news, a united Greek front including Plataea and Athens turned back the Persian army, handing King Darius his first major defeat on Greek soil in Marathon outside Athens.

Dafuck's that got to do with race relations? Or with this date in history? Or with us in general?
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

They wrote an entire book on the phenomenon. Since Blacks can legally fight back now, white boys are afraid of the consequences of trying it today.

Buried in the Bitter Waters The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Elliot Jaspin 9780465036370 Books

"These expulsions, always swift and often violent, were extraordinarily widespread in the period between Reconstruction and the Depression era. In the heart of the Midwest and the Deep South, whites rose up in rage, fear, and resentment to lash out at local blacks. They burned and killed indiscriminately, sweeping entire counties clear of blacks to make them racially “pure.” Many of these counties remain virtually all-white to this day. In Buried in the Bitter Waters, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Elliot Jaspin exposes a deeply shameful chapter in the nation’s history-and one that continues to shape the geography of race in America."
so you lied when you said "typical" b/c it hasn't happened since the 1930's.

and you posted proof of your lie.

Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.

Nothing in this story has squat to do with torturing people in a history class, the "DNC", "FDR" or politics at all. Get your head out of your ass.

In other breaking news, a united Greek front including Plataea and Athens turned back the Persian army, handing King Darius his first major defeat on Greek soil in Marathon outside Athens.

Dafuck's that got to do with race relations? Or with this date in history? Or with us in general?
you talked about things that did not get mentioned, I simply added to the list.

sucks when you see the truth about the party you support doesn't it.

fdr is the leftist #1 Pres of all time, when the reality is he was the most evil man to ever be Pres, if truth be told
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

They wrote an entire book on the phenomenon. Since Blacks can legally fight back now, white boys are afraid of the consequences of trying it today.

Buried in the Bitter Waters The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Elliot Jaspin 9780465036370 Books

"These expulsions, always swift and often violent, were extraordinarily widespread in the period between Reconstruction and the Depression era. In the heart of the Midwest and the Deep South, whites rose up in rage, fear, and resentment to lash out at local blacks. They burned and killed indiscriminately, sweeping entire counties clear of blacks to make them racially “pure.” Many of these counties remain virtually all-white to this day. In Buried in the Bitter Waters, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Elliot Jaspin exposes a deeply shameful chapter in the nation’s history-and one that continues to shape the geography of race in America."
so you lied when you said "typical" b/c it hasn't happened since the 1930's.

and you posted proof of your lie.

I guess you are so uneducated you dont know the definition of typical has nothing to do with time nor does thought require action do you?
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.

Nothing in this story has squat to do with torturing people in a history class, the "DNC", "FDR" or politics at all. Get your head out of your ass.

In other breaking news, a united Greek front including Plataea and Athens turned back the Persian army, handing King Darius his first major defeat on Greek soil in Marathon outside Athens.

Dafuck's that got to do with race relations? Or with this date in history? Or with us in general?
you talked about things that did not get mentioned, I simply added to the list.

sucks when you see the truth about the party you support doesn't it.

fdr is the leftist #1 Pres of all time, when the reality is he was the most evil man to ever be Pres, if truth be told

Whatever, go write your Revisionist Histories somewhere else. At the time in question he was a New York lawyer two months away from contracting polio and settling into a mundane existence of reading and stamp collecting. None of which has jack fucking squat to do with the Tulsa Race Riot.

Troll thread deflection attempt noted. If this thread had anything to do with politics it would be in the political forum. It isn't.
It was only a 1-square-mile area on the north side of Tulsa, but for blacks in the 1900s, Greenwood was everything the South was not. Filled with black lawyers, doctors and business owners, flush with prosperity, here was an area where African-Americans finally had a chance to make something of themselves, escaping the harsh racism of a nation that deprived them of even the most basic dignities.

A dollar would circulate 19 times before leaving Greenwood, a byproduct of the segregation laws, which kept blacks from shopping anywhere else but also united the community financially. There was affluence and education in Greenwood not seen anywhere else in the country for African-Americans, and each day more people were coming to carve out a piece of the dream for themselves, adding to the prosperity of the neighborhood.

