Think you know about slavery? You don’t. A repost


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Think you know about slavery? You don’t. A repost

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By DrJohn
I first posted this back in July 2015 but given the nonsense transpiring now I felt compelled to once again review the facts about slavery. Slavery was NOT created in the colonies. It was imported to the colonies from Africa. The Dutch went to Africa originally seeking gold and were paid in gold for transporting African slaves from one African port to another for black African slave owners. It’s all here and a lot of it will be uncomfortable to many.
Certain things tend to set off triggers in you. For me it was Don Lemon– when he joined the flag-damning freaking idiot liberal lemmings in their bloodlust considering the removal of the Jefferson memorial:
CNN’s Don Lemon on Tuesday hinted that there will come a day when the United States will have to “rethink” tributes such as the Jefferson Memorial. After a contentious segment with Ben Jones, in which the former Congressman defended the Confederate flag, Legal View host Ashley Banfield brought up the author of the Declaration of Independence.​
She reminded, “There is a monument of him in the capital city of the United States. No one ever asked for that to come down.” At first, Lemon asserted that the comparison was not “equal” and that Jefferson “was a part of the entire United States.” He then added, “There may come a day when we may want to rethink Jefferson, I don’t if we should do that. But when we get to that point, I’ll be happy to partake in that particular discussion.”​
And so will I.
I’d already warned about this and I got to watch it take place. With each passing day liberals become more and more like ISIS- seeking to purge history of anything they deem politically incorrect according to THEIR version of politically correct history. Let’s go back and look at how slavery came to be. Here are some hard facts.
Thomas Jefferson had nothing but contempt for slavery:
Thomas Jefferson was a consistent opponent of slavery his whole life. Calling it a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation. Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty. These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm.​
At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition. In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans. In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories. But Jefferson always maintained that the decision to emancipate slaves would have to be part of a democratic process; abolition would be stymied until slaveowners consented to free their human property together in a large-scale act of emancipation. To Jefferson, it was anti-democratic and contrary to the principles of the American Revolution for the federal government to enact abolition or for only a few planters to free their slaves.​
But don’t blame Jefferson for slavery. Don’t blame the Founding Fathers for slavery. They didn’t invent slavery, although MSNBC and CNN would have you believe they did.
Blame the Sumerians.
Slavery wasn’t invented in Africa. It’s probably a Mesopotamian concept, practiced in Sumeria for millennia before it was seen in Africa. Slavery has long been a staple of Islam and Muslim countries. Islam is also indelibly intertwined with African slavery.
Slavery still exists in Africa today.
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
Slavery Today
Slavery in Africa is still alive
FACT: The blame for slavery being present in the New World derives from African slave owners. Perhaps it is the billionaires of Africa from whom reparations should be sought.

Hmm...., Anthony Johnson is the first documented colonist slave owner (as opposed to indentured servant) was Black.
Slavery and racism (whether based on race or culture) is older than written history.
Who should pay reparations? Democrats. Only those who support Democrat candidates, who have supported Democrat candidates because it was the Democrat party that supported slavery, defended slavery, created Jim Crow, created the KKK and implemented institutionalized racism across the South. They've created Blue city plantations and packed their ghettos with their Blacks paid and taught them little while filling their heads with victimization and racism.
In atonement, all they’ve ever done is blame others for racism and slavery. It’s no coincidence that every time Democrats compare election integrity laws to some evil historic reference, it is always something the Democrats were responsible for.
Want to end racism and hold the prime villains accountable? Target those responsible.
Jefferson..who so hated slavery that he kept slaves until his death. Who so loved his slaves that he fathered children upon them--and kept his children in bondage as well.
Yeah because lets say you own 100 slaves and wake up one morning and say ok you are free now get off of my property. Or you could say you are free if you want to work here and stay living in those quarters you get X and rent is X and at the end of the month you are in debt.

