This date in history in 732


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
and nowadays the West imports the 'muslim' invaders and gives them money and housing and in the USA gives them the vote . Its amazing for me to see .
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
Isn't that the guy they later called Charlemagne?

Nope. It was his grandson.
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Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
The guy couldn't afford a sword? A HAMMER? I think something is getting lost in the translation.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
The guy couldn't afford a sword? A HAMMER? I think something is getting lost in the translation.

If you get smacked in the back of the head with a hammer, you feel it. Not to say that a sword isn't also an effective weapon- and the pike, mace and other weapons are too, but Mr. Martel was adept at using a hammer.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
The guy couldn't afford a sword? A HAMMER? I think something is getting lost in the translation.
His 'genius' at the time was training his troops to fight as a unit and to follow specific orders as well as knowing his enemy and how they marched and fought. Battles at this time tended to mostly melees where the commander had little influence once the battle was joined. The Moorish army was mostly mercenaries who were paid with the captured booty which weighed down the army on the march, slowing it's advance to a crawl and giving Martel time to prepare. His army consisted of mostly mounted infantry with some lightly trained conscripts, he chose his ground and place a large number of dismounted veterans among the conscripts bolstering their courage and kept a number of heavy cavalry in reserve. When the Moors finally attacked it was piecemeal cavalry charges which were easily beaten back then Martel sent his cavalry around the Moor's flank to attack their encampment causing the Moorish mercenaries to withdraw to protect their loot. At the same time Martel ordered his army into an all out attack on the Moors, the Moorish general was killed and the rest of the Moorish army fell back to their encampment. The next morning Martel discovered the Moors had retreated leaving all of their spoils behind.
He received his sobriquet because of his resounding victory over the Moors not because of the weapon he carried.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
The guy couldn't afford a sword? A HAMMER? I think something is getting lost in the translation.

If you get smacked in the back of the head with a hammer, you feel it. Not to say that a sword isn't also an effective weapon- and the pike, mace and other weapons are too, but Mr. Martel was adept at using a hammer.
Just seems like in hand to hand combat, you could keep a bit more distance with a sword or pike than a hammer. Not that there is anything wrong with a hammer....
Guy here was arrested over the weekend for attempting sexual assault using a staple gun.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.
The guy couldn't afford a sword? A HAMMER? I think something is getting lost in the translation.
His 'genius' at the time was training his troops to fight as a unit and to follow specific orders as well as knowing his enemy and how they marched and fought. Battles at this time tended to mostly melees where the commander had little influence once the battle was joined. The Moorish army was mostly mercenaries who were paid with the captured booty which weighed down the army on the march, slowing it's advance to a crawl and giving Martel time to prepare. His army consisted of mostly mounted infantry with some lightly trained conscripts, he chose his ground and place a large number of dismounted veterans among the conscripts bolstering their courage and kept a number of heavy cavalry in reserve. When the Moors finally attacked it was piecemeal cavalry charges which were easily beaten back then Martel sent his cavalry around the Moor's flank to attack their encampment causing the Moorish mercenaries to withdraw to protect their loot. At the same time Martel ordered his army into an all out attack on the Moors, the Moorish general was killed and the rest of the Moorish army fell back to their encampment. The next morning Martel discovered the Moors had retreated leaving all of their spoils behind.
He received his sobriquet because of his resounding victory over the Moors not because of the weapon he carried.
And don't forget all the loot! I hear soldiers in those days expected loot as reimbursement.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.

Which Inquisition was the worst?
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

What was the temperature?

Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.

Which Inquisition was the worst?

The Roman Inquisition didn't kill anybody; the other two were extremely mild ones. They were merely cautions against having a 5th column in their midst in the event Muslims attempted to take Spain back after the Christians took it back. At most 3,000 were executed, not a big deal by the standards of those days. Your ISIS heroes killed a lot more than that, and the last two Jewish kings in what is now Yemen before the Muslim invasions murdered some 40,000 Christians. So, pretty tame stuff all around, especially compared to the beloved pagans, whose human sacrifices alone were far bloodier on a routine basis.

Anybody needs 'cites' for any of this just find yourself a copy of The Jewish Encyclopedia; I think archiveorg has a scanned copy for free.
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War hammers were pretty effective weapons, especially against armor, by the way. They didn't look like carpenter's hammers, in case some don't know that.
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.

Which Inquisition was the worst?

The Roman Inquisition didn't kill anybody; the other two were extremely mild ones. They were merely cautions against having a 5th column in their midst in the event Muslims attempted to take Spain back after the Christians took it back. At most 3,000 were executed, not a big deal by the standards of those days. Your ISIS heroes killed a lot more than that, and the last two Jewish kings in what is now Yemen before the Muslim invasions murdered some 40,000 Christians. So, pretty tame stuff all around, especially compared to the beloved pagans, whose human sacrifices alone were far bloodier on a routine basis.