This was the town Olivia Hooker was born in, the place she called home as a little girl, an African-American child oblivious to the racism plaguing the country until the day in 1921 when all of her neighborhood would be wiped off the map in the space of a day: the bank, the elegant brick homes, the Red Wing Hotel, Mann’s Grocery, the Dreamland Theatre, even her father’s department store, the Sam D. Hooker Store at 124 Greenwood Avenue.

On May 30, 1921, a young black man was accused of assaulting a white woman. That accusation was the tipping point for a town already reeling from racial tension, and would turn into the worst 24 hours in the city’s history, known as the Tulsa Race Riot.

... 19-year-old [Dick] Rowland was riding in an elevator operated by 17-year-old [Sarah] Page. Rowland tripped as he was exiting the elevator and grabbed Page’s arm in an attempt to steady himself. She screamed, and he fled the elevator as a white clerk from a nearby store came to investigate the noise. He assumed Page, apparently distraught from the incident, had been assaulted by Rowland and called the police.

Like a game of telephone, the story became more inflammatory with each retelling, and spread rapidly. Rowland hid in Greenwood, terrified he’d be lynched for allegedly raping a white girl. He was arrested the next morning and taken to the courthouse, where a vigilante mob had arrived to demand that police turn him over to the crowd.

...Over the course of 24 hours, Greenwood would be looted, set ablaze and literally burned off the map. All 35 blocks were gone.

When the smoke cleared on June 1, more than $1.5 million in damage (about $20 million in contemporary dollars) had been done; as many as 300 people, black and white, had been killed; and thousands of black families were left homeless, with nothing but rubble and ash to call home.


Even then, there were people who wanted to pay restitution.

According to a 1921 New York Times article, Judge Loyal J. Martin, a former mayor of Tulsa who chaired the first race riot committee — the Tulsa City Commission — just days after the attack, said in a mass meeting that the city could redeem itself and move forward only “by complete restitution and rehabilitation of the destroyed black belt.”

"The rest of the United States must know that the real citizenship of Tulsa weeps at this unspeakable crime and will make good the damage, so far as it can be done, to the last penny,” he said.

But that never happened. Insurance companies denied claims from African-Americans, leaving them with nothing but the clothes on their backs, forced to start over or leave. Blacks tried to sue the city and state for damages but had their claims blocked or denied, according to the official report.

On June 14, just two weeks after the riot, Mayor T.D. Evans addressed the commission, telling it that the incident was “inevitable” and that the victims “should receive such help as we can give them.”

But then he said something else: “Let us immediately get to the outside fact that everything is quiet in our city, that this menace has been fully conquered, and that we are going on in a normal condition.”

In other words: The city should move on. And for 90 years, that’s what happened.

After an initial flurry of reports, with articles appearing as far away as the London Times, news of the “troubles” in Tulsa vanished.

The Tulsa Race riot, one of the absolute nadirs of American history even in an era of blatant racism, was two days of hell, sending 800 to hospitals (the two "black" hospitals having been burned down along with everything else), arrested more than six thousand and left an estimated ten thousand people homeless -- all because of nothing more than rumor and innuendo.

Well, perhaps "nothing more" is not quite accurate -- the rumor and innuendo was merely the catalyst that set off deep-seated racist hate that had already been manifesting in the decades around it, where lynchings and race riots were almost an everyday occurrence, peaking in the infamous Red Summer of 1919. In Tulsa, thirty-five city blocks were reduced to rubble, including over twelve hundred residences, even attacked by air (in 1921, by AIR) with strafing and firebombs. Deaths were estimated anywhere between 39 and 300.

History books, both in Oklahoma and in the general nation, tend to forget to mention all this.


Got any other excuses for black failure?
Yeah, those Democrats didn't tolerate a black man touching a white woman, even by accident.
Well, they weren't Liberal Democrats now were they? The had to be Conservative by definition as well as by action just like those Conservative Democrats in Ferguson.
Nice try there, Pubic, but your constant denial of liberals being racists is a failure. Liberals have always been the racists and they still are. And you constantly beating that "racist conservatives" drum isn't gonna change it.