Think you know about slavery? You don’t. A repost

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By DrJohn
I first posted this back in July 2015 but given the nonsense transpiring now I felt compelled to once again review the facts about slavery. Slavery was NOT created in the colonies. It was imported to the colonies from Africa. The Dutch went to Africa originally seeking gold and were paid in gold for transporting African slaves from one African port to another for black African slave owners. It’s all here and a lot of it will be uncomfortable to many.
Certain things tend to set off triggers in you. For me it was Don Lemon– when he joined the flag-damning freaking idiot liberal lemmings in their bloodlust considering the removal of the Jefferson memorial:
CNN’s Don Lemon on Tuesday hinted that there will come a day when the United States will have to “rethink” tributes such as the Jefferson Memorial. After a contentious segment with Ben Jones, in which the former Congressman defended the Confederate flag, Legal View host Ashley Banfield brought up the author of the Declaration of Independence.​
She reminded, “There is a monument of him in the capital city of the United States. No one ever asked for that to come down.” At first, Lemon asserted that the comparison was not “equal” and that Jefferson “was a part of the entire United States.” He then added, “There may come a day when we may want to rethink Jefferson, I don’t if we should do that. But when we get to that point, I’ll be happy to partake in that particular discussion.”​
And so will I.
I’d already warned about this and I got to watch it take place. With each passing day liberals become more and more like ISIS- seeking to purge history of anything they deem politically incorrect according to THEIR version of politically correct history. Let’s go back and look at how slavery came to be. Here are some hard facts.
Thomas Jefferson had nothing but contempt for slavery:
Thomas Jefferson was a consistent opponent of slavery his whole life. Calling it a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation. Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty. These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm.​
At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition. In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans. In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories. But Jefferson always maintained that the decision to emancipate slaves would have to be part of a democratic process; abolition would be stymied until slaveowners consented to free their human property together in a large-scale act of emancipation. To Jefferson, it was anti-democratic and contrary to the principles of the American Revolution for the federal government to enact abolition or for only a few planters to free their slaves.​
But don’t blame Jefferson for slavery. Don’t blame the Founding Fathers for slavery. They didn’t invent slavery, although MSNBC and CNN would have you believe they did.
Blame the Sumerians.
Slavery wasn’t invented in Africa. It’s probably a Mesopotamian concept, practiced in Sumeria for millennia before it was seen in Africa. Slavery has long been a staple of Islam and Muslim countries. Islam is also indelibly intertwined with African slavery.
Slavery still exists in Africa today.
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
Slavery Today
Slavery in Africa is still alive
FACT: The blame for slavery being present in the New World derives from African slave owners. Perhaps it is the billionaires of Africa from whom reparations should be sought.

Hmm...., Anthony Johnson is the first documented colonist slave owner (as opposed to indentured servant) was Black.
Slavery and racism (whether based on race or culture) is older than written history.
Who should pay reparations? Democrats. Only those who support Democrat candidates, who have supported Democrat candidates because it was the Democrat party that supported slavery, defended slavery, created Jim Crow, created the KKK and implemented institutionalized racism across the South. They've created Blue city plantations and packed their ghettos with their Blacks paid and taught them little while filling their heads with victimization and racism.
In atonement, all they’ve ever done is blame others for racism and slavery. It’s no coincidence that every time Democrats compare election integrity laws to some evil historic reference, it is always something the Democrats were responsible for.
Want to end racism and hold the prime villains accountable? Target those responsible.

The facts is that slavery was a worldwide phenomenon.

Slavery is still a huge problem today - which few seem to care about.

Africans and Arabs played a very big part in providing the slaves being sold to the Americas and Caribbean Basin - which many want to deny.

Slavery was bad but it is not gone - the real question is what should we be doing to end slavery in the present?

I think Sleepy Joe needs to take decisive action on Slavery while he has a chance.

Time to pull the statue out of the Jefferson Memorial and replace it with George Floyd. Also , long past time to commission a bust of Michael Brown for the nickel, with portrayal of the Ferguson Liquor Store that was burned in Brown's honor on the reverse replacing Monticello.
Because other places had slavery that justifies it here? That makes slave owning something we shouldn't condemn?

They are trying to claim that since slavery was also in South America and the Caribbean it justifies having it here
We had something they did not have…..
An elected government and a Constitution
Bottom line: By the next century (or before), the United States of America will become a country of mostly African American and Hispanic people.

They will call the shots.

As they should.

The Jefferson Memorial WILL be renamed. Maybe the George Floyd Memorial (I am not being sarcastic).

The current House of Representatives has already renamed our capital "Washington, [Frederick] Douglass Commonwealth."

It only makes sense that "Washington" will eventually be replaced by someone whom African Americans or Hispanic Americans revere.
Bottom line: By the next century (or before), the United States of America will become a country of mostly African American and Hispanic people.

They will call the shots.

As they should.

The Jefferson Memorial WILL be renamed. Maybe the George Floyd Memorial (I am not being sarcastic).

The current House of Representatives has already renamed our capital "Washington, [Frederick] Douglass Commonwealth."

It only makes sense that "Washington" will eventually be replaced by someone whom African Americans or Hispanic Americans revere.

What makes you think that Hispanic Americans are going to remain as a separate racial group for a hundred years? History tells us most immigrants assimilate- you don't see that as probable here?