My ISIS hero's? Where did that come from? Perhaps you can try to be more offensive and drive your fellow posters away from your points of view.....unless you are a Manchurian poster so to say.....

I know always starting fights when talking became cool back in the 90's with them angry talk radio hosts.

So back to the subject, there were three Inquisitions. Which was the bloodiest of the wars of the reformation between the different catholics, er christians?
Charles The Hammer Martel turned back a massive influx of Islamic illegal aliens in Tours.

He saved Europe from the Islamonazi hordes with his brilliant move beating on the Illegals with a hammer- hence his nickname.

Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.

Which Inquisition was the worst?

The Roman Inquisition didn't kill anybody; the other two were extremely mild ones. They were merely cautions against having a 5th column in their midst in the event Muslims attempted to take Spain back after the Christians took it back. At most 3,000 were executed, not a big deal by the standards of those days. Your ISIS heroes killed a lot more than that, and the last two Jewish kings in what is now Yemen before the Muslim invasions murdered some 40,000 Christians. So, pretty tame stuff all around, especially compared to the beloved pagans, whose human sacrifices alone were far bloodier on a routine basis.

My ISIS hero's? Where did that come from? Perhaps you can try to be more offensive and drive your fellow posters away from your points of view.....unless you are a Manchurian poster so to say.....

I know always starting fights when talking became cool back in the 90's with them angry talk radio hosts.

So back to the subject, there were three Inquisitions. Which was the bloodiest of the wars of the reformation between the different catholics, er christians?

What fights? Nothing I said is debatable; you were obviously trying ti get a Pity Party up for Muslims and their allies, based on cherry picking 'Da Inquistion N Stuff', as if it were 'equal' to all Islamic oppression, and trying to derail the topic away to some stupid falsehoods in the 1600's about 'Da Reformation N Stuff', so why whine when called on it? Your left wing friends will love you for it. Give us a 'shout out For Sharia, be proud of your atavism and silly fake history.
Well, the verbiage is interesting....

I'll point out the 2nd siege of Constantinople was only 15 years previous to this. The Eastern Roman Empire should earn some props too.

These are two events I'm very happy went "right".

BUT, before the group think sets in, the Inquisition was yet to come so yea, go Western "civilization".

Ah, the 'evul Inquisition'. lol lol lol

The Inquistion was a piece of cake compared to the Muslim Conquests. Most people don't know Jewish soldiers marched in with the Muslim armies, and did very well in the loot dept. themselves, as well as being the Muslim's occupation troops in several Spanish cities, happily oppressing the peasants and making even more loot for hundreds of years. So yea, they got the same deals Muslims got, convert or leave, far more generous terms than most got under Muslim invaders, so no tears need be shed over 'Inqusitions'. There were three of them, by the way, not one.

Which Inquisition was the worst?

The Roman Inquisition didn't kill anybody; the other two were extremely mild ones. They were merely cautions against having a 5th column in their midst in the event Muslims attempted to take Spain back after the Christians took it back. At most 3,000 were executed, not a big deal by the standards of those days. Your ISIS heroes killed a lot more than that, and the last two Jewish kings in what is now Yemen before the Muslim invasions murdered some 40,000 Christians. So, pretty tame stuff all around, especially compared to the beloved pagans, whose human sacrifices alone were far bloodier on a routine basis.

My ISIS hero's? Where did that come from? Perhaps you can try to be more offensive and drive your fellow posters away from your points of view.....unless you are a Manchurian poster so to say.....

I know always starting fights when talking became cool back in the 90's with them angry talk radio hosts.

So back to the subject, there were three Inquisitions. Which was the bloodiest of the wars of the reformation between the different catholics, er christians?

What fights? Nothing I said is debatable; you were obviously trying ti get a Pity Party up for Muslims and their allies, based on cherry picking 'Da Inquistion N Stuff', as if it were 'equal' to all Islamic oppression, and trying to derail the topic away to some stupid falsehoods in the 1600's about 'Da Reformation N Stuff', so why whine when called on it? Your left wing friends will love you for it. Give us a 'shout out For Sharia, be proud of your atavism and silly fake history.

Yup, the guy who said the Eastern Roman Empire deserves props and I'm happy those battles went the "right" way is looking for a pity party for Islam.

Buddy, there is a different between kow towing and group think. We're not here to worship or fall in line unquestioning. Get that rebel spirit back, quit being a following lemur.

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