Actually the failure is this post. Liberalism invented, and lives by, the credo "all men are created equal". That makes it impossible --by definition-- for a Liberal to be racist. You can be one or the other; not both.

Racism is by nature self-centered, paranoid, isolationist and exclusive. Liberalism is by its nature other-centered, gregarious and INclusive. The two POVs contradict each other.

Finally, a leftist who claims John Locke and Thomas Jefferson weren't racists.
Yeah, those Democrats didn't tolerate a black man touching a white woman, even by accident.
Well, they weren't Liberal Democrats now were they? The had to be Conservative by definition as well as by action just like those Conservative Democrats in Ferguson.
Nice try there, Pubic, but your constant denial of liberals being racists is a failure. Liberals have always been the racists and they still are. And you constantly beating that "racist conservatives" drum isn't gonna change it.

Actually the failure is this post. Liberalism invented, and lives by, the credo "all men are created equal". That makes it impossible --by definition-- for a Liberal to be racist. You can be one or the other; not both.

Racism is by nature self-centered, paranoid, isolationist and exclusive. Liberalism is by its nature other-centered, gregarious and INclusive. The two POVs contradict each other.

Finally, a leftist who claims John Locke and Thomas Jefferson weren't racists.



It was only a 1-square-mile area on the north side of Tulsa, but for blacks in the 1900s, Greenwood was everything the South was not. Filled with black lawyers, doctors and business owners, flush with prosperity, here was an area where African-Americans finally had a chance to make something of themselves, escaping the harsh racism of a nation that deprived them of even the most basic dignities.

A dollar would circulate 19 times before leaving Greenwood, a byproduct of the segregation laws, which kept blacks from shopping anywhere else but also united the community financially. There was affluence and education in Greenwood not seen anywhere else in the country for African-Americans, and each day more people were coming to carve out a piece of the dream for themselves, adding to the prosperity of the neighborhood.

This was the town Olivia Hooker was born in, the place she called home as a little girl, an African-American child oblivious to the racism plaguing the country until the day in 1921 when all of her neighborhood would be wiped off the map in the space of a day: the bank, the elegant brick homes, the Red Wing Hotel, Mann’s Grocery, the Dreamland Theatre, even her father’s department store, the Sam D. Hooker Store at 124 Greenwood Avenue.

On May 30, 1921, a young black man was accused of assaulting a white woman. That accusation was the tipping point for a town already reeling from racial tension, and would turn into the worst 24 hours in the city’s history, known as the Tulsa Race Riot.

... 19-year-old [Dick] Rowland was riding in an elevator operated by 17-year-old [Sarah] Page. Rowland tripped as he was exiting the elevator and grabbed Page’s arm in an attempt to steady himself. She screamed, and he fled the elevator as a white clerk from a nearby store came to investigate the noise. He assumed Page, apparently distraught from the incident, had been assaulted by Rowland and called the police.

Like a game of telephone, the story became more inflammatory with each retelling, and spread rapidly. Rowland hid in Greenwood, terrified he’d be lynched for allegedly raping a white girl. He was arrested the next morning and taken to the courthouse, where a vigilante mob had arrived to demand that police turn him over to the crowd.

...Over the course of 24 hours, Greenwood would be looted, set ablaze and literally burned off the map. All 35 blocks were gone.

When the smoke cleared on June 1, more than $1.5 million in damage (about $20 million in contemporary dollars) had been done; as many as 300 people, black and white, had been killed; and thousands of black families were left homeless, with nothing but rubble and ash to call home.


Even then, there were people who wanted to pay restitution.

According to a 1921 New York Times article, Judge Loyal J. Martin, a former mayor of Tulsa who chaired the first race riot committee — the Tulsa City Commission — just days after the attack, said in a mass meeting that the city could redeem itself and move forward only “by complete restitution and rehabilitation of the destroyed black belt.”