A lot of people currently in America who have Spanish based surnames already consider themselves to be Honkies. A fellow I knew in school, who grandfather immigrated to Ohio early in the 20th Century, was indistinguishable from anyone else by the 1970's. The boy's name was "Jimenez" , but the pronunciation was "Gym a Nezz". If you called him "Heem e Neth", he'd kick your ass. Simple to a German fellow I knew whose name was "Wagner"- if you called him "Vaugner", you'd be asking for and should be ready for a fight.

Think you know about slavery? You don’t. A repost

17 Jul 2021 ~~ By DrJohn
I first posted this back in July 2015 but given the nonsense transpiring now I felt compelled to once again review the facts about slavery. Slavery was NOT created in the colonies. It was imported to the colonies from Africa. The Dutch went to Africa originally seeking gold and were paid in gold for transporting African slaves from one African port to another for black African slave owners. It’s all here and a lot of it will be uncomfortable to many.
Certain things tend to set off triggers in you. For me it was Don Lemon– when he joined the flag-damning freaking idiot liberal lemmings in their bloodlust considering the removal of the Jefferson memorial:
CNN’s Don Lemon on Tuesday hinted that there will come a day when the United States will have to “rethink” tributes such as the Jefferson Memorial. After a contentious segment with Ben Jones, in which the former Congressman defended the Confederate flag, Legal View host Ashley Banfield brought up the author of the Declaration of Independence.​
She reminded, “There is a monument of him in the capital city of the United States. No one ever asked for that to come down.” At first, Lemon asserted that the comparison was not “equal” and that Jefferson “was a part of the entire United States.” He then added, “There may come a day when we may want to rethink Jefferson, I don’t if we should do that. But when we get to that point, I’ll be happy to partake in that particular discussion.”​
And so will I.
I’d already warned about this and I got to watch it take place. With each passing day liberals become more and more like ISIS- seeking to purge history of anything they deem politically incorrect according to THEIR version of politically correct history. Let’s go back and look at how slavery came to be. Here are some hard facts.
Thomas Jefferson had nothing but contempt for slavery:
Thomas Jefferson was a consistent opponent of slavery his whole life. Calling it a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation. Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty. These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm.​
At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition. In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans. In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories. But Jefferson always maintained that the decision to emancipate slaves would have to be part of a democratic process; abolition would be stymied until slaveowners consented to free their human property together in a large-scale act of emancipation. To Jefferson, it was anti-democratic and contrary to the principles of the American Revolution for the federal government to enact abolition or for only a few planters to free their slaves.​
But don’t blame Jefferson for slavery. Don’t blame the Founding Fathers for slavery. They didn’t invent slavery, although MSNBC and CNN would have you believe they did.
Blame the Sumerians.
Slavery wasn’t invented in Africa. It’s probably a Mesopotamian concept, practiced in Sumeria for millennia before it was seen in Africa. Slavery has long been a staple of Islam and Muslim countries. Islam is also indelibly intertwined with African slavery.
Slavery still exists in Africa today.
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
Slavery Today
Slavery in Africa is still alive
FACT: The blame for slavery being present in the New World derives from African slave owners. Perhaps it is the billionaires of Africa from whom reparations should be sought.

Hmm...., Anthony Johnson is the first documented colonist slave owner (as opposed to indentured servant) was Black.
Slavery and racism (whether based on race or culture) is older than written history.
Who should pay reparations? Democrats. Only those who support Democrat candidates, who have supported Democrat candidates because it was the Democrat party that supported slavery, defended slavery, created Jim Crow, created the KKK and implemented institutionalized racism across the South. They've created Blue city plantations and packed their ghettos with their Blacks paid and taught them little while filling their heads with victimization and racism.
In atonement, all they’ve ever done is blame others for racism and slavery. It’s no coincidence that every time Democrats compare election integrity laws to some evil historic reference, it is always something the Democrats were responsible for.
Want to end racism and hold the prime villains accountable? Target those responsible.

Slavery in the New World pretty much began with providing labor for the Sugar Plantations in Recif, Brazil. The Dutch West Indies company had a lot of stockholders.

I don't think the Dutch or any Europeans got beyond coastal Africa. What gold were they looking for and where?
Jefferson..who so hated slavery that he kept slaves until his death. Who so loved his slaves that he fathered children upon them--and kept his children in bondage as well.
Yeah because lets say you own 100 slaves and wake up one morning and say ok you are free now get off of my property. Or you could say you are free if you want to work here and stay living in those quarters you get X and rent is X and at the end of the month you are in debt. could acknowledge your responsibility and endeavor to return them to their homes...with adequate compensation to cover the value you derived from their labors. could use your position of power to rape them..and yes..if consent is not required it's rape....have some slave babies and prattle on about the plight of the black man and how you hate the very system that enables your sexually predatory behavior.

Jefferson picked the latter.

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