Gold Member
May 6, 1960 Eisenhower Signs Only Second Civil Rights Legislation Since Reconstruction
"I have today signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1960. It is only the second civil rights measure to pass the Congress in 85 years. As was the case with the Act of 1957, recommendations of this Administration underlie the features of the Civil Rights Act of 1960."
"The new Act is concerned with a range of civil rights problems. One title makes it a crime to obstruct rights or duties under Federal court orders by force or threat of force. That provision will be an important deterrent to such obstruction which interferes with the execution of Federal court orders, including those involving school desegregation. Provision is also made to assure free public education to all children of Armed Forces personnel in the United States where local public school facilities are unavailable. By authorizing the FBI to investigate certain bombings or attempted bombings of schools, churches and other structures, the Act will deter such heinous acts of lawlessness."
Unlike many of today's Republican officials who are fully engaged in voter suppression, D.D.E. was actually defending the right to vote. And as I said about voter suppression in Arizona it is not just Black votes they're trying to limit. White Republicans got screwed in the Arizona mess along with everyone else. Ultra-Right anti-vote organizations like ALEC who are writing the "voter id" laws and all the vote-killer Bills would just as soon discount everybody's vote. They hate the "goo goo" syndrome too.