"The rest of the United States must know that the real citizenship of Tulsa weeps at this unspeakable crime and will make good the damage, so far as it can be done, to the last penny,” he said.

But that never happened. Insurance companies denied claims from African-Americans, leaving them with nothing but the clothes on their backs, forced to start over or leave. Blacks tried to sue the city and state for damages but had their claims blocked or denied, according to the official report.

On June 14, just two weeks after the riot, Mayor T.D. Evans addressed the commission, telling it that the incident was “inevitable” and that the victims “should receive such help as we can give them.”

But then he said something else: “Let us immediately get to the outside fact that everything is quiet in our city, that this menace has been fully conquered, and that we are going on in a normal condition.”

In other words: The city should move on. And for 90 years, that’s what happened.

After an initial flurry of reports, with articles appearing as far away as the London Times, news of the “troubles” in Tulsa vanished.

The Tulsa Race riot, one of the absolute nadirs of American history even in an era of blatant racism, was two days of hell, sending 800 to hospitals (the two "black" hospitals having been burned down along with everything else), arrested more than six thousand and left an estimated ten thousand people homeless -- all because of nothing more than rumor and innuendo.

Well, perhaps "nothing more" is not quite accurate -- the rumor and innuendo was merely the catalyst that set off deep-seated racist hate that had already been manifesting in the decades around it, where lynchings and race riots were almost an everyday occurrence, peaking in the infamous Red Summer of 1919. In Tulsa, thirty-five city blocks were reduced to rubble, including over twelve hundred residences, even attacked by air (in 1921, by AIR) with strafing and firebombs. Deaths were estimated anywhere between 39 and 300.

History books, both in Oklahoma and in the general nation, tend to forget to mention all this.


Got any other excuses for black failure?

Got any thoughts that either (a) make a point or (b) are comprehensible?
Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

They wrote an entire book on the phenomenon. Since Blacks can legally fight back now, white boys are afraid of the consequences of trying it today.

Buried in the Bitter Waters The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Elliot Jaspin 9780465036370 Books

"These expulsions, always swift and often violent, were extraordinarily widespread in the period between Reconstruction and the Depression era. In the heart of the Midwest and the Deep South, whites rose up in rage, fear, and resentment to lash out at local blacks. They burned and killed indiscriminately, sweeping entire counties clear of blacks to make them racially “pure.” Many of these counties remain virtually all-white to this day. In Buried in the Bitter Waters, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Elliot Jaspin exposes a deeply shameful chapter in the nation’s history-and one that continues to shape the geography of race in America."
so you lied when you said "typical" b/c it hasn't happened since the 1930's.

and you posted proof of your lie.

I guess you are so uneducated you dont know the definition of typical has nothing to do with time nor does thought require action do you?
[tip-i-kuh l]
of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
conforming to a particular type.
Biology. exemplifying most nearly the essential characteristics of ahigher group in natural history, and forming the type :
the typical genus of a family.
characteristic or distinctive:
He has the mannerisms typical of his class.
pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as a type or emblem;symbolic.

go kill your grades chool English teacher for letting you out of 2nd grade

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.

Nothing in this story has squat to do with torturing people in a history class, the "DNC", "FDR" or politics at all. Get your head out of your ass.

In other breaking news, a united Greek front including Plataea and Athens turned back the Persian army, handing King Darius his first major defeat on Greek soil in Marathon outside Athens.

Dafuck's that got to do with race relations? Or with this date in history? Or with us in general?
you talked about things that did not get mentioned, I simply added to the list.

sucks when you see the truth about the party you support doesn't it.

fdr is the leftist #1 Pres of all time, when the reality is he was the most evil man to ever be Pres, if truth be told

Whatever, go write your Revisionist Histories somewhere else. At the time in question he was a New York lawyer two months away from contracting polio and settling into a mundane existence of reading and stamp collecting. None of which has jack fucking squat to do with the Tulsa Race Riot.

Troll thread deflection attempt noted. If this thread had anything to do with politics it would be in the political forum. It isn't.
I didn't revise jack, everything I said is true.

I'm not trolling you racist assbag, I'm pointing out other history that also glossed over.

You only brought this up b/c of the tensions CREATED BY YOU LEFTIST, in some fake punkassed attempt to keep the hate going.
Good question -- that's in large part the point of this thread; when events are buried, kept out of the history books, paved over and ignored it can be hard to tell. Take the Florida massacres linked in post 2 -- had you ever heard of that before that post? I hadn't. Yet there's another town wiped out (actually two towns), a victim burned at the stake, vigilante groups coming back days later to finish burning the place to the ground........... and all this goes completely unreported for sixty years.
So nothing since the 30's.

You won't hear about the Watts riots or that FDR tortured innocent Americans in history class.


B/c it doesn't fit the leftist agenda that the dnc is the savior of the black race and that blacks can't make it on their own.

Nothing in this story has squat to do with torturing people in a history class, the "DNC", "FDR" or politics at all. Get your head out of your ass.

In other breaking news, a united Greek front including Plataea and Athens turned back the Persian army, handing King Darius his first major defeat on Greek soil in Marathon outside Athens.

Dafuck's that got to do with race relations? Or with this date in history? Or with us in general?
you talked about things that did not get mentioned, I simply added to the list.

sucks when you see the truth about the party you support doesn't it.

fdr is the leftist #1 Pres of all time, when the reality is he was the most evil man to ever be Pres, if truth be told

Whatever, go write your Revisionist Histories somewhere else. At the time in question he was a New York lawyer two months away from contracting polio and settling into a mundane existence of reading and stamp collecting. None of which has jack fucking squat to do with the Tulsa Race Riot.

Troll thread deflection attempt noted. If this thread had anything to do with politics it would be in the political forum. It isn't.
I didn't revise jack, everything I said is true.

I'm not trolling you racist assbag, I'm pointing out other history that also glossed over.

You only brought this up b/c of the tensions CREATED BY YOU LEFTIST, in some fake punkassed attempt to keep the hate going.

You poor pathetic paranoid partisan hack.
I started this thread because it was the date of the anniversary falling on a weekend that would allow ample reflection on an important event that went ignored by history, and I had a nicely-written article in hand featuring an interview with a survivor of it.

None of which has the slightest inkling of a hint of a shadow of a suggestion of anything whatsoever to do with Da Eebil Monster FDR, just as the background that brought about that event and myriad others like it had exactly the same amount of zero inkling-hint-shadow-suggestion to do with Da Eebil Monster "leftist" [sic]. Grow the fuck up.

Now begone, troll.
The anniversary of the Tulsa Race Riot is one of the midpoints of such violence occurring between 1920 AND 1923. Here is the events of heroic Blacks in Rosewood, Fla. and surrounding communities, defending themselves against Pink savages with murder in their cold, steel -blue eyes.

Four black men in McClenny are removed from the local jail and lynched for the alleged rape of a white woman.

Two whites and at least five blacks are killed in Ocoee in a dispute over voting rights. The black community of Ocoee is destroyed, 25 homes, 2 churches, and a Masonic Lodge.

A black man in Wauchula is lynched for an alleged attack on a white woman.

A black man in Perry is burned at the stake, accused of the murder of a white school teacher. A black church, school, Masonic Lodge, and meeting hall are burned.

On New Year's Eve a large Ku Klux Klan Parade is held in Gainesville.

Early morning: Fannie Taylor reports an attack by an unidentified black man.

Monday afternoon: Aaron Carrier is apprehended by a posse and is spirited out of the area by Sheriff Walker.

Late afternoon: A posse of white vigilantes apprehend and kill a black man named Sam Carter.

Armed whites begin gathering in Sumner.

Late evening: White vigilantes attack the Carrier house. Two white men are killed, and several others wounded. A black woman, Sarah Carrier is killed and others inside the Carrier house are either killed or wounded. Rosewood's black residents flee into the swamps. One black church is burned, and several unprotected homes.

Lexie Gordon, a black citizen of Rosewood, is murdered.

Approximately 200-300 white men from surrounding areas begin to converge on Rosewood. The negro section is destroyed by fire.

Mingo Williams is murdered.

Governor Cary Hardee is notified, and Sheriff Walker reports that he fears "no further disorder." The Sheriff of Alachua County arrives in Rosewood to assist Sheriff Walker.

James Carrier is murdered.

A train evacuates refugees, the Rosewood families, to Archer and Gainesville.

A mob of 100-150 whites return to Rosewood and burn the remaining structures.

A black man in Newberry is convicted of stealing cattle. He is removed from his cell and lynched by local whites.

A Grand Jury convenes in Bronson to investigate the Rosewood riot.

The Grand Jury finds "insufficient evidence" to prosecute.

The first mention of the Rosewood riot in a religious publications, by Nathaniel Scippio and his wife Delia, in the Church of God by Faith Handbook, 2nd Edition.

Gary Moore and Joe Tonelli, published the first detailed account of the massaere to reach the general public, Floridan, St. Peresburg Times Newspaper

The Rosewood Family Reunion was established in Lacoochee, Florida.


Cummer & Sons Sawmill in Sumner as it was in the early 1920s.

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Typical modus operandi for racists whites. They destroy what you built out of jealousy then complain about you hating them. :laugh:

that would mean it's common place.

So when was the last time this happened?

They wrote an entire book on the phenomenon. Since Blacks can legally fight back now, white boys are afraid of the consequences of trying it today.

Buried in the Bitter Waters The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America Elliot Jaspin 9780465036370 Books

"These expulsions, always swift and often violent, were extraordinarily widespread in the period between Reconstruction and the Depression era. In the heart of the Midwest and the Deep South, whites rose up in rage, fear, and resentment to lash out at local blacks. They burned and killed indiscriminately, sweeping entire counties clear of blacks to make them racially “pure.” Many of these counties remain virtually all-white to this day. In Buried in the Bitter Waters, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Elliot Jaspin exposes a deeply shameful chapter in the nation’s history-and one that continues to shape the geography of race in America."
so you lied when you said "typical" b/c it hasn't happened since the 1930's.

and you posted proof of your lie.

I guess you are so uneducated you dont know the definition of typical has nothing to do with time nor does thought require action do you?
[tip-i-kuh l]
of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
conforming to a particular type.
Biology. exemplifying most nearly the essential characteristics of ahigher group in natural history, and forming the type :
the typical genus of a family.
characteristic or distinctive:
He has the mannerisms typical of his class.
pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as a type or emblem;symbolic.

go kill your grades chool English teacher for letting you out of 2nd grade
Good boy. Now do you see why I laughed at you?
most leftist are racist hate mongers, but can't be honest about why they say things, and when crushed they turn to anything but what's being talked about.

pogo you posted this to fan the flames of hate
asslips, you're just a liar and got crushed for lying
most leftist are racist hate mongers, but can't be honest about why they say things, and when crushed they turn to anything but what's being talked about.

pogo you posted this to fan the flames of hate
asslips, you're just a liar and got crushed for lying

Quote this "lie", troll boy.

(That oughta send him running.)

Or do something constructive and essplain to us all why you're trying so hard to bury this story AGAIN. Wasn't it buried long enough?
Sadly, many still choose to point to horrific events in this country's past (1921 and 1923, for example) in a cynical and transparent effort to tie the past to the present.

Blacks deserve far better than what has been done to them by those who claim to "care".

Sadly, history books and contemporary news accounts completely forgot to mention these for up to sixty years. Or more.

Some try to derail to politics or cherrypicked irrelevant figures. Others come in to try to belittle the significance, just as those historical omissions did. Now it's on to questioning motives of what is plainly and provably actual historical events... :rolleyes:

Must be a bitch reading other people's minds -- rather than listening to what they're saying.

Revisionism will not be tolerated. Like it or lump it. Those who ignore their own history condemn themselves to repeat it.

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